para: |, <> | ||
data: | 9 de ago. de 2024, 16:29 | ||
assunto: | How to construct a new global order |
Dear Authors of this Article - Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2024, 40, 256–268
I really liked it, because ABSTRACT already clearly demonstrates the good intentions of the formation of your Altruistic Feelings, to promote some Utopian and non-chimerical principles, for the Peaceful Well-Being of the Evolution of Humanity; through a New World Order governed by the principles of the "Meta-Regime", which would command the Republican Societocratic Political Regimes of each Nation, in the Kingdom of Mother Earth. https://
Participating in this Meta-Regime would make it possible to strengthen the States of each Nation, through a Policed Capitalism, with the participation of the Executive, without financial plans based on Neo-Liberalism Political Economy and never through Market Laws and fluctuations in the Stock Exchanges.
In 70 days I will send you the end of the suggestions and comments,
Without further ado, I wish you
Health, with respect and Fraternity
Paulo Augusto Lacaz https://
For Harmony or social Disharmony to occur, the balance or imbalance between the 3 legs, which oscillate in a tripod, which supports a platform, representing a society, is enough.
Only one leg by reducing suddenly generates chaos.
Feelings command intelligence, which gives a feedback return to whether the feeling is selfish generates reasoning where the predominance of personality on sociability predominates. If it is altruistic and generates reasoning where the predominance sociability on personality predominance, giving rise to the action of living to another without lying.
Moral Capital often forgotten, however the most important. Fetish, Theological and Metaphysical Capitals. But, as most rulers only have materialistic vision ($), or rather, saying today's Statesmen, they care only with Scientific Intellectual Capital (mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology) and their respective technologies , neglecting to listen and meet the advice of the scientists priestly rulers, regarding the Moral Capital, of the formation of society; Unfortunately, they are leading us to high risk levels - civil war, corruption, terrorism and so on. Of a possible social implosion, if they do not take in time, the appropriate provisions. - Not everything that is suggested here can be implemented now; But it serves as new ideas for the future.
Like the system that prevails in the world, it is to foster consumption - profit and propagate the self instead of the "we"; The dispute, the extremist competition, the struggle, the conquest, all, since the child is generated and in the period of formation and consolidation of their character, because it is influenced by reasoning, subjected to highly selfish feelings, in order to adapt , when adult, so as not to become molested by depressions and maladjustment with this pathological society; where some children are led by the influence of these massive advertisements of violent heroes, to behave as such, in order to be highlights in the media, without being able to measure the consequences of their actions; For they have not yet had enough time to become aware of the complex human problem, whose solutions have long been suggested by the positivist scientific culture.
The problem has its origin, not in the absence of something of the Scientific Intellectual Capital and Material ($) Capital, but a better Education of Human Feelings aimed at the great gaps of Positive or Scientific Morality, almost empirically forgotten. But it could have been systematized for a long time for the good Pacific Evolution of Humanity.
What's worse is that the solutions found by human laws - laws of law, for these pathological cases of youth aggression, are to penalize young people, with death penalty; life imprisonment and etc ..
It's sad, but who should be penalized would be the current educators, of these false pedagogical faculties, that Western bourgeois society has an interest in propagating, so that it can survive, forcing only scientific instruction, so that these populations of children They can get discover as possible, in the market struggle, becoming future executives, of these great nations, technology and business; With a view to generating material capital and intellectual capital, forgetting that to live in society more peacefully, there is a need to strengthen positive Moral Capital.
First, before scientifically instructing, that is, literacy and teaching the sciences - let's educate them, that is, let's touch human feelings before improving intelligence by mathematics.
As for altruistic feelings, we will expand them so that the release of tenderness occurs.
As for selfish feelings, we will compress them to release purity.
We do not wish either angels or saints. What we want is to minimize human evils, that is to minimize barbarians and terrorists.
Thus it would be possible to create the conditions of subordinating personality to sociability.
