Tuesday, May 31, 2016


de:BernieSanders.com info@berniesanders.com
responder a:Info@berniesanders.com
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com>
data:31 de maio de 2016 16:40
assunto:AMAZING from today:
enviado por:bounce.bluestatedigital.com
assinado por:berniesanders.com

Bernie Sanders for President

    This was amazing the first time we showed it to you in October, Paulo Augusto, and it's just as amazing today.

What you're seeing is a real feed from earlier today of people responding to Bernie's email from this morning, adding their contributions before the final FEC fundraising deadline of the primary.

Tens of thousands of people have already contributed today before themidnight FEC fundraising deadline, adding $2.70, $27, or whatever they can afford. 

I hope you can join them as we prepare for the last week of voting in our primary.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.


Bernie Sanders for President

Dears Compatriots,

   This was amazing the first time we showed it to you in October, Compatriots, and it's just as amazing today.

What you're seeing is a real feed from earlier today of people responding to Bernie's email from this morning, adding their contributions before the final FEC fundraising deadline of the primary.

Tens of thousands of people have already contributed today before themidnight FEC fundraising deadline, adding $2.70, $27, or whatever they can afford. I hope you can join them as we prepare for the last week of voting in our primary.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.



       Today is one of the most important days of our campaign: the final FEC fundraising deadline of the Democratic primary.

The last six states vote in one week, including California — the contest with the most delegates at stake in this race.

 And what today’s deadline will tell us is whether or not working people coming together and contributing small amounts of money can compete and win to the end against the millionaires and billionaires who have bankrolled Hillary Clinton’s campaign and her largest super PACs.

Our mission now is to go into the Democratic convention with as many votes, delegates and states as possible.

 From there, superdelegates will have to consider who is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump. 

That’s why I have to ask:

Let me be very honest. 

Our path to victory is very narrow. 

It would take us defying every single expectationnext Tuesday and making a very convincing case at the convention. 

But we have been fighting uphill from day one, and I believe we owe it to ourselves to try. 

That’s why your contribution before tonight’s deadline, the last of the primary, is so important.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Bernie 2016

(not the billionaires)

PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE

This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Bernie Sanders for President

Dear Compatriots,

   Thanks in no small part to your efforts on the phones last weekend, voter registration numbers in California saw a big surge right before the May 23rd deadline.

We also learned this week that – according to a poll from the Public Policy Institute of California – we're now within striking distance of a victory in California on June 7th.

Our in-state staff and volunteers are working incredibly hard for the win, but they need your help.

 This is the most critical weekend for us to get on the phones and identify Bernie supporters, so that next week our ground teams know which doors to knock and which voters to persuade. 

Can you pitch in an hour or two of your time this weekend to help Bernie win California?

If you'd prefer to team up with other Bernie supporters and make calls from a phonebanking party in your community, our awesome volunteer hosts would love to have you! Please RSVP below:

Monday, May 30ᵗʰ in Miami

If you've never called voters for Bernie before, don't worry – it's not hard. 

You just need a computer or a tablet, and a phone. We provide a simple script for you to follow, and dedicated volunteers are standing by on livechat to assist if you run into any problems.

Thanks to your support, we've won 21 primaries and caucuses so far this year – a result that no one would have predicted when we launched this campaign just over a year ago.

 California represents the biggest prize of all, with 475 pledged delegates at stake, and a victory there would send a gigantic signal to the political establishment that our movement has real staying power.

With your help, we'll keep this political revolution going all the way to the convention in Philadelphia. So we hope you can help out this weekend andsign up to call for an hour or two.

In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Friday, May 27, 2016


Bernie Sanders for President

Dear Compatriots,

California, here we come. 

A shocking new poll just came out that shows us just TWO POINTS back from Secretary Clinton in California's June 7 primary.

California Poll (May 13-22)
Public Policy Institute of California
Hillary Clinton: 46%
Bernie Sanders: 44%

The first poll of this primary in California had us losing the state by 53 percent. Now we're within striking distance of winning the most delegates in a single state of this entire election.

Winning California would send an unmistakable message to the political establishment and the Democratic convention, and that's why we have to ask for your help in two ways:

Make no mistake: every vote we earn, delegate we secure, and state we win is an affirmation of the progressive values shared by our political revolution. 

That's why we're going to have thousands of volunteers knocking on doors and making calls this weekend, and why we're going to work hard towards the final FEC deadline of our primary next week.

Bernie wants to see California in our win column. 

I do too.

Do you?

Five more states also vote with California, and we're going to fight to win there too.

 Let's keep our political revolution going all the way to the convention.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Bernie Sanders for President

Dear Compatriots,

       There are few people who have done more to address the obscene proliferation of money in politics than Russ Feingold.

There is also no one the Koch brothers want to keep out of the U.S. Senate more than Russ Feingold.

