" Much of his new doctrine makes sense—but the details also contain much to worry about."
Dear Colleagues,
Here is a free book of my authorship, for President Joe Biden, for him to know better how to relate to the Moral Civilization Formation, the oldest in the World; aiming to strengthen the commercial relationship more peaceful, through a good Diplomacy.
To the People and Government of the China People's Republic
The book covers the
evolution of the Chinese history civilization, external influences, scientific
explanations of the behavior of the Chinese fetishistic intelligence in the
face of the theological Westerners intelligence, and other topics. The expected
results with the understanding of the way of feeling, thinking and acting of
the Chinese people, which will favor the speed and realization of the interests
involved in commercial, social, cultural, scientific and technological
exchanges, minimizing the possible misunderstandings that may unintentionally
occur between Western people and other foreign civilizations, with the Chinese
It aims to educate
and instruct Americans and other peoples involved in commercial, social,
cultural, scientific, and technological exchange with China, about the way of
feeling, thinking, and acting of the Chinese, so as to minimize possible
friction caused involuntarily in the contact between other peoples and the
The book presents a suggested
alternative from the Chinese communist regime, with pockets of globalized
capitalism, to the Societocratic -labor/Policed Capitalist Republican Regime,
with a Positivist philosophical foundation.
The book proposes the
creation of a working group with the participation of the author-proposer in
the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences through the Chinese Embassy in Brasilia,
to study the proposals of the philosopher August Comte, for a noble way out,
not only for the Chinese people, but for other nations, aiming at a kind of 4th
Given the growth in
commercial, social, cultural, scientific and technological exchange with China,
and the little knowledge that most Western Governments have about the Chinese
civilization, he recommends a general presentation of how the Chinese feel,
think and act. It is not a small "practical manual", but a general
presentation of the Chinese Civilization.
The Western
intellectual formation, being theological in nature, will have difficulties in
relating to the Chinese, if it is not prepared to understand the behavior of
these people, in their fetish way of feeling, thinking, and acting.
This exchange only tends
to grow, because, besides the geopolitical and geo-economic dimension that
China reaches in the world scenario.
The suggestion to
change the Chinese regime into a Societocratic-Labor/Policed Capitalist
Republican regime is strategic, because this nation occupies the top of the
fetish moral formation, thus favoring a faster evolution to a scientific,
peaceful and humanistic state of regime, without passing through the
theological and metaphysical states.
To better understand the contents of
the book, see its index -

The French Republic
Jean Jacques Chirac, France President thanked us for electronically receiving the book - click here.
China is keeping its borders closed, and turning inward
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