Monday, July 15, 2024


Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump,

For your analysis, reflection and action,

The conduct of American society has long been reinforced by amoral development, as we can see in Augusto Comte's writings in his main work, the Positive Policy System (1798 - 1854), in volumes IV, Synthetic Table of the Future of Rights Humans, Chapter V: The Findings OF THIS SYSTEM, ACCORDING TO THE COMBINATION OF THE FUTURE WITH THE PAST OR THE GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF THE EXTREME TRANSITION, page 490 and following, where he discusses the English human being and his participation in Western civilization where he shows on page 494:

"The peculiar process of colonization of North and Southern America (USA) has introduced a continuous difference on relations with its greatest populations. Systematized by Catholicism and royalty, the Iberian transplant preserved the group of antecedents and even allowed to allow I elucidated the best development of the essential characters. But British colonization resulted from an individual impulse to which Protestantism served as consecration and especially changed social traditions, as it arose mainly from the persecuted and the rebels. That the two ways of having been severely stained by slavery of the affective (black) race, this monstrosity caused a decisive contrast among those who appreciate as insufficient temporal and spiritual discipline and puts the Protestants under the Catholics. British Americans are the most anarchic of all Western nations, because they have encouraged the defects and repressed the excellence of the English type. " Augusto Comte. 

   It is worth warning that all civilization to maintain its peaceful or warrior existence has to structure itself with the composition of three basic or Capital Powers. This tripod will be formed by the feet: of Moral Capital, Intellectual Capital {(fiction, metaphysical and scientific; or the mix of them) and Material Capital ($)}. If a violent imbalance occurs in one of these three feet, the Progress will surely become anarchic and the retrograde Order, where society will look for a destination of its self-destruction, especially regarding Moral Capital, which acts sneakily, but with an endless force and makes the tripod of social stabilization. Who causes the amalgam of this union(FAMILY), unity(RELIGION) and the continuity of society are the components of Moral Capital. The applications and results of the natural laws of Positive Theoretical Moral Science or CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE or Scientific Psychology are that they lead us to the development of the peaceful Progress of an individual, of a family and of a Nation.

The formation of Moral Capital is slow, gradual and becomes strong. But it takes time to consolidate or very quickly, to disrupt and self-destruct a Society.

“In times of revolution, the difficulty is not fulfilling one’s duty; it is knowing what the duty to be fulfilled consists of.” Publius/Gaius Cornelius Tacitus;

          Here are some notes to help us carry out  the Moral Planning of a Nation: 

Scientific Morality, in accordance with tradition, is based on the existence of collective beings. Everywhere, man finds himself linked to a family, a homeland and a more complex society, because a healthy Human Being cannot exist outside of these environments. His empire, which is growing, is characterized mainly by continuity and is summarized in this universal law that directs all his thoughts and affections: the great works left by the “dead who necessarily govern the living”. Humanity*, which the dead represent, constitutes, consequently, the Supreme Being, in whose name he must be consecrated in all the rules of Scientific Ethics.

Duty is the function performed by a free body. Every competition for a common work presupposes social inequalities, whether spontaneous or acquired, exercising different functions. Duty is the systematic formulation of this state, which is shown to be necessary, and to which all duties are subject. Harmony between functions and social bodies, not being absolute, is necessary to contain divergences by sacrificing personality, the degree of which is determined by abstract reason. Faith is therefore presented as an indispensable condition for the fulfillment of duty. This is related to the personal and social elevation of the individual and to the degree of civilization. Duty is, in fact, submission to Humanity.

Independence has a social character in its conditions of existence and results; the right, therefore, is not absolute, but relative to the degree of voluntary submission to the human order. Since all beings only have the right to always fulfill their duty, the problem of freedom consists in making this norm increasingly spontaneous. Thus we must seek to perfectly satisfy such a precept, exalting the dignity of man (the refusal of competition is the supreme sanction) and advising, as an inevitable and indispensable measure, Living Clearly. This means not lying. Thus, in the fulfillment of any duty, what is moral freedom becomes increasingly preponderant over what is legally obligatory. Since public opinion is progressively becoming the supreme judge, it will be up to the Union of Proletarians to exercise everywhere the functions of controlling and assessing the Individual Morality.