Russ is running to win a seat in the Senate from Republican Ron Johnson, someone who was called the Koch brothers’ "model legislator."

Russ Feingold is someone we need in the Senate, and I'm proud to endorse his campaign. 

Can you join me in helping elect Russ Feingold?

Let me tell you a little about what made Russ so effective when he was in the Senate. Russ was the sole vote in the Senate against the USA Patriot Act in 2001. 
He opposed the war in Iraq, he fought disastrous trade deals and worked to reform our health care system. 

Russ was also an author of the McCain-Feingold Act to reform our corrupt campaign finance system.

Meanwhile, his Republican opponent credits a Koch brothers organization with inspiring him to run for Senate in the first place. Ron Johnson wants to privatize veterans' health care and even said he supports Donald Trump as the Republican nominee.

Russ has already faced a huge influx of big money trying to keep him out of the Senate.

 In fact, the Koch brothers had their ads from a $2 million campaign against Russ taken off the air by TV stations when they were noted to be "false, misleading, and deceptive."

That won't be the last time the Koch brothers try to take out Russ.

 We need to make sure that Russ can fight back and win.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


de:Senator Jeff Merkley, BernieSanders.com info@berniesanders.com
responder a:Info@berniesanders.com
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com>
data:25 de maio de 2016 14:39
assunto:I knew I could count on Bernie
enviado por:bounce.bluestatedigital.com
assinado por:berniesanders.com

Bernie Sanders for President

Paulo Augusto Lacaz -

When I introduced a bill in the Senate that would slow the effects of climate change, I knew that I could count on Bernie Sanders to stand with me from the very first day.

Last year Bernie and I introduced the Keep It in the Ground Act, which would prevent new fracking, coal mining, and oil drilling on federal lands, as well as all new offshore oil drilling.

Bernie and I are committed to this fight because we know we can – and must – slow the pace of climate change. 

Scientists tell us that we need to keep 80 percent of remaining fossil fuels in the ground to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

To stop climate change from destroying our planet, we must act quickly and boldly to bring an end to the extraction and exploitation of fossil fuels in lands owned by the American people.

Not one more lease to extract coal.

Not one more license for fracking.

Not a single additional offshore oil drilling rig.
We must keep 80 percent of the world’s proven reserves in the ground – and the Keep It in the Ground Act is a powerful step toward this goal to avert climate catastrophe.

The fossil fuel industry is geared up for a fight. 

The Koch Brothers want us to fail, and we expect heavy resistance from people who profit off of the destruction of our planet.

Showing tremendous public support will help pass the Keep It in the Ground Act – will you be a partner with me and Bernie in this movement to fight climate change?

We’re building a movement to take on climate change and speed up our transition to clean, renewable energy. We need to act together and we need to act now.

Jeff Merkley
U.S. Senator from Oregon

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com. If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


de:Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO peoplepower@aflcio.org
responder a:peoplepower@aflcio.org
data:24 de maio de 2016 16:47
assunto:Add your name: Tell Congress to take on Wall Street
enviado por:actionnetworkmail.aflcio.org
assinado por:aflcio.org

Paulo Augusto Lacaz,
       It’s been more than eight years since Wall Street sent us into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Congress passed some important reforms to rein in Wall Street greed and excess, but we still have a long way to go to make sure our political system and our economy work for working people—and aren’t rigged in favor of the wealthy and well-connected. 
Wall Street spends tens of millions of dollars each year to cozy up with politicians in Congress to protect their big tax and regulatory loopholes.
It doesn’t have to be this way. 
Today, we’re joining with Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and tens of thousands of community activists and consumer advocates to launch a new campaign to demand that our elected leaders take on Wall Street.
I talk to people every day who work hard but can’t seem to get ahead to make a good living and give their families the life they want. 
And while many of them are working long hours—and even two jobs—to make ends meet, they’re watching with disgust as CEO pay remains out of control and private equity managers continue to pay a lower tax rate than teachers, firefighters and nurses.
It’s enough to make your blood boil. 
That’s why we’re not going to stand for it anymore.
 We have an ambitious vision to bring fairness to our financial system and to make the economy work for working people. 
Today, we’re putting Congress on notice that it needs to take action to:
  • End the carried interest tax loophole that lets billionaire Wall Street fund managers pay taxes at a lower rate than teachers.
  • Close the CEO bonus loophole that subsidizes corporations for astronomical executive salaries.
  • Pass the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act to make banks smaller, simpler and safer.
  • Create a tax on Wall Street’s trades that would generate billions in revenue for schools and to fix our crumbling bridges.
  • Promote affordable and fair financial services—like postal banking—so working people don’t have to rely on predatory schemes like payday loans.
Let’s come together to demand that our leaders take on Wall Street and stand up for the systemic changes that all working families deserve.
In Solidarity,
Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO

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