Thursday, January 30, 2025

NOBEL PRIZE - Said peace laureate Kim Dae-jung, 2000. Comment on text by P. A. Lacaz.

 "Uma economia nacional sem uma base democrática é um castelo construído na areia." Disse o laureado da paz Kim Dae-jung, 2000.

Para melhor entender sobre este tema, tome  conhecimento deste meu artigo, devido a evolução da Humanidade com relação a Democracia como Regime Político. Democracia serve somente para expressar a Liberdade de Expressão, com responsabilidade Moral e Social (Não Socialista) CURRENT DEMOCRACY AND CURRENT CAPITALISM ARE BROKEN -

  Kim Dae-jung era um cristão devoto. Em sua palestra do Prêmio Nobel, ele relatou seu sequestro por agentes sul-coreanos no Japão em 1973. Eles o levaram para o mar e se prepararam para matá-lo, mas alguns amigos alertaram a Agência Central de Inteligência dos EUA (CIA), que o resgatou no último minuto. Dae-jung descreveu seu resgate assim: "Quando eles estavam prestes a me jogar ao mar, Jesus Cristo apareceu diante de mim com tanta clareza. Eu me agarrei a ele e implorei que me salvasse. Naquele exato momento, um avião desceu do céu para me resgatar do momento da morte."

Ele teve uma alucinação, semelhante a São Paulo – Paulo de Tarso, quando ia para Damasco e escutou após ter batido a cabeça ao cair do cavalo, - “Por que me persegues?” e por coincidência o avião desceu e o salvou.

Seguindo o desenvolvimento natural de sua alta dignidade ética, Ele foi levado a interessar-se pelas coisas que as conduziam mais longe e mais alto do que sua respectiva Família. A Humanidade juntou à sua providencia afetiva a maximização de um novo Sentimento —Altruísta — cuja força se baseia na reunião da mais profunda Ternura com o mais profundo respeito aos outros. Ternura é a expansão do Altruísmo.

Kim Dae-jung recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz por seu trabalho pela democracia e direitos humanos (*) na Coreia do Sul e no Leste Asiático em geral, e pela paz e reconciliação com a Coreia do Norte em particular.

(*) Ele esqueceu de subordinar os Direitos Humanos under DEVERES COM A HUMANIDADE -


Paulo Auguso Lacaz


Monday, January 27, 2025

Pearl Harbor.

 Very cunning; who knows how to obtain advantages; who does not allow himself to be deceived; some dishonest and shrewd English and American Rulers.


Pearl Harbor

. O Japão, em 07 dezembro de 1941, atacou Pearl Harbor. Os Estados Unidos imediatamente declarou guerra contra o Japão e automaticamente estava em guerra com Alemanha. O diário pessoal do Sr. Henry L. Stimson e todos os seus papéis estão na biblioteca da Universidade de Yale. O Sr. Stimson todos os dias entrava em seu diário pessoal em sua própria caligrafia os eventos importantes em sua vida naquele dia. O Sr. Stimson era Secretário de Guerra do Presidente Roosevelt. O diário de Stimson foi apresentado como evidência nos Estados Unidos Investigação do Senado sobre o ataque de Pearl Harbor pelo Japão sobre as fortes objeções de amigos do Presidente Roosevelt.

   O Sr. Stimson entrou em seu diário em 25 de novembro de 1941, duas semanas antes Ataque do Japão a Pearl Harbor, que em uma reunião com o Presidente Roosevelt e seu gabinete naquela manhã na Casa Branca, Presidente Roosevelt disse aos presentes que queria estar em guerra contra o Japão mas ele não queria que parecesse que os Estados Unidos demitiram o primeiro tiro. ... O Presidente Roosevelt aconselhou o Japão a não comprar mais aço sucata ou óleo dos Estados Unidos.

 O Japão estava no meio de uma guerra contra a China. Sem sucata de aço e sem óleo, o Japão seria incapaz para continuar essa guerra.

O Japão era totalmente dependente dos Estados Unidos para sucata de aço e óleo. ... O Presidente Roosevelt provocou conscientemente Japão para atacar os Estados Unidos.

Os sistema americano de sistema de informação que os japoneses iriam atacar a base militar através dos seus aviões  baseados nos seus  porta-aviões no Pacífico.

Quando ficou definida a data, o alto comando da  Frota de Guerra Americana Ordenou que todos os Navios  de Grande porte dos USA se afastassem bem do porto, para bem longe. Deixando os demais junto com suas tripulações  nos bares e cassinos se divertindo.

O soldado marine que tomava conta do painel do radar  presenciou uma grande quantidade de pontinhos pretos, e participou ao seu comando e concluíram que era algum defeito do aparelho.

