Saturday, September 19, 2020


To                                    09/20/2020  


               Subject: Children 0-14 years old Feeling Education System; 7  Sciences Instruction - their                     respective Technology applications and   "Economic System that we select defines our future" peaceful or not,  for Humanity Evolution. 

                              Atenção: Mr. Klaus Schwab - Executive Chairman   

                       Mr. Borge Brende – WEF President 

                       Ms. Amanda Russo - Public Engagement 

                       Mr. Adrian Monck -  Agend Coordenator                           


                   C: Mr.  Donald J.Trump – US President – White House

                         Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin – Russia President 

        Mr. Xi Jimping – China President   

        Mr. Emmanuel Macron – France President  
        Mr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - Brasil Ex-President

        Mr. Bernie Sanders – US Senator - 

        Mr. Joe Biden - Candidate for US Presidency


Dear Progressive Ladies and Gentlemen,

    We will present a Scientific COLLECTION Information’s based on the Positive Sociology and Positive Moral sciences, with their Conclusions; to be able to define a Strategic and Logistic Planning of the Good and Well Arts,  - in Political Art Field and the Economic Balance Stability – Political-Economy, in a New  STATE  Conjuncture and Structure - New World Political Societocratic Republican REGIME -; the Feelings Education and Scientific Instruction and it respective Technologies; DUTIES / Law; and Psychosomatic Medicine, for the tranquility of the Moral and Social Welfare of the Brazilian People, CREATING THE BRAZILIAN CIVILIZATION, with Democratic Expression Freedom and collaborating with Other Countries on Planet Earth.

We are not Communists, neither Fascists nor Nazis and never in favor of the Democratic Political Regime. .


     We are starting to analyze the Social and Moral panorama crisis which we live today, through the diagnosis of the "to Unravel" of what happens a long time in the USA and that came to the fore by accelerating from the "COVID crisis, which reduced the idea of ​​American exceptionalism to tatters”; which can be found in this article by Wade Davis Anthropologist holds the Leadership Chair in Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk at the University of British Columbia, with the title: “The Unraveling of America”(*), how COVID-19 signals the end of the American era. (*)

In 1998 I wrote an article on this topic that received the title - A COUNTRY PERPLEX WITH ITSELF, plagiarizing in the title, Journalist José Meirelles Passos, where I detail all these concerns with the implosion of American society, swallow us all.

 When referring to the year 1892, let us remember the Conclusions of  Pierre Laffitte on De La Stabilité De L'équilibre économique - direct disciple of Augusto Comte, who demonstrated in one of his laborious works everything that could occur in a scientific way.

After 128 years it is confirmed by the White House - that one of the items addresses madness as a mental illness caused by Economic Instability.-

  Both the Social Pathology and The welfare of Social Health, which can be expressed by an analysis of the three-legged behavior of a tripod, which provides the underpinning of the balance or imbalance of a Society - the often-forgotten Moral Treasure, however the most important. The other two legs of the tripod are the Scientific Intellectual Treasure, often combined with the Fetish, the Theological, and the Metaphysical treasures; and the other, the Material Treasury ($). The legs of this tripod swing in their greatness. When one or two of them are substantially reduced, the society enters into Pathological Chaos. 

    But, as most rulers only have a materialist view ($), or rather, today's Statesmen are concerned only with Scientific Material and Intellectual Treasures (Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) and their respective Technologies. , neglecting to listen to and attend to the Councils of the Priestly Scientists, regarding the Moral Capital, of the formation of the Society; unfortunately, they are taking us to very high-risk levels - civil war, corruption, terrorism and so on. of a possible social implosion, if they do not take the appropriate measures in due time. Taking us from Homo Sapiens to Homo Economicus, and quickly to Animalis Homo.  

Not everything that is suggested here can be deployed now; but it serves as new ideas for the future.

