Thursday, June 30, 2016

YES por 
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz  <>
data:30 de junho de 2016 20:35

Bernie Sanders for President

Paulo Augusto Lacaz,

The world is going to have answers to two very important questions about our campaign in about three weeks.
  1. Are we able to bring all of our nearly 1,900 delegates to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, where with Bernie they will cast important votes for a progressive platform that includes issues like opposition to a vote against the disastrous TPP, or a $15 federal minimum wage?

  2. Will the FEC fundraising report we must file days before the convention show that we have the momentum and the power to continue the incredible work of our political revolution?
I want the answers to both of those questions to be yes, Paulo Augusto Lacaz.

The future of our movement depends on it. Can you help before the FEC deadline at midnight?

When our delegates gather in Philadelphia, they'll have the chance to put the Democratic Party on the record about stopping votes against the TPP, fighting for a $15 federal minimum wage, opposing fracking, and so many more progressive priorities.

It's up to us to make it happen.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
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de:Bernie Sanders por 
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz  <>
data:30 de junho de 2016 14:33
assunto:We're going to the convention

Bernie Sanders for President

Tonight is an important fundraising deadline for our campaign, Paulo Augusto Lacaz , and I want to take a moment to tell you why.

In less than one month, we are going to take our political revolution into the halls of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia where we will fight to place a $15 minimum wage, opposition to the TPP, and a ban on fracking directly into the Democratic Party platform.

Our campaign has earned the right to send almost 1,900 delegates to vote on these important issues, but many of them are working folks and the costs of attending the convention are too high. 

So I want to help them get there, because this campaign isn’t about Bernie Sanders, it’s about all of us.

We have another FEC fundraising deadline tonight, the last one before the convention. 

And when we report our numbers, we can send a powerful message to the political establishment that we intend to get every last one of our delegates to Philadelphia to fight for the values we share.

Our power comes from a simple, timeless truth: that when people stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. 

And I know that if we continue to fight to get all of our sisters and brothers to Philadelphia next month, we are going to transform the Democratic Party.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016


de:Bernie Sanders
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz Lacaz <>
data:29 de junho de 2016 14:23
assunto:Our work in the next two weeks

Bernie Sanders for President

Paulo Augusto Lacaz -

Our struggle over the Democratic Party platform is about making clear that we intend to create an economy that works for all of us, and not just the wealthy and powerful.

Now, we’ve made some great progress to include a number of very important initiatives that we have been fighting to achieve during this campaign. 

Major accomplishments that will begin to move this country in the right direction like breaking up huge financial institutions and enacting a 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, a historic expansion of Social Security, taking on the greed of the pharmaceutical companies, banning private prisons, eliminating super PACs, and moving to public financing of elections, and more.

But more needs to be done. And the most important issue is to make it clear that we must defeat the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership.

So I want you to mark July 8 on your calendar – that is the next meeting of the Democratic Platform Committee in Orlando, Florida.

 Between now and then,our job is to do everything we can to rally support for an amendment to the platform in strong opposition to the TPP.

And I believe that if we all make our voices heard between now and then, we can win this fight:

Let me be clear: this is not about embarrassing anyone.

 This is about preventing the outsourcing of jobs, protecting the environment, stopping pharmaceutical companies from increasing the price of prescription drugs, preserving our democracy, and respecting human rights.

This is about you and millions of other people making our voices heard that we need to create a Democratic Party which fights for working families and not wealthy campaign contributors.

If we succeed, we will be in a very strong position to stop a vote on the TPP and to fundamentally rewrite our trade agreements to end the race to the bottom and lift up the living standards of people in this country and throughout the world.

That is the work of our political revolution, and you are the revolutionaries. And I believe that if we continue to stand together and fight for the values we share, we will transform the Democratic Party.

But that starts with bringing the entire party together and speaking with one voice in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership:

It is imperative that this platform be not only the most progressive in the history of the Democratic Party, but that it includes a set of policies that will be fought for and implemented by Democratic elected officials.

I am going to do everything I can to rally support in Orlando for our amendment opposing the TPP.

 But I want to be clear that if we fail there we are going to take this fight to the floor of the Democratic Party convention in Philadelphia next month.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
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Thursday, June 23, 2016


Bernie Sanders for President

Dear Compatriots,

A big reason for our tremendous success throughout our campaign has been because we have clearly articulated a vision for the future of America that encompasses social justice, economic justice, racial justice, and environmental justice.

This vision is not only what I want — it's what the 12 million Americans who voted for a political revolution want. 

You want real change in this country, you want it now and are prepared to take on the political cowardice and powerful special interests which have prevented that change from happening.

One place we think the agenda of these 12 million Americans should be reflected is in the official platform of the Democratic Party.