A Inglaterra e os USA para intimidar os Russos não entrarem com o comunismo de Josef Stalin na Europa  jogaram estas 2 bombas  no Japão. Pois não podiam  jogar em um "aliado"

História precisa ser lembrada para evitar uma III Guerra Mundial. 

Segue um alerta  pela - FILOSOFIA DA HISTÓRIA

  INTRODUÇÃO  -  O conceito de história desempenha um papel fundamental no pensamento humano. Invoca noções de agência humana, mudança, papel das circunstâncias materiais nos assuntos humanos e o suposto significado dos eventos históricos. Levanta a possibilidade de “aprender com a história”. E sugere a possibilidade de nos compreendermos melhor no presente, compreendendo as forças, escolhas e circunstâncias que nos trouxeram à situação atual. Não é, portanto, surpreendente que os filósofos tenham por vezes voltado a sua atenção para os esforços para examinar a própria história e a natureza do conhecimento histórico. Essas reflexões podem ser agrupadas em um corpo de trabalho denominado “filosofia da história”. Este trabalho é heterogêneo, compreendendo análises e argumentos de idealistas, positivistas, lógicos, teólogos e outros, e avançando e retrocedendo sobre as divisões entre a filosofia europeia e a anglo-americana, e entre a hermenêutica e o positivismo.  a descrição dos fatos ocorridos na década de 1939/1945, época em que nascemos. 

Presidente vamos iniciar as ocorrências pelos fatos ocorridos na década de 1939/1945.

Presidente Vamos começar Em 1939, a Ucrânia enviou um grupo de políticos à Itália para aprender sobre as organizações fascistas; baseado também na Organização Nazista. Este estudo apresenta brevemente a história da forma radical do nacionalismo ucraniano, prestando especial atenção às circunstâncias geopolíticas que formaram este movimento. Em seguida, analisa alguns aspectos desse fenômeno, como seus principais  ideólogos, o racismo, o antissemitismo, a religião, os rituais, os líderes, os conceitos de revolução  e a violência étnica, política e de massa praticada antes, durante e depois da  Segunda Guerra Mundial. Esta breve monografia argumenta que a forma extrema e genocida  do nacionalismo ucraniano tinha um núcleo fascista e deveria ser considerada uma forma  de fascismo europeu ou centro-oriental europeu. No entanto, devido às circunstâncias culturais, sociais e políticas específicas da Ucrânia, a forma radical do nacionalismo ucraniano  diferia dos movimentos fascistas mais conhecidos, como o nacional-  socialismo alemão ou o fascismo italiano, e, portanto, requeria uma investigação cuidadosa e matizada. O Núcleo Fascista do  Nacionalismo Genocida Ucraniano 1941. Até hoje, ainda não compreendo porque é que o Tribunal de Nuremberga não estendeu os seus tentáculos para a Ucrânia. Saindo desta forma a fortificação do Nazismo/Fascismo ensinou às novas gerações o Nacionalismo Genocida Ucraniano comandado por um judeu fascista nazista desde 2014. Veja o drama deste jovem ucraniano - 

Ucranianos continuam os pogroms iniciados por seus antepassados -   - E .

Dizem que "Aqueles que não aprendem com a história estão destinados a repeti-la ", um ponto bem provado por Adolf Hitler quando ele ordenou a invasão da União Soviética - Comunista em junho de 1941. Durante o mesmo mês, 129 anos antes, Napoleão cruzou a fronteira para a Rússia com ideais elevados semelhantes de conquistar o Exército Vermelho. Essa invasão terminou em fracasso catastrófico, assim como a de Hitler um século depois.

A Rússia comunista de Stalin, para se defender da Alemanha nazista de Hitler, perdeu aproximadamente 20 milhões de militares e civis, enquanto os americanos perderam 270 mil militares.

Quem invadiu Berlim foram os russos, os atuais governantes da Alemanha. Por terem perdido a guerra, eles se arrependem e querem vingança de outras maneiras. 

Naquela época, os ingleses, por meio de seu primeiro-ministro, o Sr. Winston Churchill, fizeram um acordo com Hitler para impedir que o comunismo de Stalin invadisse a Europa.

Veja a princesa Elizabeth fazendo uma manifestação nazista em 1933 -   Mas quando Hitler criou os Centros do Holocausto com a morte dos judeus, os britânicos declararam guerra à Alemanha e uniram forças com os russos.