Nowadays, there are almost no more educators, there are only instructors or school administrators; Almost nothing know about education of feelings, but they know a lot about scientific instruction. Deep knowledge of the math, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and almost nothing, positive sociology, and none of positive moral science. They know the sociological metaphysics and very evil of theological morality.
Children from an early age are led to think of fights, struggles, which are the largest in the universe, which cannot be contradicted, as the answer is violence.
Any disorders are brought to psychologists, who are the bosses of the self - generating more selfishness, and it is thus that the system continues more violently; Even inside the home, where the woman is no longer the mother, she is the mother, the father, almost does not exist; The famous home disorganization of the family arising. See the theological article - "Where is God?"
Children do not love and no longer respect their parents.
Western statistics portray us violence, but due to whirl capitalism of everyday life, western ones are unable to perceive, the origin of these causes, so evil to their society.
Usually, they want to solve the problem, combating the effect, generating another violence; and nothing to correct or eliminate the cause; And living with the growing and impossible control of these pathological effects of their society, gradually self-destructing.
This non-chemical war, nor atomic, and not so little economic and financial, is that of negative morality-amoral, is slow, gradual, is growing, deadly. If not treated urgently, with an antigen, that is, with Positive Morality, which is also slow, is gradual, but is efficient; and makes society more peacefully last.
We can say figuratively, that "the entropy of the moral capital of Western society" if it reaches "zero" it "will implode", creating a great "Black Hole", driving us all of us, through the globalized world; which has already signaled to the "zero", warning of the tendency to the path of implosion of his society, even with all his great scientific discoveries and technologies, of the most advanced in the modern world; and the largest business and financial transactions. See crisis of 2008, it was a warning. See the European Union, where it occurs, on a smaller scale. And see the 2020 crisis that comes to substantialize what is being said. See what happens in the USA described in this article - A Country Perplex with itself:
The Futurism external above is but the result of the extent of the scientific spirit to the domains of positive sociology and positive morality, perceived and organized by August Comte, the master of the masters and already proven many times; and unknown to most cults.
Within this subject, the CNN - Bill Slates TV network thinks that by dialogue and debates, in a means of “ignorant”, it will be possible to find a solution to the problems of education of feelings. It is totally mistaken.
Mr. Bill Slates, positioned his question very well:
Have you ever wondered why things like these don't happen in Russia, India and China? ”
Consciously or unconsciously, today's economists and marketing men are largely guilty, by negative, media efforts, based on selfish feelings, which generate reasoning, their intelligences, greatly evil to society; complemented by psychologists and instructors and non -educators, as responsible for the formation of the way of thinking, the “brains”, current generations, younger, that is, without any positive education; It is these younger brains, “semi-formatted floppy disks”, imbued with power, and are found doctors, in mediocrities, who cannot be contradicted, that is, with a high degree of pride, vanity, spirit of destruction and other egoistic feelings, also peculiar to the communists.
We cannot consult the people, to develop a project, we can know their opinion, one of these themes, even for their social welfare. Most hits by chance. We have to create a plan and show the people to help us with practical suggestions for proper adjustments.
How nothing knows nothing about how natural laws of sociology and positive morals can over the topics; As well as the ones that assessed us by the wisdom of the elders.
As a majority do not yet know their social and moral duties, how can they demand their rights?
A crisis of "affection" would be better to be in the sequential, arise indisciplines, which generate spontels of land reshrational, and consequently the apparent loss of authority of them, dastro home.
A discipline and a penalty of a punishment or “spanking” in the attitude of Dicta, when it does not block, nor a criticism nor dishonoring nor physical injury, is one, a maintenance of convigting itself to order.
It is not a consciousness of Cord, which is a freedom, it will propagate a liberalized, who is now taking a monstrous and imbecile form of commanding, as decisions not.
Our brothers from the West, with the extent of this technique of “Brain-Storm”, of high applicability within specific and highly scientific fields, from mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology, in cycles of scientists, It is high Valid. It would also be valid, for moral and social problems, if we were already forming scientists, with profound knowledge of the positive positive and moral sciences, where we find the natural laws of duties, in the same way, that in the five sciences, listed above.