Domestic morality is to educate the subordination of selfish feelings to altruistic feelings; to instruct man for the Homeland and for the peaceful evolution of Humanity, under the presidency of women. Women should develop activities that increasingly differentiate them from men. Freely dedicated to the domestic home, women become the moral providence of men as housewife, wife and friend, and especially as mothers. Utopias that entrust the State with the role of educating feelings, which is pertinent to mothers, should be eliminated, as well as those that seduce women into public life. It is within the family that women participate best in social existence; and, precisely for this primary role, the State should support the support of married mothers who form a family of androgynous couples – with a maintenance salary, while she has children between the ages of zero and 12.

The regimes formed by “cracies” value a society of peers, in which individuals, despite individual differences in talent, aptitude, occupation, money, race, religion and even social position, find themselves associated as fundamentally similar and independent, but supportive, human beings. These so-called “cracies” societies will only be truly improved if Human Beings are convinced of the tremendous importance of the Universal Education of Feelings, to consolidate their construction. By creating a Universal Education System, having as its principle the improvement of Human Nature in its triple aspect: physical, intellectual and moral, Education will become the main of the Arts of Good (Medicine, Law/Duties and Politics) because it improves all fields of activity, improving its moral, theoretical and practical agents.

All Human Beings are entitled to the same General Education, with regard to their emotional and intellectual destiny; however, in its practical aspect, it is divided into two branches, according to the active destiny of the Woman Mother, in Private life, which is highly unfavorable today, and of the man in public life. Here, we do not want to take away the political power of the Woman. What we want to emphasize is that the Woman has greater ease in developing poetic activity in the aesthetics of domestic arts.

Whether we like it or not, Women are different from Men; and vice versa; and it is because of these differences that unions occur. Some Rights and Duties are equal, but thank GOD, the great majority of Rights and Duties are different. Equality only of opportunities, through Merit (Capability, Competence and Altruism).


For a better understanding of this topic, I suggest you read the article The Responsibility of Religions:

Social or Homeland Ethics or Civic Morality develops the man formed by the family. The homeland, whose notion was late, and ensures the participation of all citizens in the common work, through a double organ - sentimental and temporal. The new regime does not exclude municipal autonomy or the great nationalities because they are today compatible with the normal extension of the homeland; it excludes communism and excessive individualism, as opponents of civic dignity. All human services, being free, the works must free themselves from servile customs. Consecrating the industrial hierarchy and the division between the employers and the proletariat, which, respectively, constitute the material providence and the general providence of Humanity. Scientific civic morality regulates the corresponding duties through the scientific intellectual power, mediator of all conflicts.

The Scientific Morality of the West aims to direct the existence of its diverse populations, who have been in solidarity since Charlemagne and who make up the European Union and the democratic Americas, led by the USA. This regulation cannot flow from revolutionary processes, such as nationalist, industrialist, sentimentalist policies, etc. The reestablishment of order in the West depends on a doctrinal transformation, which the various States must reinforce by adopting a policy of pacifism. The United States of America, regenerated by the Societocratic Republican, must take this dual initiative, moral and political.

The Scientific Planetary Morality of Mother Earth systematically consolidates the universal tendencies towards terrestrial unity, maintaining a mild industrial and commercial competition in a Policed ​​Capitalism with a tendency towards Sociocratic Republics of a scientific nature, with a Free Press and high level of Responsibility. For the democratic ones pertinent today are of a metaphysical nature, which orchestrate a system of anarchic progress. The regulation of planetary relations has become as essential with the creation of the UN, due to its increasing complexity, as it is inevitable, due to the reaction of the Easterners against the abuses of the Westerners. In this regard, only the sympathetic and relative spirit of scientists will be able to satisfy. This work will require a profound respect for its present state and the establishment of a Western Navy, to ensure the policing of the seas, also aiming at BIOCRACY, to keep the Planet in a habitable form, and to combat climate change and reduce pollution.

After this introduction, we will dedicate ourselves to analyzing the items of the speech - in the STATE OF THE UNION report that President Barack Obama gave on 02/12/2013, and remove the subjects of the theme - REDUCING ARMED VIOLENCE IN THE USA, where we can apply Scientific Morality, with respect to Ethics or Individual Morality, Domestic Morality and Social Morality or of the Nation or Civic Morality, seeking not only to correct and penalize the effects, but, mainly, to change through the Education of Feelings, the causes that are the sources of this problem.

I chose this excerpt from President Barack Obama's speech to contribute:

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