Tuesday, December 22, 2020







      General Daniel R. Hokanson,               

                                      Head of the National Guard Bureau,

1) The Positive commendation commentary about your referred, through   Team29 - enthusiastic the document, what increase the "animal spirits" of living, through Theological Morals on psyche or soul of your subalterns. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164300801545648&id=115203075647



Dear General,

        Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, for You, and Your Family; for Soldiers, Airmen of the National Guard Bureau; and for American People.

1)     For 45 years I have dedicated myself scientifically, in the Field of Positive Sociology Science and Positive Theoretical Moral Science or Construction Science - or still known as Scientific Psychology, with a partial understanding of my dear Woman - Alfonsa Ana, who is a Theologist; with my own financial resources, largely inherited from my parents, where I do not sacrifice my dreams of Social and Moral Welfare for the Peaceful Evolution of Humanity; based on a Political Economy with Economic support of Policed Capitalism; often undermining my wife's plans to protect my community and the countries, which are partners in this reigning disharmony.


     On this Christmas Eve, I feel that my financial gain from renting a property, which is substantial for my livelihood will collapse in half in February 2021, due to the injustice of the Brazilian Judiciary, which is 85%, highly corrupt, but certainly I will not think that the world would be better off without me.


                       My hope is that an “angel” will appear who can “visit” me, in the spirit of DONATION, so that there is a condition through SCCBESME HUMANIDADE, which is a Non-Profit Association; that since 2011 I have not managed to get a Foundation to invest in its planning and projects. It is certainly - how much worse - the world would have been if Paulo Augusto Lacaz had not existed with the alternatives of New Ideas.


               But as George Bailey learned through his Angelic Theological encounter, we all mean more to the people around us than we imagined; we have to learn “Live for Others” and “Live without Lying”, and thus we will know how to subordinate our selfishness under our Altruism; as well as we will know how to subordinate our Personality under the Sociability where we live, fortified by our Merit (Capacity, Capability and Altruism) and overlapped using the action of our Character (Courage, Prudence and Perseverance), so that we can live better in the Kingdom of the Earth.


             There is no doubt that we have to stay together with the Love of Our Family and that it is subordinated under Nossa Country.


             Use a mask, alcohol gel, and "shake" your hand, for an old friend separated by time, keeping him two meters away. Tell someone you appreciate them, especially those who spend their holidays alone. Brighten their day by letting them know how yours is illuminated.


         If you feel lonely or disconnected from your family, friends or members of the unit remember that you are not alone - many people feel that way, especially around the holidays. But there are people who can and want to help you.


Analyze this information –


        Caution with this communication channel - Talk to someone you trust, reach out to a crisis line like 800-273-TALK (98255) or send a text message with TALK to 741741. They can help you make a plan to stay safe. - with the mentally ill military, because hackers can impersonate psychologists and obtain confidential information. I think that these numbers should not be propagated in this way.


Now let's go to stage 2: SCCBESME HUMANIDADE



I will fight for the improvement of the Welfare of the American People. But in relation to the USA's foreign policies, I have to analyze it on a case-by-case basis, especially when referring to the Well-Being of the Brazilian People.


 I sincerely wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity

Paulo Augusto Lacaz http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com/2014/08/curriculum-vitae.html



PS: Sorry for my English mistakes        


Saturday, December 19, 2020




To General Daniel R. Hokanson,

Head of the National Guard Bureau,

Good afternoon,

I was very honored and happy that you had knowledge of my good social and moral intentions towards the American People and I congratulate your subordinates, that in skillful timely, were able to perceive the content of my works.

I am grateful to be part of the National Guard Bureau Family and I will be very proud of everything that I can collaborate in improving the Evolution of Humanity if possible with military support, to maintain order.

Alfonsa Ana and I wish you and your family, happy holiday season, with health, respect, and fraternity,

 Paulo Augusto Lacaz. 





Thursday, December 17, 2020


     Este Gen. Não tem este tipo de preocupação, pois  as vagas  dos Hospitais Militares são  baseadas pela  Hierarquia. Por isso ele e seus parentes jamais estarão em lista de espera. Ele não sabe  “Viver para Outrem” e não“Vive às Claras”. 

   Até ao seu nível familiar e seus amigos de interesse, para as devidas promoções, ele tem traços de Altruísmo. Para os demais ele tem profundo sentimento egoísta. "Para quê pressa? Para quê essa ansiedade para receber a vacina?”

Aqui no Sertão, o Inteligente Caboclo de elevado nível Altruísta e de relativo Caráter  diz:

“Não adianta trocar os Porcos (70% dos Atuais Políticos – 85% dos Atuais Magistrados e  75% dos Alto Comando* das FFAA) , se o Chiqueiro (Regime Democrático -  for o mesmo” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsmpLllrdWs       - http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/artigos/democracia_e_societocracia.htm  

Este Alto Comando não sobe hoje hierarquicamente por Mérito Militar (Capacidade, Competência e Altruísmo) e sim por politicagem interna.


É dito que de Tenentes-Coronéis, para as inferiores posições hierárquicas e de poucos Coronéis, o sentimento de Nacionalismo e Soberania Nacional, que ficam enraizados, pela formação Moral Positiva do ensino dado pela AMAN. http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/artigos/caderno_de_instrucao_da_aman.htm http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com/2017/01/diploma-amigo-da-aman.html

Depois com o passar do tempo, tudo de bom, para o Bem Estar Social e Moral da Civilização Brasileiro  é esquecido, tornam-se entreguistas. http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/artigos/reformular_sociedade_brasileira.htm

Para enriquecer este ARTIGO segue alguns esforços para manter a REPÚBLICA de forma SOCIETOCRÁTICA. https://www.brasil247.com/midia/estadao-escreve-sobre-bolsonaro-o-demolidor-da-republica-e-seus-cumplices?amp=&utm_source=onesignal&utm_medium=notification&utm_campaign=push-notification

1) https://societocratic-political-regime.blogspot.com/2020/12/a-politica-no-regime-democratico.html

2) https://societocratic-political-regime.blogspot.com/2020/11/thank-you-paulo-augusto-for-everything.html

 3) https://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com/2020/12/mr-joseph-r-biden-jr-do-not-disappoint.html