Lendo o jornal O Globo (Rio de Janeiro – Brasil) de 24 de maio de 1998, na sua pagina 47, o assunto do artigo elaborado pelo jornalista José Meirelles Passos, com o titulo, “UM PAÍS PERPLEXO CONSIGO MESMO”, o nosso esquecido USA, das grandes atitudes Domésticas Morais Positivas, realizadas por intermédio dos seus poucos lideres políticos com base moral, como os que estão relacionados na pagina principal do site – www.doctrineofhumanity.com ,acrescido com certeza de outros Estadistas, que devem emergir neste Século XXI; cuja esperança, neste momento, nos leva a lutar pela Vitória do candidato Independente aceito pelo Partido dos Democratas, o Senador Mr. Bernie Sanders.
“This election is about changing the parameters of what’s feasible and ending the choke hold of big money on our political system.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmO8fvcWpkY
· “I’ve known Hillary Clinton since
she was 19 years old, and have nothing but respect for her. In my view, she’s
the most qualified candidate for president of the political system we now have.
· But Bernie Sanders is the most qualified candidate to create the political system we should have, because he’s leading a political movement for change.” Robert Reich -http://robertreich.org/post/138036377515
Homens como estes e outros do Partido dos Democratas, tentarão colocar em ordem, esta grande desordem que o capitalismo não policiado, altamente competitivo, capitaneado pelos líderes do Partido Republicano – principalmente Bancos dos US, dito como a salvação do relacionamento entre o Capital e o Trabalho, tem nos últimos anos provocado uma desestruturação, na Educação de seus próprios filhos. Digo Educação dos Sentimentos e não da Instrução Científica, para atender o Mercado Globalizado – acoplado a atual Crise da Financialização. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financialization e da Corrupção da Crise da Dívida Pública - http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2010/04/19-corruption-kaufmann , altamente prejudiciais ao Regime Democrático, levando-nos para um Sistema de Regime Fascista.
Voltando ao texto do artigo, o jornalista diz: que o assunto “se refere ao fato de que, os Americanos ainda não sentiram temor, diante de um fato corriqueiro da vida”.
Pois eles nunca estudaram e puseram em prática as Leis Naturais, das Ciências Sociologia Positiva e da Ciência Moral Positiva ou Ciência da Construção ou ainda conhecida por poucos, como Psicologia Científica.
· http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/em-teste-sinopse-das-15-leis-naturais.html
· http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/livros/augusto_comte_para_todos_viii.pdf
· http://livrospositivistas.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/moral-positiva-pierre-laffitte-21-ffev.html
· http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/livros/ciencia_moral_positiva_r22.pdf
Mas, este modo de pensar que estes fatos são corriqueiros, está muito errado, pois eles têm profundas raízes, na patologia social, expressa por um dos pés do tripé, que dá o sustentáculo ou o desequilíbrio de uma sociedade - o Tesouro Moral. Os outros dois pés do tripé são o Tesouro Intelectual Científico e o outro, o Tesouro Material ($).
Mas, como os governantes materialistas, ou melhor, dizendo, os Estadistas de hoje, se preocupam somente com os Tesouros Material e Intelectual Científico, se descuidando de escutar e atender os Conselhos dos Governantes Sacerdotais, no que se refere ao Capital Moral, da formação da sociedade; infelizmente, estão nos levando, a níveis de risco elevadíssimo – guerra civil - de uma possível implosão social, se não tomarem a tempo, as devidas providencias cabíveis. http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com.br/2012/07/responsabilidade-das-religioes.html - Nem tudo que é sugerido pode ser implantado agora; mas, serve de novas idéias para o futuro.
As the Economical System that prevails in the
USA, is based on promoting individual consumerism and spread the “I”; instead
of "we", which is based in propagate the sociability; the I ,
generating a dispute, the extreme competition, struggle, conquest, this all;
since when the child is generated and the period of formation and consolidation
of its character, to suffer influences of ratiocinate, subjected to highly selfish
feelings in order to adapt, when adult, to avoid their being harassed by
depressions and misalignment with this pathological society; where some
children are taken under the influence of this massive advertisements of
violent heroes, to behave as such in order to be highlights of in the media,
without being able to measure the consequences of their actions, because not
yet had enough time to become aware of the complex human problem, whose
solutions have been suggested long time ago by positivist scientific culture.