 To make it easier to organize this complex subject in a systematic way, I thought it was good to analyze the “organs” involved in the defense of BIOCRACY, here on Mother Earth. (Bio = Life; Cracia = Government)

                                       GOVERNMENT OF LIFE



                                                           SOCIAL - POLITICAL ECONOMY.  POLICED CAPITALISM.

                                                                                     BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY.

                                                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL - NATURE PRESERVATION.   

                                                        • MORAL FEELING EDUCATION - SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION

                                                                          - POLITICS - REPUBLICAN SOCIETOCRATIC REGIME

                                                                           - HEALTH - MEDICINE

                                                                           - DUTIES / LAW

      Like the organizers of this conclave - WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - 2020 and its participants, that they do not have a Scientific Doctrine and everything is largely decided by empirical "logics" and not by knowledge of Scientific Natural Laws, in the field of Sociology and Moral Positive Sciences, which provide us by systematization, the trend of the projection of future actions, based on past information, complemented by historical series in other civilizations, where applicable and mainly based on this past information, adjusted by us now in the present, it is possible to predict Future trends.

        This brainstorm a technique that each gives an idea is valid when one knows the science that governs the subject in question, but in this conclave, the ideas are randomly generated, then some privileged brains of potential memory and endowed with interconnected intelligence facts; it creates a List of Standards and Parameters, so that our "children" will meet them to achieve the goals set.

            But as always, the majority who was never right happens to hit the suggested points, which are not being operationalized and the suggestions are being eroded, over time and the goals are not reached or met. 

                The effort made by the UN with you is valid only to demonstrate concern, which is real, and that we need to look for solutions in various action plans, through the Natural Laws of positive sociology science and they are respective technological applications = political economy. ; as well as positive moral science or construction science or little known as scientific psychology and its respective technological applications - the norms: individual, familiar, civic, western, eastern, and planetary, which do not create the blockade of scientific creativity or action of free media, with social responsibility.


          Being the Human Being a living being; an organism, thereby formed in some way; and on the other hands, cannot survive except in a particular environment; and will only be maintained in this environment by virtue of certain relations between the organism and the environment.

   By enumerating such relationships, the various functions of animals appear; so that each function, that is, each convergent act of living nature corresponds to the existence of each of these relations, which are performed through a certain part of the animal; these parts, which are called organs.

 Thus animals are considered a set of organs; that is where the word organism comes from.

      The environment is modified by the life of the organism; and the organism is changed by the environment in which it lives.

 These changes have a limit, will depend on the organism capacity; It adapts to variations in the environment, but if these variations are too large and too abrupt, the an organism is destroyed, annihilated rather than transformed. For this reason it is not possible to admit that undefined modifications may occur on top of the same organism.

 Due to the reaction of this organism on the environment, and the environment on the organism, a double animal aptitude appears:

 1.  On the one hand, the organism must change the environment, adapting it more and more to the conditions of animal existence.


2.  On the other hand, the organism needs to be molded, that is, to fit in the middle when it cannot modify it.  

Mutatis Mutandis we can extrapolate that the study of the Society from its static point of view can be studied by the essential parts of a collective organism, the basic institutions, and the fundamental organs, which underpin Social existence:

        The Idiom, The Family, The Work, The Production, The Wage, The Capital, The Property, The Temporal Or Political Government, and The Priestly Or Spiritual Or Worship Government, which provide the basis of the studies;

  In order to know the developments or evolution of the social organs mentioned above, which consists of the succession of the correlative and fixed modifications, that the social elements undergo, and the essential institutions, in their spontaneous movement, within the limits of variability, which Positive Sociology Science has recognized belong to the collective existence.

    All observations that can be made about the different human groups evolving through the ages, have established the existence of a continuous change, in the state of the different Social Layers Structures and the Maternal and Media Institutions, which serve to promote their Actions; having unceasingly varied, depending on the times and places; the condition of the proletariat, the employer, the priesthood and women; The Character of Property, the Form of the Distribution of Wealth, Family, Idiom, City Organization, Municipality, State, Federation, and Church, and the latter according to its Doctrine.

