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- Paulo Augusto LacazBiden´s China Doctrine - The Economist - https://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com/2021/07/bidens-china-doctrine-economist.html
- Paulo Augusto Lacaz
Joe Biden is pitting America against China". . Here is a free book of my authorship, for President Joe Biden, for him to know better how to relate to the Moral Civilization Formation, the oldest in the World; aiming to strengthen the commercial relationship more peaceful, through a good Diplomacy.Here is a free book of my authorship, for President Joe Biden, for him to know better how to relate to the Moral Civilization Formation, the oldest in the World; aiming to strengthen the commercial relationship more peaceful, through a good Diplomacy.Here is a free book of my authorship, for President Joe Biden, for him to know better how to relate to the Moral Civilization Formation, the oldest in the World; aiming to strengthen the commercial relationship more peaceful, through a good Diplomacy. https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/9209877901744192868/8686421562448886134 . Delete the 2 parentheses
- Paulo Augusto LacazDear Editor of The Economist,Good afternoon!I ask you to kindly understand my suggestion, to define the only way out to avoid the conflict that Mr. Joe Biden's Government, with the support of the CIA and FBI, is provoking with the Chinese Government.For this I ask the English Financial Group - Rothschild to analyze my suggestion of a New Political Regime(*) - operated by a Policed Capitalist System, to avoid major worldwide Conflicts. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJbz7uopU3GQdaRD7AM1M1g . I sincerely wish you,Health, with respect and fraternity,Paulo Augusto LacazPresidentSCCBESME HUMANIDADE .NEW WORLD POLITICAL REGIME - YouTubeYOUTUBE.COMNEW WORLD POLITICAL REGIME - YouTube
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The book covers the evolution of the Chinese history civilization.