de:Ben Jealous, Our
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:21 de janeiro de 2017 22:10
assunto:Today, the resistance becomes real

Our Revolution

Paulo Augusto -

Today, the resistance becomes real.

Our Revolution members, like me and my children, have flooded into the nation's capital with hundreds of thousands of our allies for The Women's March. Even more are marching in 600 places across the county.

We are here to stand up for the equality of our sisters, daughters, mothers and grandmothers. We are here to lift our voices for economic justice and racial justice. We are here to unite against hatred, discrimination, and xenophobia.

Today we remind ourselves we are the heart of the majority of voters who cast their ballots against this President and the super-majority of Americans who disapprove of his leadership.
In other words, now is the time to stand strong and push forward.

We must heed Bernie's call to unite and stop cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Obamacare.

We must follow in the footsteps of Georgia Democrats who have built a strong grassroots party in the heart of the Deep South and launched Georgia Resists to fight suppression with mobilization.

From Southern California to Northern Texas, rural Iowa to suburban Maryland, inner-city Chicago to small town Vermont Our Revolution meetings are brimming with activists ready to win real victories in real time for all our families.

We are ready to keep winning the fight for a $15 minimum wage.

 We are ready to stop fracking from coast to coast. We are already building the movement that will end college debt. We can still end mass incarceration faster than most think is possible.

But winning victories requires building power.

In our democracy there are only two types: organized money and organized people. Now the people can beat money every time, but we must be organized.

Please encourage your friends to join Our Revolution by signing up at to become part of the millions who say #NotMeUs.

 As our board has decided, membership in Our Revolution will always be open.
Trump's support is sinking. Our meetings are overflowing. Trump had his day yesterday. We will have ours tomorrow.

Let's all pull together and get it done.

Yours for victory,
Ben Jealous 
Board Member
Our Revolution

603 2ND ST, NE

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for any specific activity.
603 2nd St NE, Washington, DC 20002
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Friday, January 20, 2017

para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:20 de janeiro de 2017 14:08
assunto:Sending a powerful message to Donald Trump

Our Revolution

"Mr. Trump and his friends should know that there are millions of people who will not stand for their greed at the expense of the working class." - Bernie Sanders

Paulo Augusto  -

        Today is not the day any of us hoped to see. Not by a longshot. But it can be the day that all of us proclaim with one voice that we are going to resist any efforts to deny 30 million Americans health care.

     It can be the day that we declare that we are going to stand with our brothers and sisters who are staring at the threat of mass deportation. 

That we will not let anyone divide us up by race, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation.

Together we have built the largest progressive grassroots movement this country has ever seen. And right now, we have an opportunity to send a powerful message to Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress: we are not going to let them drag us backward.

But that will only happen if we continue to stand together and fight:

Like Bernie says, 

"we will lose our fights for justice when we are divided or apathetic, and the fights coming this year are too important to risk that."

Thank you for stepping up to continue the political revolution.

In solidarity,

Shannon Jackson
Our Revolution

603 2ND ST, NE

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for any specific activity.
603 2nd St NE, Washington, DC 20002
This email was sent to If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Help us continue transforming American politics and fighting for progressive candidates and causes by contributing to Our Revolution here.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


                    World Economic Forum Switzerland

                        Attention: Mr. Klaus Schwab 
                 Founder and Executive President of World Economic Forum
                 Subject: Welcome Message by the Executive                                       Chairman - 2017

      We are really at a crossroads of deeped transformation, referring to the business models, the economies of society and the Political Regime *, for the Social and Moral Welfare, Biocracy of Planet Earth Mother the inhabitants, for the control of the excess of consummention generating pollution, which provokes Climate Change.

    I would like to inform you that I have been studying for 29 years, alone in my library and with the help of the WEB, a Utopian but never chimerical way for harmonizing these variables, components of the Moral Capital - Scientific Capital and Material Capital ($) , So we can build a very positive way to minimizing conflicts, generating self-confidence to face a more altruistic  future of Human coexistence.

  We will orchestrate these Partners and Members of these 70 World Leaders and their teams, to make them more flexible in committing to New Ideas, social and moral scientific.

  But fortunately, only 3% of the world's population is able to propose New Ideas for real, useful, certain, precise, organized, relative and social changes so that 10% of the population can absorb, propagate and put into practice. The remaining 87% are commanded to execute the plans generated by the State Leaders, originating in the 10% group.

