Thursday, July 25, 2024

What would Kamala Harris' foreign policy look like if she were elected US president?


 Candidate Harris' project and political intentions are completely contrary to Brazilian purposes, external independence proposed by the BRICs + program. Both Harris and Trump are bad for Brazil; Brazil cannot take sides, however "a good dish is distinguished from others by its seasoning", so are the two candidates who distinguish themselves from each other, the least worst, who causes the least damage in general, is Donald J. Trump. The reality of today's world is in the middle, between falling into the abyss or being killed and torn apart by a carnivorous beast. In the first option there is no fight, when falling into the abyss; As for the second option, there is a fight, and you can beat the beast (Kamala Harris). Trump, the patriot and nationalist, focuses on his own country to save the dollar and guarantee the quality of life of the American people against Immigrants and TPP{ },  for this to happen, it must abandon the war that consumes trillions of dollars, against Russia, aiming for the good of Nazi/Fascist Ukraine and despite being in favor of the Zionists, but does not understand who the real anti-Semites are (Guess who the real protagonists of anti-Semites are Semitism (  ) He will be forced to minimize the Israel x Palestine conflict and at the same time block Chinese commercial advances.

Harris will intensify the war against Russia by supporting Western Europe and the Russia x Ukraine conflict with a lot of money(

  , indicating that it will continue to give full support to Israel (

  ). As for the Americas, the two will continue with the policy of dominance and both must ignite the agitation against Venezuela to get hold of the oil and will start with the oil deposits existing between Venezuela - Brazil - Guyana. In addition to rare earths from our neighboring countries.

Brazil will be a key player in this American occupation of the Southern Cone, if we leave aside BRIC policies.

The Geopolitical panorama is this; and now make your assessment by gathering your information without taking sides on either side. (But, P. A. Lacaz is a supporter of Mr. Trump)

Kamala Harris will continue to light and sponsor the flame of World War III, together with England and France  ( ), leading to the worst of all worlds, the war that everything indicates that atomic weapons and biological weapons will be used in the conflict, which could lead a large part of humanity to succumb. (Text by José Airton Parente– ) With comments by Paulo Augusto Lacaz -

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