     What characterizes Auguste Comte as a philosopher as glory is that he has found and established, by demonstration, that Natural Philosophical Laws of these Variations, or the Fixation of their successions, according to their constant relationship, which links them to the development of the three principals attributes of our psychic nature - Feeling, Intelligence and Activity; that is, from our "Soul, or psyche, or mind."

   All social mutations thus observed depend in effect upon the evolution of these primary elements, as indicated above, and upon all collective manifestations, which are governed by Fundamental Natural Laws, the First Philosophy, or as the Laws of Supreme Fatality, which are 15 Laws; the Natural Laws of Second Philosophy - Laws of the 7 Positive Sciences - Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Positive Sociology and Positive Moral, with their respective technological applications, known to positivists as Third Philosophy.

      To better understand this matter please contact The IUCN Mission to Influence, Encourage, and Assist Societies - Worldwide in Conserving the Integrity and Biodiversity Nature, and Ensure That Any Use of Natural Resources is Equally and Ecologically Sustainable - in International Union for Nature Conservation.


·        SOCIAL – Political Economy. Policed Capitalism and Neoliberalism -  Sustainability in Business.

           Political Economy 


 The philosophical analysis and Scientific Conclusion that Pierre Laffitte, direct a disciple of Augusto Comte, in 1892, (   has done in his work on Economic Balance Stability by providing us with an accurate knowledge Political Economy errors and the dangers of its application; We can now appreciate how these errors influence in such deplorable the present ways  the situation of the Planet (2020), giving a systematic consecration to the constantly increasing excesses of Industrialization unbridled - {(Bank- Finance, Trade, Manufacturing, Services, Agriculture, Livestock and Mining (Oil)}, which is always to be dispensed within the name of these fallacious conceptions, in any direction. Not only conceiving economic life, its full planetary universality, the abstraction made of the other social elements, and thus came the implicit proclamation of a merely material kind of life, expressed today by GDP. Producing with agitation to consume as much as possible is the only goal, which was determined to give to human life. However, nowadays there is already a concern with the social. With the evolution of the concept that organized society - companies, governments, and civil society - has become aware that for economic growth to effectively represent development, it must be accompanied by improvements in people's quality of life, with the reduction of social inequalities, and greater respect for the environment, as measured by the HDI and the Gini index.

Economists often place in their prefaces respectful moral considerations, but as these vague statements need true social duties, they affect the form and not way alter the content. This is so true that it naively came to classify people according to the amount of meat (1850); they consume (today the GDP). It is the economic pendant of the unique democratic classification, of peoples after the number of individuals who can read, naturally carefully making the abstraction of what they read.

One of the most deplorable consequences, of such habits and the principles that enshrine it is a constantly increasing Economic Instability.

The instability of all situations created a truly unnamed Industrial and Moral anarchy. Undoubtedly the natural laws of the social order, the deadly weight of habits and the antecedents would have been opposed by insurmountable obstacles to the realization of these disastrous chimeras, but the mere issuance of such a conception makes only too obvious the economic instability that dared to systematize such a degree. The instability that will of course is always growing as more is only countered by old habits and exhausted principles; which are increasingly unable to defend the social order.

Economic Instability when well-established needs before, indicating the appropriate means to regulate it more precisely about its grave dangers, to analyze its origins. The dangers of economic instabilities are personal, family, and social. These triple points of view are can be so summarized.

The dangers in the individual or personal field, that it is due to Economic Instability it are of various types. The first that such instability generates it is a necessary predisposition to the state of madness. There is no doubt that the number of psychiatrists and psychologists has greatly increased. In the forestry civilization, there are no madmen. Vejo -

As for the great economic instability social dangers of, where they are so great and so obvious that they are already attracting the attention of conscientious observers, such as the UN today - the participants of the RIO + 20 conclaves, concerned about the dignity of our social situation, see 2008 crisis in the USA and currently in the EU, generating unemployment. The industrial movement has developed a vast proletariat, the incorporation of which is the social issue of our time -


The need to address economic instability and the means to get there, with the aim of properly addressing it in a risky manner, must first be frankly acknowledged, without exaggeration of anarchism and without backward optimism. See things as they are; this is the first condition for making a real improvement. This fact aims to recognize that the main solution to social ills is essentially intellectual and moral, and secondarily political.

