Saturday, February 7, 2015




       Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco O, salas 801 e 815
       Brasília – DF / CEP 70052-900.


           ASSUNTO: SUGESTÕES DE NOVAS IDEIAS ESTRUTURAIS E CONJUNTURAIS, PARA CRIAÇÃO                                                                            DE UM NOVO PROJETO  DE ESTADO, PARA A NAÇÃO BRASILEIRA.

     Prezado Senhor Ministro,

         Primeiramente apresento meu esforço, com apoio de poucos amigos, nesta luta, onde criei uma Organização de Sociedade Civil Não Lucrativa, a SCCBESME HUMANIDADE, para fazer frente a elaboração de Projetos, para o Bem Estar Social e Moral da Civilização Brasileira, atacando primeiramente o “mercado” Americano, para adquirir credibilidade Moral, pois aqui no Brasil, mesmo fazendo a campanha da Presidenta Dilma Rousseff para sua reeleição, nunca recebi nenhuma resposta dos meus contatos. Não sou filiado a nenhum partido político.

 Após esta apresentação, abaixo, segue neste link, o mais recente trabalho que fiz para o Presidente Obama através de sua ONG – OFA – Organize for Action e a resposta que recebi.

Espero que estas Novas Ideias sobre o Regime Político – SOCIETOCRÁTICO REPUBLICANO(*), que tem que ter sua implantação mudando primeiramente o que existe de errado no JUDICIÁRIO, se não, todos os outros esforços serão inúteis. Tenho novas ideias para Organizar este Poder, além das que lhe apresento neste momento, mais detalhadamente para o Executivo e Legislativo e etc..

Caso estas minhas Novas Ideias sejam simpáticas ao seu modo de sentir, pensar e agir, gostaria muito de colaborar com seus Planos Estratégicos.

No aguardo de notícias, desejo-lhe,
Saúde, com Respeito e Fraternidade,
Paulo Augusto Lacaz

(*) Os Conteúdos desta Nova Ideia saíram do meu encéfalo, mas o nome foi sugestão de um grande Mestre de Filosofia do Direito - da UFRJ - Prof Nelson Maciel Pinheiro Filho. (Falecido) 

          Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

For approximately the last 28 years I have been studying outside the university circles with material support from my savings and no doubt from the books in my library, as well as often on the Internet, a Scientific Philosophy by means of the perceptions which the philosopher August Comte registered through the Natural Philosophical Laws of the Sciences: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Positive Sociology and Positive Moral; as well as the fifteen Natural Universal Philosophical Laws which he perceived and coded as Supreme Fatality or First Philosophy which are common to the previously listed seven sciences.

For them to be considered as sciences, the criterion was adopted that the Natural Philosophical Laws that govern them have to possess seven simultaneous attributes: Real, Useful, Certain, Precise, Organic, Relative and Social. For this reason, Economics is considered here as a technological application of the Positive Sociological Science, as Topography and Accounting are of the Mathematical Science, and as Mechanics is of Physics. On the other hand, Laws of Obligations and Rights, Feeling Education, Politics and Medicine are part of the Art of Good, and will never be sciences.

I have dedicated myself on my own, with no support from any organ or any private or state institution, striving in these last years to collaborate with great National and International deeds, with the objective of doing the Social and Moral Good of the Societies which inhabit Mother Earth, through analysis and scientific suggestions.

On my website you may find a series of e-mails, Articles and Books as well as a succinct explanation of this Philosophy / Politics / Scientific Doctrine. The contents of the pages are free of charge. The sites in English were conceived to honor through the Doctrine of Humanity the Population of the United States of America. In Brazil – site – and a blog about SCCBESME HUMANIDADE 

             More recently, in the field of Political Regime, after having studied 26 Constitutions of various countries, I have dedicated myself to the study and search for new ideas and suggestions of a scientific nature, which by persuasion and knowledge may contribute to the emergence of a  new Political Regime capable of bringing to countries with a cultural level similar to that prevailing in Brazil conditions which are beneficial to our reaching the Capitalist Democracy in the near future, since in these countries, as in Brazil, there still predominates a Mercantilist Democracy and sometimes a Mercantilist Dictatorship, and sometimes even a Communist Socialism and high corruption level.

This proposed Political Regime – REPUBLICAN SOCIETOCRATIC – may be applied with the due adjustments to the countries in the Group of 20 (G-20).

The advantage which this political regime would bring, besides other actions, would be that of educating human feelings and scientifically instructing the populations, with a view to “Democratic Policed Capitalism”, bringing about the reduction of world conflicts in which many US soldiers are killed, bravely fighting communists, terrorists and despot dictators, in other parts of the world, in order to maintain the operational market structure, in freedom and with responsibility for the Globalized Policed Capitalist System.