The problem has its origin in Human Feelings
Education targeting the large gaps in the Positive Moral Natural Lows, almost
empirically forgotten. But that could already have been systematized long time
for the welfare of humanity's evolution. Problems that occur in the activities
from Material Capital plus the Scientific Intellectual Capital have its origins
in social Immoralities of society.
The worst is that the solutions found by the
American human laws for these pathological cases of juvenile aggression, are
penalizing young people, with the death penalty; life imprisonment and etc ..
It's sad, but that should be being penalized,
would today's educators, these false pedagogical college, that bourgeois
society has an interest to propagate, so that children can survive, only
forcing scientific Instruction, so that
these children masses can get as soon as possible, in the market fighting, becoming
future executives, of this great country - technology and business; aiming at
the generation of Material Capital and
Intellectual Capital, forgetting that to live in a more peaceful society, there
is need to strengthen the Positive Moral Capital.
Firstly, prior to instructing scientifically, i.e.
to alphabetize and to teach the sciences
natural laws - we will educate
them, i.e., to touch in the feelings, before to improve intelligence by
Altruistic feelings, we will expand it so that occur the tenderness
Selfish feelings, we will compress it to occur the purity liberation.
We don’t
want neither angels nor saints. What we want is to minimize human wickedness; i.e.,
minimize the barbarians.
It would therefore to be possible created the
conditions to the Personality it be subordinate under Sociability.
Today, there are virtually no more Educators,
there are only trainers or School Administrators, almost know nothing about
feelings education, but a lot about Scientific instruction. They are deep
connoisseurs of Mathematical, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology Sciences,
and almost nothing of Positive Sociology
Science, and nothing of Positive Moral Science. They know lot of
Sociology- Metaphysics and very badly about Moral Theology.
About the arms purchases, where children in the
USA already buy them subjectively, since they are conceived in the mother's womb,
who watches the movie "cow-boy" - Heroes of material forces, and
other wars, the US State got involved, begin to have selfish training.
Children from an early age are led to think of
fights and disputes, which are the largest of the universe, which cannot be
countered, because the answer is the violence.
At the pinnacle of an educational disobedience,
causing behavioral disorders, they are taken to psychologists, who are the heads
of the I - more selfishness, and, so, the system proceeds more violently; even
within the HOUSE, where the woman is not the MOTHER. The mother and father,
hardly exists; emerging the famous family disorder generated by mental
The children do not love or respect more the
parents. Aunts of nurseries not give MOTHER'S LOVE. DAY CARE IS BUSINESS. ($) –
American statistics portray violence because of
the rush caused by turbulent capitalism of everyday life, the Americans cannot afford,
to be able to understand the origin of these pathological causes, so harmful of
its Society.
Usually they want to solve the problem by
combating the effect by generating other violence; and they doing nothing to
correct or eliminate the cause; and living with the growing and impossible
control, these pathological effects of their society, moving slowly to
This war is not chemistry, nor Atomic and
neither Economic-Financial, is the Moral Negative - IMMORAL; it is slow,
gradual, it is growing, it is deadliest.
If not treated there is time, with an antigen, i.e.
with positive moral actions, which is also slow and gradual, but is efficient;
and does maintain more peacefully the Society.
