Sunday, April 30, 2017


Prezados Compatriotas,

Quando um sujeito de classe média diz que greve é coisa de vagabundo, eu fico com vontade de sentar com ele numa pracinha, comprar uma cerveja 🍻 respirar fundo e falar:

"Sabe fulaninho esperto, há 100 anos atrás não existia classe média. 

Não existia você.
Não existia autonomia.
Não existia profissional liberal.
Nem existia assalariado. 

Há 100 anos atrás, fulaninho, existia uma pequena elite difusa que se transformou em burguesia, herdeira secular de terras, privilégios, favores e negócios que remetem aos regimes monárquicos, seja no Brasil ou na Europa.

Essa elite era dona de tudo: das terras, das fábricas, dos meios de produção. E tudo o que o povão tinha era fome, sede, frio, calor e força de trabalho pra vender por QUALQUER merreca que essa elite quisesse pagar.

Sabe fulaninho, esse povão trabalhador, durante décadas, foi explorado, torturado, privado de tudo, em nome do lucro de poucos. E durante décadas esse povão precisou se unir, e lutou, combateu, apanhou, foi preso....até ser ouvido para, pouco a pouco (bem lentamente mesmo), à duras penas, conquistar direitos trabalhistas que hoje regulam o que você faz.

E foi esse povo que, consolidados os seus direitos, passou a ser um negócio chamado: classe média.

Esse povo, com muito suor e sangue, inventou uma classe social potente e enorme que, no caso, Fulaninho, é a SUA classe social. Você é o resultado prático da luta, das greves, das manifestações, e de toda organização política feitas por gente que, por sua força de MASSA, de CONJUNTO, conseguiu mudar o paradigma do século 20.

Seja você um autônomo, dono de uma pequena ou média empresa, seja você um profissional liberal, um prestador de serviços...seja você o que for, você foi inventado por GREVISTAS e só existe porque GREVISTAS permitiram que você pudesse existir e ser livre.

Sem os grevistas, fulaninho espertalhão, hoje você estaria dormindo 3 horas por dia e almoçando água com pedra. Sempre na nobre companhia de um senhorio com uma CHIBATA na mão para que você nunca se esqueça quem manda.

O tempo passou, o mundo mudou, mas nem tanto. Eles continuam tendo o poder e sendo poucos. E os trabalhadores continuam sendo a maioria e fazendo da sua UNIÃO a única arma para garantir sua sobrevivência e seus direitos.

Acorda, fulaninho! O único vagabundo aqui é aquele que teve preguiça e a incapacidade de ler os livros de história:

Você!!" Que aqui no Brasil recebeu o apelido de  "Paneleiro"

Qualquer um que copie e cole.

State of the Revolution

Our Revolution

Dear Compatriots,

Last night's State of the Revolution livestream brought together thousands of progressive activists and community leaders across America. Our focus on local groups highlighted the massive success of our organizing chapters and exemplified the influence that the grassroots can wield over the electoral process. Our Revolution's endorsement model empowers local groups to lift up grassroots candidates because we know that the political revolution isn't going to happen in Washington -- it's happening every day in your communities.

Local groups are the lifeblood of our movement, and now is the time that we must be building them. As I said last night, “We are in the 440 relay race of our lives.” What Bernie started last year is still continuing strong in the thousands of Our Revolution members organizing locally.
Our Revolution members gathered in homes, diners, conference centers and more to watch the State of the Revolution.
In just a few short months, Our Revolution has had over 1,000 groups apply to join the national organization with hundreds approved and in the onboarding process, and recruited over 12,000 candidates for local office. Candidates like Mike Connolly and khalid kamau ran and won their elections against incredible odds to advance single-payer health care and a $15 minimum wage, proving that with the support of local groups real change is possible.

Our candidates, local leaders, and our dedicated staff and volunteers are the evidence that we don't need to wait for the establishment to make a difference in our community. We understand that people who themselves have never been involved in the political process can not only help transform the party, but bring their entire community with them to reinvigorate it.

The time is now to make a difference. Together, we have the power to create a country that works for all of us, not just the few.

In solidarity,
Nina Turner
Board Member
Our Revolution

603 2ND ST, NE

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for any specific activity.
603 2nd St NE, Washington, DC 20002
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Did you see Bernie's note?

Friends of Bernie Sanders

Dear Compatriots -

We’re not sure if you had a chance to read the email Bernie wrote last week, but he’s going on the road again and he needs your help. Please see his message below and chip in $27 to help him fund this important national tour.

We've got to revitalize American democracy. We've got to rebuild the Democratic Party. We've got to transform America.

Thanks for continuing to stand with Bernie. It means a lot to him.