But the attitude of using "cerebral storm" with the objective of non -scientific solutions, but fetish, theological and metaphysical, consulting published opinion. Most are right. Hit by chance.
Most of today are not educated for a socialized, but for a personality; Economical, for Non -Policed Capitalism.
With this technique, we will not find solutions to social problems, in the opinions of the current public, totally scientifically or positively deducted. It is not in the opinion poll, the solution to the problems of young people's behavior; but in positive sociology science and positive moral science, which are unknown to most intellectuals and statesmen of the current world. For at the moment they really know these two sciences, there will be no need to philosophize fetish, theological and metaphysical exits, within so many universities, whose resources leased there would be very well employed, in improving the social good, Many malnourished and hungry human.
The “affection” or affection, as the professor, doctor, of a metaphysics center, at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine in the USA, is the solution to the problem.
Affection is the delicate way of transmitting something to the human being. It is transmitted right, something wrong, it is no use, it only facilitates learning, wrong. Wrong socially.
It is a pity that this gentleman teacher, he is unaware of what August Comte realized, with the help of other scientists of his day, especially Dr. Joseph Gall, that the human soul or psyche or mind is formed of 18 brain functions or organs Brain - being 10 of feeling; 5 of intelligence and three of character. Warning that feelings command intelligence and it sends feedback for him to police himself. July 1851.
This habit of asking the opinion of ignorant, in the wrong place, to seek right, will never give scientific result; For we know that only science, with love, will unite man.
We found that a lot of money on research is spent, as did the Rochester's Mayo Clinic, which has needed, through mathematical tools, such as statistics, to conclude that the family is something important in sociability. That is, that young Americans in the 1960 s lost 10 to 12 hours of contact with their parents because they were both working outside the home.
It is not possible that the Mayo Clinic doctors have to resort, statistical methods, to conclude that the family is important for sociability, especially in the education of the feelings of children and young people, when they need the mother woman to be at the time your side. The mother woman has to be polite. It is worth remembering Aristotle, the prince of philosophers, who said: "division of crafts and union of efforts."
Let us recently seek in American society itself the opinion of a “political scientist” (it is worth warning that politics will never be science; it will always be a good art), political scientist and historian Edward Nicolae Luttwak, on June 14, 1995, in his Interview in Veja magazine, “Competition between companies and between people are self -destructing; People, companies are destroyed and finally destroys their own country - USA. This unbridled dispute is taking the serenity of life, the tranquility of family life and concentrating income like never seen without blood, in the recent history of humanity. ” “ In southern Italy, losing its job means little. The unemployed finds emotional and material support in the family. There is no efficiency and liberality of Manhattan - of the old Wall Street. However, in the rural environment, with freedom, no one needs "turbo-capitalism" or rather and better capitalism, because economic life is not stable; It is that families have the breast, which empirically emanates positive morals, unknowingly -; Mr. Luttwak did not realize due to his formation; That this is not, as he said, that the positive moral part should be for American preachers or pastors; But what good is whether theologists do not satisfy their preaching, the scientific arguments of their sheep and cause their stampede. In Italy, these positive moral preaching are to mothers - the breasts; true women of large families. Great here it does not imply material wealth, but in altruistic affective wealth, as we have seen is generated by moral work, which is above the material and intellectual work class. The same is true of Jewish families, whose mothers are educated by rabbis, knowing how to educate their children for ancient methods of theological empiricism.
As we live in a revolutionary phase of humanity, where (proletarian) progress is anarchic and the (employer) order is retrograde, it becomes difficult to understand, that women's function is bound to morally educate men, and men have By obligation to manage “industrially the world”, gradually demilitarizing it. But the woman can never be explored. This function has to be very Well paid materially paid, on equal conditions with the father, who bank is the state. The Woman -
Never, the mother woman should leave the children between 0 and 14 years old, to devote themselves to industrial work, in the inappropriate dispute with men.
The sexes are not opposite, they are complementary.