We can say figuratively that: "the Moral
Entropy of American Society" if it reach "Zero" It "will
implode," creating a big "black hole" gulping us all, by
globalizing world. It has signaled recently for "zero", warning us
tend to the way the implosion of their society, even with all their great
scientific discoveries and technologies, the most advanced of the modern world;
and major commercial and financial transactions. See the 2008 crisis, has been
a warning. See also the European Union, where occurs the same, on a smaller
Futurism above expressions nothing but the result of the extension of the scientific intellectual reasoning in the fields of the natural laws of Positive Sociology Science and Positive Moral Science, perceived and organized by August Comte (1798-1857), the Master of Masters and already been proven many times; and unknown to most intellectuals. Currently we can mention a great scientist, Mr. Stephen Hawking who calls himself positivist. http://www.pureinsight.org/node/1775 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positivism { Stephen Hawking is a recent high profile advocate of positivism, at least in the physical sciences. In The Universe in a Nutshell (p. 31) he writes: Any sound scientific theory, whether of time or of any other concept, should in my opinion be based on the most workable philosophy of science: the positivist approach put forward by Karl Popper and others. According to this way of thinking, a scientific theory is a mathematical model that describes and codifies the observations we make. A good theory will describe a large range of phenomena on the basis of a few simple postulates and will make definite predictions that can be tested. ... If one takes the positivist position, as I do, one cannot say what time actually is. All one can do is describe what has been found to be a very good mathematical model for time and say what predictions it makes. } Positivism research as occurring the natural phenomena and not because they occur. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/01/20/why-stephen-hawking-believes-the-next-100-years-may-be-humanitys-toughest-test-yet/?tid=sm_fb
In this matter, about Sociology and Moral, think that dialogue and the
debate in a way to "ignorant, i.e. no specialist", it will not be
possible to find a solution to the problems of feelings education. It is
totally mistaken.
"Did you ever wonder why things
like that; where children kill each other, do not happen in India and China
family?" http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754 - Look the difference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XEA0oXzxbE
- http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/05/thank-you-for-your-message.html
The Economists and the experts on Marketing,
consciously or unconsciously, they are largely culprits by immoral media
propaganda, based on selfish feelings that generate reasoning in their minds,
contaminating the society to generate anarchic progress and retrograde order,
complemented by new metaphysical psychology ideas with scientific teachers and the absence of educator of feelings, as responsible by
younger "brains" formation, in present generations, i.e., with no
Positive Scientific Education; These younger brains,
"semi-formatted", imbued of authority by mediocre PhD title, which
cannot be counteracted, with a high degree of pride, vanity, spirit of
destruction and other selfish feelings, that contaminate the society, causing
there are social disharmony.
We cannot consult the population, to develop a
project, but we know it opinion about these issues, even if it is for itself
welfare. Most hits by chance - democratic vision. We have, we the
intellectuals, with life outside the Universities and altruistic, over 65 years
age to create a national plan and to show the community to help us with
practical suggestions to make appropriate adjustments.
How does a person who knows nothing about Sociology and Moral Positive Natural Scientific Laws, can opine on this issues? As well as, we have be that advised by the wisdom in the older culture and if possible not millionaires and not magistrates, who mostly where they are swayed by political influence where this last are purchased by lobbyists money. https://www.facebook.com/VivaBernie2016/videos/1551410445178446/?fref=nf
How a person can get their rights, without knowing their social and moral duties, in society, which it lives?
“What is Morally Wrong Cannot be Politically Correct”
Abraham Lincoln - Posted in U.S. Capitol.
crisis of "affection - love - fondness," as is said in the media, it
would better be considered as Altruism crisis (Veneration, Attachment and
Kindness); which consequently brings up in children (0-3 years old) spontaneous
indiscipline, causing disrespect to the fathers and consequently the apparent
loss of the same authority, within the Home.
correction methods of discipline and the penalty through a punishment for
"mild pats" is not tyranny attitude, if not blocks or creativity, or
the development or physical injury; that is, get maintain order and progress,
in the brain still unprepared to understand the penalty; it only understands
mime, and do not know yet assimilate the expression of verbal and written languages.
is not the "conscience" (metaphysical expression) of each individual
who will maintain the democratic freedom; it will propagate liberality, which
today that is taking a monstrous and stupid way to command decisions in the
American brothers, with the extension of this technique of
"brain-storm" of high applicability in specific fields and highly
scientific from mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology, in
meetings of scientists, technologists and experts in Well Arts and the Good Art,
it is extremely valid.
would also be valid for the moral and social problems if we were already formed
scientists with deep knowledge of Sociology and Moral Positive Sciences, where
we find the Natural Laws of the DUTIES - Individual, Household, Patriot,
Western, Eastern and Planetariums; similarly, that the seven sciences and two
kinds of arts, listed above.
this attitude of using techniques of "brainstorm" with the objective
of finding no scientific solutions, that is, empirical with fetishist,
theological and metaphysical bases by querying the public opinion, which mostly
educated by their feelings, even more Altruist than selfish, which are however
highly manipulated by selfish political leaders, in this conjectural democratic
system that never hit for itself the welfare of a most productive middle class.
most intellectuals ignore the truths of sociability that is Sociology Sciences
and Moral Science Positive Natural Laws, perceived by August Comte, to consult
an ignorant mass socially, will only bring anti-social outcome. By chance can
soften but does not resolve.
Most of today's population, it is not Educated to sociability, but, for subordinate Sociability under Personality and economically accepting the Not Policed Capitalism, the one that prevailing in Wall Street and FED. http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2015/01/ii-thank-you-for-your-message.html
Through these techniques, we will not find
solutions to social problems, in the current public views, totally uneducated
morally and socially.
It will not be through opinion research, get the
solution to Youth behavior problems, through Sociology Positive Science and
Moral Positive Science, which are unknown to most intellectuals and statesmen
of the current Globalised World.
For the moment that they really knowing these
two sciences, there will be no need philosophizing outputs, fetishists, theological
and metaphysical, in many universities, whose resources established would be
greatly better employed in improving the welfare, of many malnourished and
human hungry.
O “Afeto” ou carinho é a solução para o problema. O afeto é a forma delicada de se transmitir algo ao ser humano. Transmite-se certo, com conteúdo correto ou errado. Nada adianta se o aprendizado for errado social e moralmente.
É lamentável que se desconheça o que Augusto Comte percebeu, com a ajuda de outros cientistas de sua época, principalmente o Dr. Joseph Gall, que a “Alma” humana é formada de 18 funções cerebrais ou órgãos cerebrais - sendo 10 do Sentimento; 5 da Inteligência e 3 do Caráter. Alertando que os Sentimentos comandam a Inteligência. Julho de 1851.
Esta mania de se perguntar à opinião de ignorante, em lugar errado, para se procurar o certo, jamais dará resultado Cientifico; pois sabemos que só a ciência, com Amor, unirá o Homem.
Ainda no texto do artigo jornalístico, em análise, verificamos que se gasta muito dinheiro em pesquisa, como fez a Clínica Mayo de Rochester que teve necessidade, por meio de ferramentas matemáticas, tal como a estatística, concluir que a família é algo importante na sociabilidade. Isto é, que os jovens americanos na década de 60 perderam 10 a 12 horas de contato com os seus pais, devido a ambos, estar trabalhando fora do Lar.
Não é possível que os Doutores da Clínica Mayo, tenham que recorrer, a métodos estatísticos, para concluírem que a Família é algo importante para a sociabilidade, principalmente na Educação dos Sentimentos das Crianças e dos Jovens, quando necessitam da Mulher-Mãe para estar ao seu lado. Cabe aqui lembrar Aristóteles, o Príncipe dos Filósofos, que dizia: “Divisão dos ofícios e união dos esforços”.