- Team Bernie

Bernie Sanders for President

Dear Compatriots,

With Trump's election, we live in a pivotal moment in American history. This country will either move in the direction of an authoritarian government where the rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer, or we will successfully fight back and build a strong grassroots movement to create a government which represents all of us, not just Donald Trump and others in the billionaire class.

That's the struggle we now face. No one can sit on the sidelines. Not now. The only way we win is when we stand together and fight back. I need your help to do that.

The bad news is that Trump's agenda – huge tax breaks for billionaires, enormous increases in military spending, massive cuts in health care and programs that protect the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor, horrific attacks on environmental protection and scapegoating the immigrant community – constitutes the most reactionary set of policies in the modern history of our country.

The good news is that the resistance to this extremist Trump/Republican agenda is growing rapidly. We saw that as millions participated in the Women's March in January. We saw that as hundreds of thousands attended rallies and town meetings in February and March to successfully defeat the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and throw 24 million Americans off of their health insurance. We are seeing that now as people across the country are mobilizing for Green Day events to take on the fossil fuel industry, combat climate change and transform our energy system to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

When we launched our presidential campaign two years ago, I told you that victory would require the active participation of millions of Americans in every community across the country. That it would require nothing short of a political revolution to combat the demoralization so many feel about the political process. That's what I believed then. That's what I believe now. And that's what I am attempting to do.

During the last several months I have visited a number of states where Donald Trump won. My message: working people must not support a president and a party beholden to powerful special interests and the top 1 percent. We cannot support a party which wants to divide us up by race, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.

I was in Wisconsin where progressives are determined to overcome the Trump victory in that state and elect candidates who, in 2018, will stand with working people and not the 1 percent. I was in Kansas where, in one of the most conservative states in the country, over 5,000 people attended a progressive rally in Topeka. I was in Mississippi, a state today heavily dominated by the Republican Party, where brave workers in the auto industry are fighting for a union. I was in West Virginia, where Trump won a landslide victory, but where many people are beginning to rethink the wisdom of that decision.

And next week I am going back on the road, visiting areas of the country often ignored by Democrats. I will be in Maine, Kentucky, Florida, Nevada, Nebraska, Utah and Arizona. I will be talking about the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that we face and the need for the rich to start paying their fair share of taxes. I will discuss the Medicare-for-all, single-payer legislation that I will soon be introducing. I will urge people to join the Fight for $15 minimum wage struggle to make sure all Americans enjoy a living wage. I will ask people across the country to help us create millions of jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. I will explain the need to aggressively move forward for comprehensive immigration reform and why we must immediately fix our broken criminal justice system.
But I can’t do it alone.

Please attend the rallies in your area. Please work with me to revitalize American democracy and advance the political revolution.

Like I said from the beginning, our political revolution was never about one candidate. It was about creating a mass movement for real change in this country. That's the struggle we began. 

That's the struggle we'll continue. 

No turning back now.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402
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Friday, April 14, 2017


Prezados amigos e colegas,

      Gosto muito de receber The Agenda Weekly – do  World Economic Forum e agora mais especificamente  sobre  América Latina, onde li  atentamente o artigo – “ 1,000 global leaders just met in Buenos Aires. Here are the highlights”.

     Muitas vezes estes líderes pecam por desconhecer a origem dos problemas, que são da ordem Sociológica e Moral Científicas; que podem trazer soluções pacíficas para evolução da Humanidade, com uma Ordem menos retrógrada e um Progresso menos anárquico.

 Sugiro que seja criado o WORLD SOCIOLOGIC AND MORAL FORUM, que subordinaria  o WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM; pois a Economia não é Ciência é uma aplicação Tecnológica da Ciência Sociologia Positiva; como a Contabilidade, a Topografia e os Números Primos são da Ciência Matemática; como a Mecânica é da  Ciência Física; e finalmente as Normas dos Deveres Individuais, Domésticos, Cívicos, Ocidentais, Orientais e PlanetárioS, são da Ciência Moral Teórica Positiva ou Ciência da Construção ou ainda conhecida de alguns poucos letrados, como indicadora das Leis Naturais da Psicologia Científica.

Vou me dedicar a comentar  a Imigração e a Violência.

     Primeiramente para que o Professor Ricardo Hausmann ficar mais meu amigo que inimigo, registrando que por uma análise do comporto individual – da psique ou alma – via foto, fica bem claro que  a VAIDADE ( Barba e Cavanhaque) com pouco orgulho, mostra resquícios de egoísmo; características de sentimento dos Economistas. 

Como os Sentimento comanda a Inteligência e dela saem seus feedback; os raciocínios na Inteligência  traçam planos diabólicos.  Isto é: o Egoísmo subordinando o Altruísmo.   
      Vejam que proposta esdrúxula – do Professor  Ricardo Hausmann da Universidade de Harvard  sugestão: abrir-se aos imigrantes.






