Sunday, July 28, 2019



Mr. Donald J. Trump
PRESIDENT of the United States of America
The White House
1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 
Washington, DC 20.500


Dear Mr. President,    

“What is Morally Wrong cannot be Politically Right”- Abe Lincoln.

         I have been following your struggle in finding the important ways to solve this critical National Security problem for the welfare of the American people.

  Because you don't depend on CEO money to run your political campaign and have the freedom and have a high Character - Courage, Perseverance, and average Prudence, you are succeeding in executing your plans to keep the slogan - America First.

Congratulations President for another Victory.

To remember what I have been following about this theme, follow some complementary information:
Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity

Paulo Augusto Lacaz


Mr. Donald J. Trump

PRESIDENT of the United States of America

The White House

1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 

Washington, DC 20.500


 Subject:   IMMIGRATION.


Dear Mr. President    

“What is Morally Wrong cannot be Politically Right”.

I am a Democrat, being inflexible in my principles, but conciliating in some Republican facts - For example: IMMIGRATION and TPP.


I agree with 90% of Senator Mr. Bernie Sander’s ideas and suggestions, But I'm independent.

President Trump, I am in favor of your concern about Lebanese and Syrians Immigration, MAINLY NOW.

About this subject, I decided to collaborate with your actions that really deserve respect to preserve the "American People". I only hope I will not suffer any revenge for the normal cowardice of this ethnic group, which usually attacks from behind. In this case, I would like to have the support of US security system, here in Brazil and elsewhere, so as not to be killed by terrorists from the east, if my paper is discovered by them or other American fanatics who ignore the Sociological Scientific truths; referring to this ethnicity, for the own Americans Social and Moral Welfare.

I learned about this subject when I conducted research on the President of Brazil, Mr. Temer about his “feeling education” that who  is of Syrian / Lebanese origin; Whose article follows in the link -

To reinforce the content of this link above, there is a work by an American Sociologist in 1914, which addressed this theme, and the description of the amoral behavior of this ethnicity in American society, recently reproduced by the work of Professor Oswaldo MS Truzzi, from FGV Brazil, that it will give you many "ammunition" to counter this wave, in favor of the Syrian and Lebanese Immigration, to the USA, in this world today; In this your wise decision.


Most people are hit by chance.


Everything has a limit and you had the courage to impose this limit.


Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity

Paulo Augusto Lacaz




Mr. Donald J. Trump

PRESIDENT of the United States of America

The White House

1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 

Washington, DC 20.500


 Subject:   IMMIGRATION.



Dear Mr. President    


“What is Morally Wrong cannot be Politically Right”.


I am Democrat, being inflexible in my principles, but conciliating in some Republican facts - For example: IMMIGRATION and TPP.


I agree with 90% of Senator Mr. Bernie Sanders ideas and suggestions; But I'm independent.


President Trump, I am in favor of your concern about Lebanese and Syrians Immigration, MAINLY NOW.


About this subject I decided to collaborate with your actions that really deserve respect to preserve the "American People". I only hope I will not suffer any revenge for the normal cowardice of this ethnic group, which usually attacks from behind. In this case, I would like to have the support from US security system, here in Brazil and elsewhere, so as not to be killed by terrorists from the east, if my paper is discovered by them or other American fanatics who ignore the Sociological Scientific truths; referring to this ethnicity, for the own Americans Social and Moral Welfare.


I learned about this subject when I conducted a research on the President of Brazil, Mr. Temer about his “feeling education” that who  is from the Syrian / Lebanese origin; Whose article follows in the link -


To reinforce the content of this link above, there is a work by an American Sociologist in 1914, which addressed this theme, and the description of the amoral behavior of this ethnicity in American society, recently reproduced by the work of Professor Oswaldo MS Truzzi, from FGV Brazil, that it will give you many "ammunition" to counter this wave, in favor of the Syrian and Lebanese Immigration, to the USA, in this world today; In this your wise decision.


Most people hit by chance.


Everything has a limit and you had the courage to impose this limit.