Vale lembrar que quando o Exército de Hitler invadiu a Rússia, ele entrou em uma cidade matando crianças com mais de 13 anos  e idosos com mais de 65 anos;  para facilitar a escravidão  Em retaliação aos atos de resistência, a Wehrmacht instituiu a punição coletiva de civis. Isso frequentemente envolvia queimar aldeias inteiras e assassinar seus habitantes. 

Esse terrível massacre ainda estava na mente dos russos, que ao saberem que o atual presidente da Ucrânia, de origem nazista/fascista, sugeriu que os EUA colocassem foguetes com ogivas atômicas em suas fronteiras com a Rússia, que ficariam a 500 km de Moscou; provocou no presidente Putin a atitude de distanciar ainda mais uma possível ameaça.

Pela ignorância dos USA, o esquecimento de grande parte dos Europeus, o ódio dos alemães por terem perdido a guerra e a ganância dos Judeus do Governo de Israel que estão nos levando para um Hecatombe.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mr. Donald J. Trump in GAZA


Mr. Donald J. Trump

PRESIDENT of the United States of America

The White House

1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

Washington, DC 20.500

 Dear President,

SUBJECT:  Mr. Donald J. Trump in GAZA

Dear President Donald J. Trump.

Good Good afternoon

 Is it what they are saying is true -  ?

 Hitler wanted to eliminate an ethnic group, so that Germany could more easily dominate the financial world; and the Prime Minister of Israel wants to eliminate the Palestinian people and also the people Lebanon, to ensure that there is not attempt to create two states in the Gaza strip and expand their territories. This makes it easier for the State of Israel to expand its territorial area. One has already committed genocide, the other is committing it now.

See the article I wrote with a Jewish son of a Rabbi here in Brazil about the Responsibilities of Religions and the Education of Children's Feelings, which contains a Commentary on the Jewish People, the State of Israel and the Government of Israel.    

From another perspective “The Medicine of the World was the same as it is now; it was Religion; it was spiritual authority without any material power; it was the alliance of charity, faith, hope, without feelings of hatred, without thoughts of doubt and without acts of destruction” –

 The undisputed Apostle Saint Paul – Jew Saul of Tarsus, in his last Epistle said to the beloved disciple Timothy, shortly before the sacrifice of his life in Rome.

" I beg you and entreat you to be diligent in announcing to the world its remedy, without paying attention to what importunate calls you. Preachthe faith in public and in secret, where you have hopes of bearing fruit and where you expect none." -

This Genocide War is of religious origin, it will not be resolved by military weapons. I suggest a general-looking solution in this blog that consists of my article prepared by Judeu Alfred Lemle, the son of a Rabbi, which can be used by Powerful Politicians with materialistic selfish sentiments, to alleviate the land dispute conflict.

Hoping to collaborate with you, I wish you,

Health, with respect and brotherhood,

 Paulo Augusto Lacaz 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

President Donald J Trump - Thanks for the Invitation of your Inauguration and others ALERTS AND NEW IDEAS FOR YOUR GOVERNMENT PLAN.


Mr. Donald J. Trump

PRESIDENT of the United States of America

The White House

1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

Washington, DC 20.500

 Dear President,

  Firstly, I would like to thank you for the invitation to participate in your inauguration on 01/20/2025, when I was very honored, but unfortunately, due to my medical exams coinciding with this great date, I was unable to be present personally.  

The Great American Economist Michel Hudson in an interview with Civil Engineer specializing in Geotechnics, Mrs. Nima Alkhorshid from the AEPET membership, in summary said that “All US actions, planned (by Donald J Trump) that attack other countries tend  backfire and create scientific evidence that will cost the US at least double.”

Dear President Donald J Trump, History needs to be remembered to avoid a Third World War. Here is a warning from - PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY:

INTRODUCTION - The concept of history plays a fundamental role in human thought. It invokes notions of human agency, change, the role of material circumstances in human affairs, and the supposed significance of historical events, raising the possibility of “learning from history.” And it suggests the possibility of understanding ourselves better in the present by understanding the forces, choices, and circumstances that have brought us to our present situation. It is therefore not surprising that philosophers have at times turned their attention to efforts to examine history itself and the nature of historical knowledge. These reflections can be grouped into a body of work called the “philosophy of history.”

This work is heterogeneous, comprising analyses and arguments from idealists, positivists, logicians, theologians and others, and moving forward and backward on the divisions between European and Anglo-American philosophy, and between hermeneutics and positivism.  

The description of the events that occurred in the decade of 1939/1945, the time in which we were born.

President, let us begin the events with the events recorded in the decade of 1939/1945.