  As Feelings (Selfish / Altruistic) are those who command the Intelligence, to generate reasoning for the planning of the Economic Plans, Education of Feelings, Scientific Education, Right / Duties Education and Medicine, to be put into practice, for Policies, commanded by Governments, that have or do not have courage, prudence and perseverance, supported by a Merit - Capability and Competence of the Rulers and their teams, who will be educated to "Live for Others" and "Without Lying".

It is not for you to give your assets to Others.

    It is when thinking about planning, that this comes to make the Welfare of the majority and that our desire is satisfied by this action.

  There is a need to reduce the miserable and the millionaires, strengthening the middle class, because poor people will always exist, but poor people worthy** and wealthy condescending to increase consumption and collaborate, with a policed ​​capitalism, having a Free Media and morally responsible to inform and give opinion Of the facts that occurred, without inventing inadequate distortions and analyzing the deficiencies of the capitalist system to incorporate the workers into the Society and substantially reduce Corruption with high penalties for public officials and entrepreneurs.

  These participants have to know the Philosophy of History and not the History of Philosophy and take notice of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Digital Age and its speed of communication. Https://


Note: 1- BEINGS is understood as all the information that reaches our brain, through the 8 senses. 2 - From the Past The Future is projected, because the Present is a Flash, merely to adjust the Destination that is desired)
(*) I propose for analysis the REPUBLICAN SOCIETOCRATIC REGIME - The Preamble of the Constitution regarding this Scheme follows. 
It is understood by beings all the information that arrive at our encephalon, by  8 senses.

It follows some articles related to the subject in question, with the purpose of collaborating with the peaceful evolution of HUMANITY.

Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity,

Paulo Augusto Lacaz


 1)       IDEIAS NOVAS

10)    RIO + 20


Sunday, January 15, 2017

I Agatha Jecker

Dear  Friendes and Colleagues,

In 1819 has arrived to Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, my Tetra Grandmother, Agatha Jecker a  Swiss German,  with 10 years old. She was energetic, 
       hardworking, educator, moralist and midwife

      Follow the history of my family with this great lady.

      She was Born in Solothurn Canton in Erschivil City.

Agatha Jecker's parents, Joseph and Magdalene Ackermãnn Jecker witnessed some military barbarities of Napoleon I, when  he passed through Erschivil City. He invaded the churches, removed the gold pieces and gave them as payment to his soldiers.
 In 1831, after having run a lawsuit for several churches in Rio de Janeiro city, she married in San Jose church, with Antoine Lacaze frenchman. This Switzerland, of Jewish origin, but baptized in the  St. Paul Catholic Church  in her hometown.

 Antoine Lacaze (1808) continued with his father's profession at Largo da Carioca - Rio de Janeiro; but because of the constant persecution of the "Galician or Portuguese", and as they were foreigners, they were confused with the Portuguese; they probably suffered some trouble - they broke their store; and as in the inner city, with the boom of the coffee cycle, the construction of the Fazenda dos Barons buildings was large; bringing lots of carpentry services - furniture, windows, doors etc .; Da Agatha and her husband decided to approach the region, where the Swiss were also in Nova Friburgo - Cantagalo - Santa Rita do Rio Negro, today Euclidelândia.

     The trip was terribly arduous, first crossing the Guanabara Bay by rowing boat and up the Macacú River, as far as the navigation went; and then as a donkey wolf they rode for five days on a terrible mountain full of mud and many precipices; where many animals during the rainy season were sacrificed because they got bogged down when they brought coffee to the wholesalers' warehouses in Rio de Janeiro; for export to Europe.

         y this time they had two sons, Ernesto, who fought later in the Paraguay War (1864 - 1870), underwent a surgical intervention, and implanted a piece of platinum on his chin. He fell in love with the wife of an officer of the Brazilian Monarchic Army, receiving a lawsuit, which led Da Agatha, who was a renowned midwife, to go to the Court to ask the Emperor for leniency for his Son. Getting the Grace of the Majesty, D. Pedro II.

       From his son João Antonio Lacaz, I only know that he had a daughter or son with a girl there in Cantagalo; but they were not officially married. And that was your elder brother's wedding godfather.

        In Cantagalo was born the third son, Francisco Antonio Lacaz, who married, Da. Emilia Adelaide daughter of Cel. From Engineers José Francisco da Silva - born in Oeiras - Portugal, an Officer of the First Brazilian Empire, a Portuguese, who came with 8 years old, in the entourage of D. João VI, in 1808, when he arrived here, and later, stayed owner of a coffee farm in Santa Rita of Rio do Rio Negro; today Euclidelândia - RJ, a few kilometers from Cantagalo.