We aren't afraid to think big, and our agenda shows it. It is possible to transform America into a country that unquestionably works for working families and not the billionaire class. 

Together, we have called for a $15 minimum wage, a Medicare-for-all single payer health care system, breaking up the big banks, free tuition at public colleges, a ban on fracking, a carbon tax, and so much more.

The platform matters because it is a document that enshrines the values and goals of the Democratic Party.

It's a document to which we can point and say, "This is what we believe, and this is what we fight for."

And so the Democratic Party has a choice in the coming weeks, and that choice is whether or not to embrace a bold, fearless, progressive platform that has the potential to transform our country for generations.

We need to hear from you about what you think the most important issues are that should be included in the platform.

We're taking our campaign, our values, and our movement to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. We're excited to bring your thoughts on the party platform too. 

Thanks for being a part of it.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
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de:Bernie Sanders
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:23 de junho de 2016 17:43
assunto:What do you want?

Bernie Sanders for President

Paulo Augusto,

A big reason for our tremendous success throughout our campaign has been because we have clearly articulated a vision for the future of America that encompasses social justice, economic justice, racial justice, and environmental justice.

This vision is not only what I want — it's what the 12 million Americans who voted for a political revolution want. 

You want real change in this country, you want it now and are prepared to take on the political cowardice and powerful special interests which have prevented that change from happening.

One place we think the agenda of these 12 million Americans should be reflected is in the official platform of the Democratic Party.

We aren't afraid to think big, and our agenda shows it. It is possible to transform America into a country that unquestionably works for working families and not the billionaire class. 

Together, we have called for a $15 minimum wage, a Medicare-for-all single payer health care system, breaking up the big banks, free tuition at public colleges, a ban on fracking, a carbon tax, and so much more.

The platform matters because it is a document that enshrines the values and goals of the Democratic Party.

It's a document to which we can point and say, "This is what we believe, and this is what we fight for."

And so the Democratic Party has a choice in the coming weeks, and that choice is whether or not to embrace a bold, fearless, progressive platform that has the potential to transform our country for generations.

We need to hear from you about what you think the most important issues are that should be included in the platform.

We're taking our campaign, our values, and our movement to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. We're excited to bring your thoughts on the party platform too. 

Thanks for being a part of it.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


de:OFA Truth Team
para:Paulo+Augusto Lacaz <>
data:18 de junho de 2016 13:18
assunto:News you can share: an important new study on gun laws, clean air vindication, and more

Organizing for Action

Friend, you're one of the best messengers we've got in this movement. Here's some recommended reading that's easy to share.

48 people were shot during yesterday's 15-hour filibuster on gun control
Vox // Zachary Crockett and Javier Zarracina 

Yesterday, in an effort to force legislative action on gun control, Sen. Chris Murphy staged a 15-hour filibuster on the Senate floor. It lasted from 11 am Wednesday through 2 am Thursday, eventually ending with the GOP agreeing to vote on a gun control bill. As politicians recounted stories of gun violence before the Senate, there were 38 shootings that killed 12 people and injured 36 more across America.

Study Calls Snub of Obama's Supreme Court Pick Unprecedented
The New York Times // Adam Liptak 

In every one of the 103 earlier Supreme Court vacancies, the professors wrote, the president was able to both nominate and appoint a replacement with the Senate's advice and consent.

America doesn't have more crime than other rich countries. It just has more guns.
Vox // Zack Beauchamp 

Why does the US have such a high rate of gun murders, by far the highest in the developed world? Is it because of guns, or is there something else going on? Maybe America is just more prone to crime, say, because of income inequality or cultural differences?

Supreme Court rejects case challenging key White House air pollution regulation
The Washington Post // Brady Dennis 

The Supreme Court on Monday left intact a key Obama administration environmental regulation, refusing to take up an appeal from 20 states to block rules that limit the emissions of mercury and other harmful pollutants that are byproducts of burning coal.

A huge international study of gun control finds strong evidence that it actually works
Vox // Zack Beauchamp 

The authors are careful to note that their findings do not conclusively prove that gun restrictions reduce gun deaths. However, they did find a compelling trend whereby new restrictions on gun purchasing and ownership tended to be followed by a decline in gun deaths.

Study: Repealing ObamaCare would increase uninsured by 24M
The Hill // Peter Sullivan 

The study from the Urban Institute finds that 14.5 million fewer people would have coverage through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program and 8.8 million fewer people would have individual private coverage like that offered on the health law's marketplaces. Another 700,000 fewer people would have health insurance through their jobs.

The Boston Globe 

In this country, the federal government limits duck hunters to weapons that carry only three shells, to protect the duck population. But you can buy an assault weapon in seven minutes and an unlimited number of bullets to fire with it.

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