It is from the nine months of generation to 14 years of age that the character (30%) is shaped and human feelings (70%) shape. A nursery does not pass this education of feeling to the students, because day care has no children, has a business, to soften the suffering of children, for the lack of missing mothers and the profit of the owners of day care centers. Intelligence is cream. It is calculated or improved through reasoning data mathematics exercises.
Feelings command intelligence; which in turn give feedback to feelings. Selfish feelings generate selfish reasoning. Altruistic feelings generate altruistic or social rather than socialist reasoning.
We must create pedagogical techniques to teach subordinate selfish feelings to altruistic feelings, maintaining competition at a level of merit (capacity, competence and social position)
Great economic powers in the world we will change the way of feeling, thinking and acting, to avoid self -destructing nations, which have reached the high material level and intellectual scientific, but need to strengthen the positive moral level, and which violently reverberate in the Its level of sociability, to serve as an example for other countries in the world, to follow a more scientific orientation systematically in the education of feelings, the operability of the psyche or soul or mind of humans.
Civic commandments
Family, Fatherland and Humanity
Honor humanity by loving the homeland over all things because it has given us for arduous conquest, the cradle of our families, with everything in it there is splendor in heaven, and of beauty and fortune on earth.
Consider the flag as a living image of the homeland, providing him with the worship of his love and serving it with all the strength of your heart.
It is through nature the Honor the homeland of the past: about the tombs of heroes and the great figures; Glorifying it in the present: with virtue and work; Designing it for the future: with the dedication and guidance given by demonstrable faith; This are laws.
Educated for feelings and instruct you for scientific intelligence, so that you may walk, your steps in life, subordinating your personality to sociability, and transmits to your children education and instruction, which is not spent; Duties that are learned, rights that are not lost, and freedom that is not limited.
Morally fight to comply with duties and then require the rights that gives you natural laws, responding in all its principles, because of obedience that is provided, the order, which is the soft force that maintains men in harmony, so that There is progress. Provided that this progress is subordinate to order, for otherwise, order will be anarchic and progress will be retrograde.
He hears and obeys the superiors for their merits, for without discipline there can be no balance. When you feel fear of refuge you at work, as if you defend themselves from the devil in the Altar Fortress; But overwhelm the superior if he practices a policy, other than "daughter of morals and positive reason."
Prevent you in the youth saving to old age, which you will prepare by day, the lamp you will illuminate you at night.
He welcomes the hosting with the warmth, offering him the earth, the water, and the fire, always, imposing himself like the lord of the house: neither with arrogance that an affront, nor with submission that humiliates, but serenely prominent.
Listen to yours, who is interested in what is their own, cautious with those from outside. Who whispers secrets, it is because it cannot speak loudly; And the words do
issered in the darkness are always disguise, lack of sincerity; that do not dare to manifest themselves to the egg whites.
10. You love the earth in which you were born and you will return to death. What you do for it for yourself will do; that you are land, and acts memory will live, in the gratitude of those who succeed you. "Increasingly the dead necessarily command the living." The immortal dead. Adapted to positivism, by P. A. LACAZ, from the Civic Breviary of Coelho Netto - publication of the National Defense League - November 15, 1921.
Scientific Intellectual Capital is commanded by the Natural Laws of the 7 Positive Sciences - Mathematics; Astronomy; Physical; Chemical; Biology; Sociology and Morals and their respective Technologies(#) .
To be Positive Science they have 7 SIMULTANEOUS Attributes.
And follow their alignments with the 15 LAWS OF SUPREME FATALITY
(#) Technological Application of Mathematics: Topography; Prime Numbers, Accounting.
Technological Application of Sociology: Political Economy.
For better understanding on this topic, follow the article -
To improve the Peaceful Well-Being of the Evolution of Humanity; through a New World Order governed by the principles of the "Meta-Regime", which would command the Societocratic Political Regimes of each Nation instead of the Democratic Political Regime, which is a dictatorship of Numbers.