           From this marriage, between Emilia Adelaide and Francisco Antônio Lacaz, 8 children were born, and one man, Rogério da Silva Lacaz, my grandfather, father of my father. He often played with his cousins with his Portuguese grandfather's uniform and sword.

      The natural laws that influence our destiny, and that shape our conduct according to our altruistic feelings and our character, made it happen a spectacular fact.

            In Cantagalo, Mr. Cesário Pereira Galero, of Portuguese origin, came from the Parish of Sant'Ana, São Miguel Island, Azores, known in the Lacaz Family as Plutarco (The Moralist), who came to seek the cure of his disease, on medical advice, in the climates of Cantagalo; because he owned a cigar shop in Rio de Janeiro. He was charmed by my grandfather's older sister - Aunt Mariucha - Maria - getting married on 08/31/1878, and bought a hotel in CantagaloPlutarch, 50 - 120 AD - it is part of the Positivist Calendar - of the Month of Archimedes - Ancient Science - From the first half of the 2nd century - Greek Priest of Apollo in Dephos - Eminent Moralist, and the greatest biographer, for the painting of Human Nature .Plutarch, 50 - 120 AD - it is part of the Positivist Calendar - of the Month of Archimedes - Ancient Science - From the first half of the 2nd century - Greek Priest of Apollo in Dephos - Eminent Moralist, and the greatest biographer, for the painting of Human Nature .

            When the yellow fever that contaminated the whole city, Mr. Galero already married with Aunt Mariucha, had a great vision in taking my grandfather's whole family, running away to SÃO PAULO - SP, where he bought a hotel; HOTEL BRAZIL, BRAZ - no longer exists today.

    At this time Da. Agatha had already passed away, as a widow and was buried in the Cantagalo Cemetery. But the Cemetery was destroyed and gave way to a Public College. I wondered where the remains of my great Swiss Fighter were. Not surprisingly, all the relatives, who did not speak up, their bones were all gathered in one covered place. I was very sad - only by DNA testing, very expensive could we pay tribute to this BEING, who came from so far as a midwife, giving birth to many Brazilians even from the Court,  who came from so far to teach many children, grandchildren and foster children.  On the day of her burial, because she was very energetic and moralisty, many of the foster children did not appear to this act.

          He kept the Lacaz Family financially and morally, which has no vocation to be an industrialist and a trader. This man over-existed the LACAZ strain in Brazil, if they had stayed in Cantagalo, they would be alcoholics and we had disappeared.

            My grandfather Rogério (26/05/1880) arrived in São Paulo at 8 years old, (1888) later studied at Caetano de Campos Normal School, in Praça da República, where he was greatly influenced by Augusto Comte's Positivism. of his masters.  He was awarded the Honor Merit Medal for taking off grade 10 throughout his course in all disciplines.
           He received as a prize, the board of the Piracicaba Normal School. But as the mayor's son disapproved, he was removed from office and dismissed from office; as well as threatened with death by the mayor. To get out alive, the Freemasonry put him on a shoulder yoke and went out with a troop of donkeys to Campinas. His friends gave him support and he was re-appointed as a Mathematics Teacher at Guaratinguetá Normal School.

He met my grandmother, Judth, the daughter of an Italian merchant, Francisco Papaterra Limongi of Maratea - Italy and wealthy fifth-degree Freemason, who presented him with a house when he was married in 1906.

        Judth and Rogério had 6 children.

                   Rogério - Dentist - sculptor artist, businessman and

                      Emília - teacher and coordinator.

                      Francisco - Mathematics Teacher - Rector of ITA.

 Paulo - Teacher of Biochemistry  at the Medicine and Pharmacy  Faculties of UFRJ, Member of the Brazilian Academy of Medicine. Several articles published on Porphyrin.

Carlos - Doctor, Professor of Microbiology, Dermatology and Tropical Diseases at USP - Creator of the USP Museum of Medicine - Member of the Paulista Academy of Medicine and the Brazilian Academy of Medicine. Many articles published.

José - The TUVIRA, Veterinarian, Musician, Writer. And Professor of Veterinary Medical Art.

 Mother Side, from Paulo Augusto Lacaz.
Antunes de Oliveira - Galvão - Farmers, Bandeirantes; Founders of São Paulo City; Relationship with Frei Galvão. Farming Entrepreneurs. Businessmen Antunes and Oliveira as New Christians - they were of Jewish origin, due to the Inquisition in Portugal.

   I have everything detailed. Look at these slides,  based on a research done by my brother, Luiz Henrique Antunes Lacaz:  

Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity,

Paulo Augusto Lacaz