Sincerely, I wish you,


Health, with respect and fraternity


Paulo Augusto Lacaz





Muslim destroying in Italy, the Statue of the Child Jesus with the Virgin Mary.
Country that hosted him and gave him food, house and money weekly. Only those who believe in fairy tales thought it would be different. Time will tell...

SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEJune 28, 2018 at 4:18 AM

Mr. Donald J. Trump
PRESIDENT of the United States of America
The White House
1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW.
Washington, DC 20.500


Dear Mr. President
Congratulations on your Victory about this subject. I am also happy to have supported your efforts in this struggle for American people benefits.
Do you remember? 
Paulo Augusto Lacaz


SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEMarch 30, 2019 at 10:00 AM

-Fox News
“The nation’s top border security official said Wednesday that the border is at its ‘breaking point’ during a visit to Texas, where as many as 1,000 migrants crossed into the U.S. and there are not enough agents to respond,” Louis Casiano reports. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said that “CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis”

SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEMay 2, 2019 at 7:29 AM


SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEOctober 9, 2019 at 3:21 AM

How President Trump is securing our border—without Congress’ help
At a White House briefing today, Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan announced the fourth straight month of a sharp decline in illegal immigrant apprehensions along America’s southwest border.
In September, just over 52,000 apprehensions occurred—a stunning improvement from the 144,000 in May.
Acting Commissioner Morgan: The President’s actions are working.

How did this happen? It’s not because Congress finally stepped up after decades of broken promises and inaction. Instead, President Trump combined stricter enforcement of long-neglected laws with tough negotiations between the United States and its neighbors to the south. Today, for example, Mexico is helping to address the flow of illegal caravans that had been marching unimpeded through Mexico to the U.S. border.

Part of this renewed enforcement, of course, includes building the wall.

The work is far from finished, however. The underlying cause of our country’s immigration crisis—incentives in our laws to circumvent America’s safe, legal, and fair immigration system—are still there. If Congressional Democrats continue to insist on outsourcing control of our borders to criminal smugglers and cartels, both American citizens and migrant families will suffer.

“The bottom line: We still need Congress to pass meaningful legislation to address our broken legal framework when it comes to immigration,” Acting Commissioner Morgan said. “And while Congress has failed to bring a single piece of meaningful legislation to the floor, this President and this Administration is doing exactly what he promised to the American people.”

Watch: The media won’t report it, but our Border Patrol officers are saving lives!
Mile by mile: We are building the border wall.


SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEOctober 11, 2019 at 3:13 AM

As velhas barreiras ao longo de nossa fronteira sul foram construídas para se defender de passagens de veículos - e não muito mais. Como a tecnologia abrangente manterá nossas fronteiras seguras, fortes e protegidas:


SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEJanuary 14, 2020 at 2:10 AM

A Casa Branca • 13 de janeiro de 2020
A parede está subindo, e a imigração ilegal está baixando!

SCCBESME- HUMANIDADEJanuary 15, 2020 at 9:15 AM

de: The White House
responder a: The White House
data: 15 de jan. de 2020 13:38
assunto: Illegal Immigrant Crossings Fall 78% and Once Overcrowded Cells are Empty
lista de e-mails: 4da4828d48b4efa4fc1138955mc list <
Illegal Immigrant Crossings Fall 78% and Once Overcrowded Cells are Empty





1 comment:

  1. de: The White House
    responder a: The White House


    data: 29 de jul de 2019 12:32
    assunto: President Trump’s Ability to Protect America Strengthened by Supreme Court Ruling on Border Wall

    President Trump’s Ability to Protect America Strengthened by Supreme Court Ruling on Border Wall

    “Friday’s Supreme Court decision allowing President Trump to transfer $2.5 billion of Defense Department funds to defend our southern border by building hundreds of miles of wall to replace existing fencing will protect the American people and our national sovereignty,” writes Tom Homan, a top immigration official under both Presidents Trump and Obama.

    “News stories are calling this a victory for the president, which it is. But far more importantly, the ruling that will allow Pentagon funding for border wall construction in Arizona, California and New Mexico is a victory for our country.”