“It is a common voice around the world that the Democratic Regime has its defects, but there is no better Regime than this”. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
This argument, which
goes by word of mouth today, propagated by the media, proves that those who are
adept at this information, really did not research, much less study to present
something more promising for Humanity; or if they studied they were not happy,
to make fairer suggestions and changes for the Good of the People.
FOR THE PEOPLE, that is, Demos + Kratos = People in Power. This Democracy that
is in force today is not the same one that was created in Ancient Greece, which
even owned slaves who did not participate in Democracy, and does not meet the
claim indicated above by its definition; and that Aristotle, in Politics, said
that it was the worst of regimes, as it brought the Ignorant and the Poor to
power. Ignorant for proposing nothing and always changing subordinates; the
poor, because they want to get rich, steal.
illusion of this democracy in which we live today, which indicates the right of
the people to designate their rulers and to control the way in which they
exercise the power delegated to them, electoral mechanisms were created, which
do not serve the People in Power.
let's be honest, the People will never come to power; and if so, chaos will
ensue. This is a farce, which is why August Comte already defined that “the
term Democracy must be eliminated, as vague, inappropriate and subversive”.
regarding the electoral system, we know that to legitimize power, they invented
popular wisdom manifested by direct election, to replace aristocratic heredity;
We realize that the democratic electoral process is based on three big lies:
that the votes are equal, both: those with good intentions, as well as
those with interests;
the competent, as well as the incompetent;
of the honest, as well as the dishonest,
of vagabonds, like those of workers,
of the rich, as well as the poor,
of the wise, as well as of the idiots,
of the mediocre as well as the scientists,
of theologists as those of metaphysicians,
of metaphysicians as those of positives or scientists.
Huge amounts of money used in propaganda and buying votes, to finance electoral
campaigns; with public and private money, to give nothing to the People, is not
marketers dictating the policies promised by candidates.
fraud such as that seen in the penultimate American election, and in Nov. 2004
governance, due to post-electoral alliances, as observed today in Brazil. Even
through corrupt means. Buying votes in Congress.
percentages of voters who do not show up to vote because they are not
interested in the outcome of the elections.
third world countries, a large contingent of illiterate voters, without
parameters for choices, easily influenced by dishonest candidates and
canvassers. The mass media do not educate and most of the time do not provide
real information, so that the brain of the illiterate can decide on moral
current democratic election is nothing more than an illusion, since the People
do not choose anyone, at most they decide between candidates, presented by the
most active groups, nominated in Party Assemblies in an amoral way, most of the
time; doing with the legality of current governments, results from the force it
represents, as society is a Collective being, but which only acts through
individual bodies.
who wish to reach Government Power, to propose doing Good for the People –
Being Altruistic, that is, “Living for Others” will never be able to reach such
a position, as we will not be awarded the $ Millions, to carry out our
campaigns; even if the Party to which we are affiliated legally receives such
resources. Because the companies that donate them amorally want the return of
the donated resources.
we have to propose, whatever name we come to give it, is a PERFECTED DEMOCRACY,
an improvement project to solve the People's problem; by an Altruistic,
scientifically thinking elite, of high social character, policed by a
Socially Responsible Press and a Morally Dignified Justice; for a State
Organization, which more rigidly disciplines this reigning chaos, where today
Anarchic Progress and Retrograde Order predominate.
what is it, solving the People's problem, in the Material ($) field?
is to reduce the range of earnings between the Rich and the Poor. Eliminating
the miserable and the millionaire.
the Worthy Poor and the Condescending Rich.
we know that “only 5% of human beings think new things, 10% think they think,
and the remaining 85% hate thinking”, but this last group loves to repeat
ready-made phrases of dubious origin.
proposed Regime, the REPUBLICAN SOCIETOCRATIC, is much more democratic than the
democracy that exists today in Brazil, causing nothing but damage.
