Monday, October 11, 2021

Former President Barack Obama and General Ray Odierno during his administration.


I was deeply saddened today to learn about the passing of General Ray Odierno after a battle with cancer.
General Odierno devoted his life to serving this country, from the day he graduated West Point, through multiple tours of duty, and ultimately as the top U.S. commander in Iraq and as the Army chief of staff.
As President, I relied on Ray’s deep knowledge, steady leadership, and strong judgment. It’s why I trusted him to help come up with the plan to withdraw U.S. combat forces from Iraq, and to execute it in a way that kept our forces and the Iraqi people safe.
I was far from the only person to depend on Ray’s counsel, and to appreciate both his strategic and operational talents. Today, our military is stronger and the world is safer thanks to Ray’s service, and for that I will always be grateful.
Michelle and I send our thoughts to Ray’s wife Linda, their children, and everyone who is mourning his loss today.

Dear Mr. Barack Obama,

Good Morning

It was during your Government, due to many exchanges of suggestions between you and me, with the support of your advisory, aiming at two important points - TPP and

Emails Sent to from President Barack Obama

Mr. Barack Obama's Visit to Brazil
Barack Obama - Nobel Peace Prize - 2009

Decision by the site of the Olympics 2016
The Your Victory and the My Hope
Day of the thanksgivings
My congratulations, for new Greater VICTORY
Pass hearth reform now Merchandising

E-mails Received from President Barack Obama

Foreign - Policy

I appreciate hearing from you and value your input.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on education.
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that the General Ray Odierno, during your administration probably liked these E-mails listed above and sent me this site: 

It is a pleasure to see you again and I thank you for your memory, at this time that the USA lost one of its great Military Leaders.

Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity

Your Friend

Paulo Augusto Lacaz

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