Institutions have value and efficiency as they are based on universally adopted principles that aim to complete the achievement. The goal is to achieve the formation of opinion under the dominant influence, that habits can change, thus finally returning to real normality, that it is wisely progressive, always remaining organic. The advent of a new scientific conception of social proven order will be born within each of us in the viewpoints and feelings that we will have to change our behavior.

         In the form that you feel, thinking, and acting.

Thus it can be solved through social life, where there is finally a stable and efficient condition, based on a spontaneous, slowly formed patent. On the other hand designs by adopting universally (and the inevitable ones; if they are scientists) that an opinion will be formed, by no means arbitrary, since it will be an expression of reality, which to organize the response of each of the participants, all in order, to aid individual effort by reducing the intervention of the force which must gradually diminish, though it cannot be expected forever, to eliminate it altogether.

Let us now briefly define what scientific concepts are these adoptions of which will improve social-economic cohesion, and patiently accept provisions unmodifiable. We must first recognize clearly the great principles definitively demonstrated by the famous thinkers of the eighteenth century. Enlightenment Age or Reason Age.

·       Individual property is the fundamental and necessary foundation in any society; It is a precondition of any progress, as of all dignity, and must be compromised and consolidated.

·       Second, the division of economic functions is as inevitable as it is      indispensable.

·       Finally, the various functions abandoned in the natural play of individual forces tend to form a spontaneous [Employer] Order, the unshakable foundation of any artificial development.

·       But now we must establish a second principle that is completely ignored by Political Economy, and which will be the starting point of our artificial intervention for a wise improvement of the natural order.

This principle is

    "Wealth is social in its origin and must be in its destiny as well."       

Singapore Government Shares Profit with People -   

   It is obvious that a worker's professional ability at even the most basic level is a slow creation of humanity, and it required the efforts that go back to the first

      • Social work is at its source and therefore must be at its destination.
• It follows that businessmen and workers are necessary members of a large organization, and that, therefore, the distinction of transition between public and private functions must disappear morally. 

      • Another consequence is that all of us in the economy have DUTIES to fulfill. 

     • This new principle of adoption has immense consequences.  

  First. It is no longer morally possible to consider the needs of our personality, variables, and their aspirations, as the only considerations that should come into the regulation of our conduct and therefore we must introduce into our lives economic considerations, not only of our interest but also the social consequences of such actions. We must stop confusing yet, as it is done today, the notion of change with that of progress. And not to glorify the name that changes are whatsoever without asking if these changes represent a real social improvement. Moreover, even if a change generates real progress, it is necessary to ask in social terms its true opportunity. Finally, when the proposed change constitutes timely progress, it is an undeniable duty to organize a proper operation between the state and the situation we want to achieve. Based on these considerations, each of us has three levels of duties, both the prospect of the active year, the industrial workers, and the liabilities it concerns, according to our properly motivated approval or fault.

      Capitals are the first to be considered because everyone can participate in its realization to some extent and that it is necessary to move towards the fixity of habits. How can industrial life predict and provide, if at any time, the various sectors of housing, clothing, furniture, etc., etc. This stability has, furthermore, all the irrelevant changes that require proper development. Needless to add, this fixation of habits necessary for the social order, in fact, has the happiest domestic and personal reactions, and can only afford a true aesthetic perfection, incompatible with the preponderance of undefined whims derived mainly from the tiniest inspirations.

Second fundamental requirement for achieving a truly normal order is to moderate the instability characteristic of the transformation of modes of production. Writers have long protested fairly, with regard to certain measures, against the aversion with which they are usually greeted by workers, the various developments, and the many changes that have been made in recent centuries, especially in manufacturing, finance, labor laws, and labor. Guarantee Funds. Undoubtedly, it is undisputed that the preliminary development of the industry had to be purely empirical since all the various developments, including the most useful and most necessary ones, had to be more or less harmful, and should not, be rejected. But we must also recognize that evolution as an industrialist acquires more power, change, or even more certain progress, to train with them more serious problems and misfortunes for the proletariat, and even with many industrial leaders or entrepreneurs. And once again, the primitive empiricism of industrial evolution, as it becomes more worrying, is becoming less and less excusable in the current situation of Human Intelligence.

 For, according to Humanity Evolution in its early age has had to develop its strengths, while, to normal to establish, must be resolved by its sustainability. The problem in this regard, as in many others are to organize the reconciliation of Order (Employer) with Progress (Proletarian), which can only be achieved through the subordination of necessary Progress and it will never have proper development if it is not of this sort form. It is his responsibility after a series of “homework” at the Public Assembly, the Board of Directors and the industrial proletariat. Everyone's general duty must be transparent, in accordance with the positive conception of the industrial order; finally changing the empirical conception that any kind of modification to what is established is considered Progress.

        Finally, in this matter of Political Economy, it is understood that wealth and labor are a production of all Humanity, and upon which its existence and development should avoid, whenever possible, especially sudden changes, which are due to a huge waste of strength. These changes cause both the loss of material and the loss of mental and moral strength, which by necessity are the workers of nonfinancial production who will acquire new skills. This concept must be generalized and systematized according to an overview of the economic order. There, in the economic order, three essential functions can perform:

    So, we must conceive the DUTY of each of us, which will not support actual Progress, which is then appropriate and gradually introduced into a well-organized transition. Industrial leaders, to be tasked with organizing such a special transition, will have to define a kind of extension of the principle of compensation to a public purpose, that is, those whose hands are concentrated on human capital to anticipate crises and for that they institute any slowdown for the changes in the ills, which are a little intense in the means of production. There is an undeniable need whose proof is easy and almost obvious. The proletariat in its discourse on this subject is more passive than active. However, when he is regenerated by sufficient approval of positivist principles, he will participate vigorously in maintaining economic order, refusing to assist his work for progress, the value or even true taste will not be demonstrated. Positivism can provide these common principles of sentences and even agreement. As useless or harmful to industrial operations, the denial of promotion is entirely an absolute moral. We may well see a wave of really social strikes while so far, even when they were the most legitimate, they were always affected by a personality of deep character. But for such a set of rights to be effective on the part of the public, industrial leaders, and the proletariat, accountability must still be seriously enforced. That is why we must strive to reduce rather than extend the principle of anonymity that disastrous preponderance, which ultimately removes all personal responsibility, without which it can, however, be neither of dignity nor morality.

      In Conclusion, in this matter of Political Economy, it is understood that wealth and labor are a production of all Humanity, and upon which its existence and development should avoid, whenever possible, especially sudden changes, which are due to a huge waste of strength. These changes cause both the loss of material and the loss of mental and moral strength, which by necessity are the workers of nonfinancial production who will acquire new skills. This concept must be generalized and systematized according to an overview of the economic order. There, in the economic order, three essential functions can perform:

Production, Storage and Shipping. 

     Economists, like the public, do not see the General Social Order sufficiently, yet blindly believe in an exclusive domain of production. 

     We must return to a broader appreciation: the preservation and expedition effect, to some extent at least as large as the production of economic order. Especially the conservation, complemented by the expedition that is due to the formation of capital and its gradual increase. This assessment of conservation gives it its true dignity and sufficiently explains that there is a need to subordinate production to conservation. We can further deduce from this brief analysis of the true character of women's economic role. Conservation has taken its rightful place in the economic order; Women appear to us to be risky, and they really play a very important role in industrial life, but they should never leave the Family.

 Women in the family and in society as a result function essentially conservatively and must be, after an admirable expression, peculiar to them.

   The housewife, but never at work, but as an Educator of Human Feelings - Teaching Subordinate Selfishness to Altruism to her children. (*) more details

For this position, it will help, as it has already helped in a large proportion of the formation, of human prosperity. This undeniable assessment, although contrary to current gross projects, brings us together to the positivism that must be found in the right Women, being illuminated by great support, to organize, finally, by a preponderance of subordination of Order and Progress to POSITIVE MORAL, for the betterment of the social welfare of the Human Being here on Mother Earth.


    Political Economy

   Thus, in short, it must be recognized, as demonstrated, and that it is our duty to comply with our conduct:

   1) Individual appropriation of wealth is the necessary condition of all social existence;

 2) That the decomposition of work into separate functions is so inevitable and indispensable;

 3) That the various functions, left to themselves, under the impulse of the personal responsibility of each of their agents, tend to form a natural or spontaneous order on any basis of the necessary action of any modifier.

But after finding by these three proposals above, the existence of natural economic order, which demonstrated the necessity of a modification of this spontaneous order;

 We have therefore established that:

            1) That, since the economic order is based on natural laws, we can, for this very   reason, and must, therefore, be subject to proper development established by a  clear and systematic non-eventuality.

           2) That, therefore, we must admit the now undeniable principle that wealth and social work are at the origin and must be at their destination;

          3) That, after this, there is, for each one, an undeniable need to introduce into the performance of various industrial acts, considerations that are not purely personal;  and we must appreciate the social consequences of our industrial life, as well as affect our business and contribute to a wise improvement of the natural order;

        4) What we need above all in various acts of our material life is to strive for sufficient rigidity to avoid change and to soften the disadvantages of all necessary and slow and timely change.
The Philosophical Laws of the natural and economic principles of wise modifiability are well established. Probably on a subject of such great importance; Pierre Laffitte may have very undeveloped considerations, but I think he has achieved the essential goal he has pursued, and if this will result in a profound sense of the need for stability of the economic order, the vision needs the superiority of conservation overproduction, with the project finally having to always make progress in the Order (Employer). May we finally come to consider the economic change that, with this wise care that must preside overall destruction!

         May we come to this willingness to receive with progress, ever so pompously announced caution, demanding the demonstration that proper progress is indeed true and perfect for the existing order! When this transformation only begins with a few minds, it will finally be accomplished through a large number of Men, to become immensely viable for the happiness of Humanity, and the whole set of scientific concepts says (*)
   Pierre Laffitte, who stressed and will be coming finally to the great Positive Moral progress; Base on Pierre Laffitte's text. February - 21, 1823 - January 4, 1903.


·        Wall Street Reform Two -Years Later: Reforming the System and Protecting American Consumers Weekly Address: Protecting the American People with New Wall Street Reforms

·        Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System. 

·       Neoliberalism’ and ‘Capitalism’ – what’s the difference?


·         Wall Street Declares War on Bernie Sanders

·         Latin America: Rightwing Interlude and the Death Rattle of Neoliberalism

·         Paulo Guedes's liberal shock did not work in any country and only caused misery.

·         Paulo Guedes's liberal shock did not work in any country and only caused misery



SUSTAINABLE CAPITALISM: a change in the paradigms of classical capitalism (The corporate world innovates with concepts of Social, Environmental, Rsa and Drs Responsibilities - in search of survival) -



.assuntos sobre capitalismo e direitos humanos - p a lacaz ...




 Positive Moral Science or Construction Science, or Scientific Psychology.

The book(*) rescues the knowledge of Moral Positive or Science of Construction, present in the formation and political-social culture of Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries; this science studies the individual man, it inner connection with itself and it reconnection with the World and Humanity, based on the Positivist Philosophy. Today, failure to comply with the laws of this science, with an emphasis on selfishness, has been causing national disintegration and moral degeneration. The rescue of this knowledge, in order to superimpose altruism over selfishness is necessary to offer people, especially in their civic and citizen formation, the knowledge of Positive Ethics as a science, which, maximized by the altruistic feeling, generates happiness and harmony mental, as an alternative to fetishistic, theological and metaphysical morals.

It is expected that upon reaching the readers, the spread of the implementation of positive moral laws will occur, achieving the reduction of material losses, due to the minimization of immoral conduct.

This book provides knowledge for a scientific education to free the world from the four human plagues: wars, diseases, misery, and corruption, aiming at Order and Social Progress.

It also alerts medical training in psychiatry, the existence of tools for the analysis of the psycho-pathology of the Human Being, due to the influence of the social environment and the instability of the personality, aiming to diagnose these psychic diseases, in order to know the real scientific causes of mental disharmony. and the knowledge of the emotional state of the “Soul” (mind) and its cures, without the undue or exaggerated use of drug, making the psychiatrist much more a doctor-priest than he is today; where the masking of the clinical condition is maximized, due to excessive drug medication, in the patient, distorting his personality and erasing his Tenderness (expansion of altruism), not curing him of the mental disorder.

Today there is a lack of positive moral education, which considers the maxims “Living for Others” and “Living for Clear”, in educational processes, in labor relations, in social relations, with negative consequences for society: wars, predatory competition, violence, dispute and etc.

            The moral formation is no longer taught as a discipline and today it is restricted to the catechesis of theocratic religions and family traditions, which are increasingly deficient by the involuntary absence of the father and mother; so there is little development of altruistic feelings. The situation is such that the word "moral" is seen as a synonym for "conservatism", for repression - when positive morality is exactly the opposite: it promotes the evolution of the Order generating Progress.

This book rescues knowledge of Scientific Psychology. A scientific analysis of the human psyche demonstrates that selfish feelings must be subordinate to altruistic feelings, in order to build; that is, continuity, union (family harmony) and unity (religiosity or doctrine) between human beings, thus occurring the predominance of sociability over personality. (*)        

            Feelings Education & Doctrines 



    GENERAL CONCEPTION OF SCIENTIFIC PHILOSOPHY - ABSTRACTION THEORY - Philosophy First (15 Laws of Supreme Fatality) - Philosophy Second (Laws of 7 Sciences - Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Positive Sociology and Positive Moral) - Positive Sociology Science

The Laws of Supreme Fatality - which is part of Positive Sociology Science can be found at:

              POLITICS – Regime.  Societocratic Republican

In my speeches, I give a suggestion as an example of Structural Societocratic Regime Organization applied to the Brazil case.[Compatibility%20Mode].pdf       See the slides 35 to 86. Lecture  

New World Political Societocratic Republican REGIME -

  Hoping to have collaborated with new ideas to deal with this crisis, because this proposal was granted by a symbiosis of my studies of more  than 26 Constitutions of various countries in a period of 40 years of study, which also took into account the good items demonstrated the Current Organizational Structure of the Chinese State, removing and eliminating the method of choice for Communist lawmakers, back in operation. From what I have proposed here, only 20% of Congress will be made by politicians through a democratic election. The other politicians will be elected through a Societocratic way, and also the Magistrates and Components of the National Council of Justice.

         - HEALTH - Medicine


               - DUTIES / RIGHT

Suggestions for the UN to introduce the notion of  DUTIES Laws, with the intention of subordinating the Rights Laws.     

                          Rights Laws under DUTIES Laws





           Dear Mr. Klaus Schwab, I hope you enjoyed it and served to strengthen your strategic and tactical plans in formulating the Social and Moral Welfare of Citizens inhabiting Planet Earth.

    Sincerely, I wish you,

   Health, Respect and Fraternity

    Paulo Augusto Lacaz





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  7. Leaders Pledge to Put Climate Change ‘Front and Centre’ of Post-COVID Recovery -

  8. Rebuilding Cities to Generate 117 Million Jobs and $3 Trillion in Business Opportunity with Nature-Positive Strategy -

  9. Leaders Rally for a ‘Great Reset’ to Achieve Global Goals

  10. Embrace Circular Economy or We Will Miss Paris Climate Goals, Says Dutch Environment Minister