In the meantime, the most recent work of a social and moral nature which I participated in ( 2010), from Brazil through the Internet, was contributing towards the struggle which President Barack Obama’s Government faced, with a view to benefitting those 32 million Americans who did not possess Health Care Insurance. You may verify this in the e-mail I received from the President, included in the site: - E-mails received from President Barack Obama

Paulo Augusto, add your name to mine

The most recent collaboration which I have been participating in to help the American Population and consequently to generate the harmony of Social Well-Being of Financial Globalization focusing on the notion of Positive Moral, is Wall Street Reform, which may be verified in my letter to President Barack Obama on this subject:

PRESIDENT of the United States of America
The White House
1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW.
Washington, DC 20.500
     Cc:            To all US Senators
                Cc:      Mr. Joe Biden – Vice President
                               Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton – US Department of State
                               Mr. Tim Kaine - Democratic National Committee 
                               Mr. Mitch Stewart - Organizing of American
                               Mr. David Plouffe - Campaign Manager – Obama for America
                                                               Subject: Wall Street Finance Moralization Reform.

 Dear Mr. President   

“What is Morally Wrong cannot be Politically Right”.

                Please, you don’t advance only with actions creating the strongest consumer protections, but complemented legally by vigorous penalties. There is a need to educate the US citizens, mainly the economists / financiers and lawyers, with the objective to minimize the selfishness and the expansion of Altruism, through Human Feeling Education.  We have, however, no time to analyze this deficiency, due to the short time available; the penalties have to be heavy to avoid chaos, and consequently the destruction of the society of the Great US Nation; like that promoted by the devastating financial crisis – 2009, which, if not for the existence of a Democrat like you trying to defend us, would probably have us living in a great economic and financial hecatomb.

               All civilizations possess a society that is maintained by a “tripod". The "equilibrium", i.e., the Social Harmony of this society depends on the "vector" greatness of these "three legs"; the first leg represents the Moral Capital; the second, the Material Capital ($) and finally the third, the Scientific Intellectual Capital. The unbalance in the greatness of one of these “three vectors” can cause the implosion of a civilization. The larger fragility of US Society is in the Moral Capital. It is said that it is necessary to strengthen this “foot of the tripod”.

                Figuratively, when "the Entropy of the Moral Capital of the American Society” reaches zero, it "will implode", creating a great "black hole” and it will swallow all of us.

                A scientific analysis of the Moral Capital was already presented more than 160 years ago by August Comte, through a Science, known as Theoretical Positive Moral Science or Science of the Construction or Scientific Psychology.

                To collaborate with suggestions in the mid and long term, I enclose a philosophic letter that I sent you, soon after your inauguration - Suggestion of New Ideas, at the Domestic Level, for the Administration of President Barack Obama. 

                I expect that some topics of this Letter will be useful for macro Positive Morality notions of in order for us to avoid a great future fall, not only for the US, but for all countries which participate in the Financial Globalization, the command of which is yours.

                For the moment, to replace the number of large Banks by a great number of small banks, can initially elevate the operational cost, but will certainly elevate the competition among them. But they will need inspection and control by the STATE, to avoid Cartels and Dumping among them, through the Consumer Financial Protection Agency - CFPA and by the US Government Accountability Office– US GAO

                When “money speaks”, the Truth remains silent!  With the passing of time it has been is proven that this is not true.

The love for the homeland and for the nation has to be above
the love for profit and for money.

Mr. President you are moving and shaking a great “African hornet hive".
It is very dangerous! 

Look that happened with President John F. Kennedy. Please, be careful! 

You deserve eight years of government. The Democrats have to possess a Leader to make Progressive CHANGES

                Take care, often the Statesman’s prize is Death.  So please:

To Conserve, Improving
Your safety has to be doubled! 

  I am no futurist; I am scientifically a scholar, based on natural philosophical laws in Sociology and Moral Positive Sciences.

                Expecting to hear from you, I wish you 

                Health, with respect and fraternity,


      Paulo Augusto LACAZ

PS: TO LIVE FOR SOMEBODY ELSE: This is not to give your property or money to others, it is to promote the well-being of others so that your well-being emerges with that of the others.  There is a need for competition, but it has to be managed, i.e., moderated, because it can lead us to practice cruelty. We have to subordinate the personality under sociability. Policed Capitalism has to be watched and advised, with freedom of the press, with elevated responsibility. Otherwise it destroys itself. The Wall Street Lobbyist actions are morally wrong………

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