אנחנו מה שאנחנו אוכלים


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:11 de abril de 2017 13:26
assunto:Join us for a tax march in Miami

Our Revolution

Paulo Augusto,

There is gross injustice in America's tax system today. Our Revolution is joining the Tax March in Washington and cities all across the country to say that enough is enough.

The top one percent and multinational corporations hide their wealth overseas, bankrupting the country of billions of dollars in tax revenue. In just forty years, their greed has led to a declining infrastructure, chronically underfunded public education, cuts to vital social safety nets and environmental protections, and so much more.

Find a Tax March near you and send a message to the billionaire class that their time of taking all new income for themselves has reached its end. We're marching for an economy that works for us all.
Miami Tax March:
Saturday, April 15ᵗʰ in Miami 

10:00 am EDT

Decades of greed from the millionaire and billionaire class have culminated in crisis. In the wealthiest country in the history of the world, the one percent is raking in nearly all new income. Our fight for economic justice, for tax justice and an economy that works for all of us at the Tax March is the next critical step to opening our government back up to its people.

Our movement's success depends on all of us lifting each other up. We recognize that unique sets of barriers have held communities of color, women, people with disabilities, immigrants and the LGBTQIA community back, and that economic justice must come for all of us at once.

 Organizers of the Tax March represent a broad cross-section of America, and we need you to join us too. 

Sign up to join the National Tax March in cities all across the country on April 15 and demand a tax system that works for all of us, not just the top one percent.

Thank you for joining us in taking this critical action.

In solidarity,
The Team at Our Revolution

603 2ND ST, NE

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for any specific activity.
603 2nd St NE, Washington, DC 20002
This email was sent to If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Help us continue transforming American politics and fighting for progressive candidates and causes by contributing to Our Revolution here.


para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:11 de abril de 2017 17:01
assunto:I am going back on the road

Friends of Bernie Sanders

Dear Paulo Augusto,

With Trump's election, we live in a pivotal moment in American history. This country will either move in the direction of an authoritarian government where the rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer, or we will successfully fight back and build a strong grassroots movement to create a government which represents all of us, not just Donald Trump and others in the billionaire class.

That's the struggle we now face. No one can sit on the sidelines. Not now. The only way we win is when we stand together and fight back. I need your help to do that.

The bad news is that Trump's agenda – huge tax breaks for billionaires, enormous increases in military spending, massive cuts in health care and programs that protect the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor, horrific attacks on environmental protection and scapegoating the immigrant community – constitutes the most reactionary set of policies in the modern history of our country.

The good news is that the resistance to this extremist Trump/Republican agenda is growing rapidly. We saw that as millions participated in the Women's March in January. We saw that as hundreds of thousands attended rallies and town meetings in February and March to successfully defeat the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and throw 24 million Americans off of their health insurance. We are seeing that now as people across the country are mobilizing for Green Day events to take on the fossil fuel industry, combat climate change and transform our energy system to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

When we launched our presidential campaign two years ago, I told you that victory would require the active participation of millions of Americans in every community across the country. That it would require nothing short of a political revolution to combat the demoralization so many feel about the political process. That's what I believed then. That's what I believe now. And that's what I am attempting to do.

During the last several months I have visited a number of states where Donald Trump won. My message: working people must not support a president and a party beholden to powerful special interests and the top 1 percent. We cannot support a party which wants to divide us up by race, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.

I was in Wisconsin where progressives are determined to overcome the Trump victory in that state and elect candidates who, in 2018, will stand with working people and not the 1 percent. I was in Kansas where, in one of the most conservative states in the country, over 5,000 people attended a progressive rally in Topeka. I was in Mississippi, a state today heavily dominated by the Republican Party, where brave workers in the auto industry are fighting for a union. I was in West Virginia, where Trump won a landslide victory, but where many people are beginning to rethink the wisdom of that decision.

And next week I am going back on the road, visiting areas of the country often ignored by Democrats. I will be in Maine, Kentucky, Florida, Nevada, Nebraska, Utah and Arizona. I will be talking about the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that we face and the need for the rich to start paying their fair share of taxes. I will discuss the Medicare-for-all, single-payer legislation that I will soon be introducing. I will urge people to join the Fight for $15 minimum wage struggle to make sure all Americans enjoy a living wage. I will ask people across the country to help us create millions of jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. I will explain the need to aggressively move forward for comprehensive immigration reform and why we must immediately fix our broken criminal justice system.

But I can’t do it alone.

Please attend the rallies in your area. Please work with me to revitalize American democracy and advance the political revolution.

Like I said from the beginning, our political revolution was never about one candidate. It was about creating a mass movement for real change in this country.

 That's the struggle we began. That's the struggle we'll continue. No turning back now.

In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders