Monday, June 5, 2023



CEO / Commercial Director – 84 years old


PROFESSION: Industrial Chemist, with several specialization courses in Marketing, Finance and Production Engineering and “Farmer*”. With knowledge in: Scientific Philosophy, Sociology and Scientific Psychology; Political Economy as a “Political Scientist”.(*)

  SPECIALIZATION (Generalization) and President of SCCBESME HUMANIDADE -

 I am a CEO and also a “Business Manager” with well-diversified knowledge and wide experience in Brazil.


· Over 40 years of experience in the Marketing and Sales area, having held various management and direction positions in large companies, such as:

· Wholesaler Martins Comércio, Importação e Exportação Ltda. - Uberlândia: Sales Supervisor - Rio de Janeiro.

· Othon S/A Hotels: General Manager, a period in which the hotel chain showed substantial profits (US$ 6 million), having tripled in relation to the previous period. Annual revenue of US$ 60 million.

· Cridasa, an affiliate of Aracruz Celulose S.A.: General Manager of the company whose product was 22 million liters of ethanol/year.

· CEAG/SEBRAE: Operational Manager, having coordinated the analysis of several technical and economic feasibility studies for financing purposes through BD-RIO Bank.

· Montreal Engenharia S/A: Commercial Project Manager, where he discussed and signed several engineering service contracts.

· Foster Wheeler Ltda - Subsidiary of Foster Wheeler Corporation - Livingston: Commercial Project Manager, where he collaborated in the Proposals Department.  I elaborated and discussed contracts in Brazil and abroad.

· GETEC - Guanabara Química S/A: Sobirtol Factory  Superintendent ·

LUZ Steárica – Wheat Mill; Moinho de Milho: Balanced Feed Production Manager at the Fatty Acids and Glycerin Unit.

· Ceras Johnson S/A Subsidiary of Johnson

Wax - Racine - S: Production Manager for Aerosol, Waxes, and Other Products

· Promon Technology Center: Project Engineer, developed several studies concerning many technical and economic analyzes of new technological concepts. Trip to Finland, Sweden and Denmark - Multicliente Sale

· Aracruz Celulose S/A: Planning Assistant, worked on Renewable Energy Sources, with a view to replacing Petroleum derivatives (technical-economic feasibility).

· Ciquine Química: Advisor to the President on technical matters.

· Aeronautical Technological Center - CTA: Niobium Research

· Former Managing Partner of Via Zappia Ltda, a small industry, manufacturer of leather goods, having exported to the USA.

· Several trips abroad.

· Consultant, for economic and financial feasibility studies.

· Consultant, Independent – on Religion [Doctrine] (Cult – Dogma and Regime), Politics and Philosophy, based on the Positivist Doctrine).

· See the website; which complements the information on this page. ·


See website =  which updates my Resume, three books of my authorship,  - in addition to “Maneuver Yourself Your Destiny”, according to Auguste Comte's Theory of Abstraction.

· Participation in the 2007 Hillary Clinton Political Campaign - she deceived me; Barack Obama - he let me down at the end of his government, and finally I admire Senator Bernie Sanders from here in Brazil.

     I no longer seek a political relationship with Mr. Barack Obama, since 5/10/2017, due to the above link:

     Right now - Jan/2018 - I'm supporting Mr. Donald J. Trump, on a case-by-case basis, because he is against the TPP and wants to bring order to the Chaos of US Immigration and Health Care.


  Contact Presidente. Vladimir Putin

      CONTACT World Economic Forum -       

  Mr. Joseph R. Biden Jr. - Do not disappoint the Progressive Friends who gave you the Victory

 Paulo Augusto, you are cordially invited to our virtual inauguration - Joe Biden

      Due to the link -

   - This resulted in the contact made by the National Guard Bureau and my responses in the comments Response to Success of National Guard activities in Washington - January 20, 2021  -

Superfan The superfan badge helps you stand out from the crowd when commenting. You earned yours by actively engaging with The National Guard. 12/22/2020

* In Brazil I am partisanly independent, but I am sympathetic to President LULA and I fight case by case, based on Scientific Morals, to subordinate Personality to SOCIABILITY, in a Police Capitalist Economic Regime with a Societocratic Republican. 

* In relation to a book of my authorship, about China, where the Philosopher Auguste Comte is located, the President of France Jean Jacques Chirac sent the following Link.

      Book about China during the Visit of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Siva to Beijing, where LULA's photo appears.

      If you want to receive the book for free, just send an E-mail.

I won the biggest fan badge from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Brazil -

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