Vamos buscar recentemente na própria sociedade americana o parecer de um “Cientista Político” (Cabe aqui alertar que Política jamais será Ciência; sempre será uma Arte do Bom), o Cientista Político e Historiador Edward Nicolae Luttwak { http://csis.org/expert/edward-n-luttwak; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Luttwak}, que em 14 de junho 1995, em sua entrevista na Revista Veja disse: “A competição entre empresas e entre as pessoas, estão se autodestruindo; destrói-se as pessoas, as empresas e finalmente destrói o próprio país - USA . Esta disputa desenfreada está tirando a serenidade da vida, a tranqüilidade da convivência familiar e concentrando a renda como nunca se viu sem sangue, na História recente da Humanidade
http://usuncut.com/news/edit-complete-hw-stephen-hawking-says-really-scared-capitalism-not-robots http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2014/10/salvemos-o-capitalismo-do-caos-reinante.html http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2014/11/iii-internationalist-future-of-human.html
“No Sul da Itália, perder o emprego, significa pouco. O desempregado encontra apoio emocional e material na Família. Lá não existe a eficiência e liberalidade de Manhattam – do Velho Amoral Wall Street. No entanto, no ambiente rural, com liberdade, ninguém precisa de” Turbo-capitalismo ”, ou melhor, de Capitalismo-Egoísta , pois a vida econômica, não é que seja estável; é que as famílias, possuem a Mama, que emana empiricamente a Moral Positiva, sem saber - o Sr. Luttwak, não percebeu devido a sua formação; que isto não é, como ele disse, que a parte Moral Positiva, deve ficar para os pregadores ou pastores Americanos.
Mas o que adianta se os pregadores teologistas, não satisfazem com as suas pregações, os argumentos científicos das suas ovelhas e provocam suas debandadas. Na Itália, estas pregações de Moral Positivas ficam para as Mães - as Mamas; verdadeiras Mulheres de Grandes Famílias. Grande aqui não implica em riqueza material, e sim em Riqueza Afetiva - Altruísta, como já vimos é gerado pelo Trabalhos Morais, que está acima da Classe de Trabalho Material e Intelectual Científico. O mesmo ocorre nas famílias judaicas, cujas Mães são educadas pelos Rabinos, a saber “educar” seus filhos por métodos antigos do empirismo teológico.
Como vivemos em uma fase revolucionária da Humanidade, é difícil de entender, que a função da Mulher está fadada a Educar Moralmente os Homens, e os Homens tem por obrigação administrar “Industrialmente o Mundo”, desmilitarizando-o gradativamente. Mas a Mulher, jamais poderá ser explorada e jamais poderá perder o Poder Político. Esta sua função, tem que ser muita bem remunerada materialmente, pelo Estado, em igualdade de condições com o Pai de Família.
Jamais, a Mulher-Mãe deverá abandonar as crianças entre 0 e 14 anos , para se dedicarem ao trabalho industrial, na disputa inadequada com os Homens. Os sexos não são opostos, são Complementares.
São dos nove meses da geração até os 14 anos de idade que se forma o 30$ do Caráter e se molda os 70% dos Sentimentos Humanos. Uma creche não instrui esta Educação aos alunos, pois creche não tem filhos, tem negocio, para amenizar o sofrimento dos filhos, pela falta das Mães ausentes e do lucro dos donos das creches.
A inteligência é nata. Ela é apurada ou aprimorada por meio de raciocínios dados por exercícios de matemática.
Os sentimentos comandam a inteligência; que por sua vez dão um feedback para os sentimentos. Os sentimentos egoístas geram raciocínios egoístas. Os sentimentos altruístas geram raciocínios altruístas ou sociais e não socialistas.
Devemos criar técnicas pedagógicas para ensinar subordinar os sentimentos egoístas aos sentimentos altruístas, mantendo uma branda competição a um nível do Mérito (Capacidade, Competência e Posição Social)
Meus Prezados humanos, que habitam os US, vamos mudar um pouco o modo de sentir, pensar e agir, para evitarmos a autodestruição de uma Nação, que chegou a tão elevado nível material e intelectual, mas tem deixado a desejar, no Nível Moral Positivo, e que repercute violentamente no seu nível de Sociabilidade, para servir de exemplo para os demais países do Mundo, com uma orientação mais científica de forma sistemática na Educação dos Sentimentos, na psique ou alma ou mente dos humanos, no reino da Mãe Terra.
Para isso poder ocorrer vamos apoiar o Democrata BERNIE SANDER que está certo em suas proposições.
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