addition to a Budget and Management Chamber, it has a Congress that is much
more democratically representative than today's; Let's see, two bodies of
proposed Utopian State:
The Budget and Management Chamber (COG); which prepares the Nation's Planning,
its Physical and Financial Budget, and monitors its execution; and which hosts
the Executive (EXEC.), with the presence of the President of the Republic, the
highest authority; with high responsibility, Material, Social and Positive
Moral, before the Nation, with its respective staff (Central Bank, etc.). It
welcomes representatives of the Employers' Confederations and National Unions
of Proletarians; by Industrial segment – as well as representatives of
Ministries, Banks, etc... This Chamber represents the People and the Industrial
Elite. This Chamber governs and pronounces Natural Laws and creates human
normative laws: indicating the DUTIES and Rights of those who live in Society,
in accordance with the Societocratic Constitution. The Executive, through the
President of the Republic, puts into practice the Financial Budget, Positive
Moral Educational and Scientific Intellectual Budget, for the Well-Being of
Brazilian Society. It accepts, whether or not it puts into practice the
suggestions of plans and laws discussed in the National Congress. Renewal every
12 years; through normal paths. (40%, renewal every 12 years)
2) The National Congress - CN
Supervises the acts and actions
of the President of the Republic and the rest of the Executive that make up the
COG, from a Material, Intellectual and Moral point of view - that is, the
correct application of the resources of the Nation's Budget, as well as its
physical schedule of execution; the correct application of Scientific Laws; the
correct application of the First principle of government, which is the same
principle of Character – SINCERITY – so the first instrument of government is
to set a good example. So that the Ruler can be an example of conduct, because
the Force of imitation will make the people behave correctly. – Creates the
CPI(s), with a view to providing subsidies for the formation of Processes, so
that the Judiciary (Ministry of Justice) can judge the so-called Irregular and
dubious Actions of COG participants, based on the Societocratic Constitution,
which is of Positive Moral nature – Fulfillment of duties; "The
The second principle is: "Good
Deeds". We cannot let the Ruler forget that we are Human - we have a body
and a "soul".
The National Congress is a Chamber,
made up of approximately 500 Congressmen, whose components are made up of 15%
of Employers; 15% Proletarians; 10% of the Armed Forces; 20% Public Servants;
20% Intellectuals; 20% Politicians.
Politicians come from three parties,
through democratic election. The other components are taken to the National
Congress, by Societocratic election, by the bodies of their Classes – Federation,
Confederation, Unions; Army, Navy and Air Force. Renewal every 7 years, 40% of
the cast.
What is being proposed is much more
democratic than this system that is in force in Brazil and the world today. It
may be Utopian, but never chimerical. Those who won't like it are the
Politicians, who will lose the power to generate chaos and enrich themselves.
Will we continue to maintain
this state of conflict for another four generations or more; or will we be able
to create the 4th WAY, for the Good of Humanity, in our generation?
We ask for License and Support
from the Conservatives, to peacefully test the Prototype Republican
Societocratic Labor/Capitalist, Federate, Municipality Regime, for the Good of
the Nations of the World.
http://societocratic-political-regime... • Davos 2015 - The End of Dem ocracy?
DV1 = http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot... DV2 = DV3 = DV4 = DV5 = https://societocratic-political-regim... DV6 = http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.c... DV7 = https://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspo... DV8 = http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.c... DV9 = http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.c... DV10 = http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.c... http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.c... DV11 = http://societocratic-political-regime... DV12 = https://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspo... DV13 = DV14 = DV15 = http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot...
Dear authors of this article - How to construct a new global order -, whose suggestion I previously provided was to standardize the Political Regimes of States with a view to “building a stable and broadly beneficial World Order that does not require significant common interests and values among States. In particular, you propose a “Meta-Regime” as a device to structure a conversation around the relevant issues and facilitate agreement or accommodation.
Participating in this Meta-Regime
would impose few restrictions on States, but under favorable circumstances
could facilitate meaningful cooperation.” As the two gentlemen are experts on
the subject – Meta-Regime,
I request that you analyze my
proposals and adopt a path to achieve our
goals. Without further ado,
I wish you,
Health, respect and fraternity
Paulo Augusto Lacaz