President, let us begin In 1939, when Ukraine sent a group of politicians to Italy to learn about fascist organizations; also based on the Nazi Organization. This study briefly presents the history of the radical form of Ukrainian nationalism, paying special attention to the geopolitical circumstances that shaped this movement. It then analyses some aspects of this phenomenon, such as its main ideologies, racism, anti-Semitism, religion, rituals, leaders, concepts of revolution, and ethnic, political, and mass violence practiced before, during, and after the Second World War. This short monograph argues that the extreme and genocidal form of Ukrainian nationalism had a fascist core and should be considered a form of European or Central-Eastern European fascism. However, due to the specific cultural, social, and political circumstances of Ukraine, the radical form of Ukrainian nationalism differed from the better-known fascist movements, such as German National Socialism or Italian Fascism, and therefore requires careful and nuanced investigation. The Fascist Core of Ukrainian Genocidal Nationalism 1941. To this day, I still do not understand why the Nuremberg Tribunal did not extend its tentacles to Ukraine. By doing so, the fortification of Nazism/Fascism taught the new generations about Ukrainian Genocidal Nationalism, led by a Nazi fascist Jew since 2014. See the drama of this young Ukrainian -

Ukrainians Continue the Pogroms their Forefathers Began - AND . It’s said that 'Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it", a point that is well proven by Adolf Hitler when he ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union - Communist in June 1941. During the same month 129 years prior, Napoleon had crossed the border into Russia with similar lofty ideals of conquering the Red Army. That invasion famously ended in catastrophic failure, as would Hitler's a century later.

Stalin's Communist Russia to defend itself from Hitler's Nazi Germany lost approximately 20 Million Military and Civilian while Americans lost 270 Thousand Military.

Who invaded Berlin were the Russians - the current rulers of Germany. for having lost the War, they have regrets and want revenge in other ways.

At that time the English, through their Prime Minister Mr. Winston Churchill made a deal with Hitler to prevent Stalin's Communism from invading Europe.

See Princess Elizabeth doing a Nazi demonstration in 1933 -

 But when Hitler created the Holocaust Centers with the death of the Jews, the British declared war on Germany and joined forces with the Russians.

It is worth remembering that when Hitler's Army invaded Russia, it entered a city killing children over 13 years old and elderly people over 65 years old; to facilitate slavery In retaliation for acts of resistance, the Wehrmacht instituted collective punishment of civilians. This frequently involved burning down entire villages and murdering their inhabitants.

This terrible slaughter was still in the minds of the Russians, who when they learned that the current president of Ukraine, who has a Nazi/Fascist background, suggested that the USA place rockets with atomic warheads on its borders with Russia that would be 500 km from Moscow; provoked in President Putin the attitude of distancing a possible threat further away.

Because of the ignorance of the USA, the forgetfulness of most Europeans, the hatred of the Germans for having lost the war and the greed of the Jews of the Government of Israel who are leading us to a Hecatomb.

Judgment GOVERNORS of the West!

No more for the moment,


Paulo Augusto Lacaz

 PS:  The Feeling's Education  through  Morality is slow and gradual. But it's good that  you find out how to change your immigration plans, blocking the immigration of illegal immigrants at the borders.  Eliminate immigrant criminals who are within the USA, but recover those who are illegally working in activities with low technical and scientific qualifications, to partially meet the request of the Pastor who made a request to you. See the life of a great American Leader who wanted to create a Nation through LOVE. Ease conflicts. Carry out an Analysis and then a beautiful Reflection, for the Social Good of the American People. LIVING FOR OTHERS - Mr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

🚨 RSVP to the Official Swearing-In Ceremony of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President JD Vance

 Team Trump 

You are hereby formally invited to attend the official Swearing-In Ceremony of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President JD Vance on January 20th, 2025, in Washington, DC!
Eight years to the day after being sworn in as the 45th President, Donald J. Trump makes his triumphant return to the very same steps to deliver his second Inaugural Address. Come stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of your fellow Americans and witness history. 
The security line to enter the National Mall will begin to form early. USSS guest screening will open at 6:00 AM. The inaugural program will start at 9:30 AM and the Swearing-In Ceremony will begin at 11:00 AM. To guarantee a spot, please arrive no later than 9:00 AM.
Fill out the form below to reserve your spot and receive critical inauguration updates:

The signups for this event are closed!


Monday, January 20, 2025

LIVING FOR OTHERS - Mr. Martin Luther King Jr.

 Dear Nobel Prize Organizers,

It is not easy to live with feelings of LIVING FOR OTHERS, WITHOUT LYING; subordinating selfishness under Altruism, that is, SUBORDINATING PERSONALITY UNDER SOCIABILITY in a Capitalist Political Regime Not Policed ​​by a Republican State.

I do not think I deserve the greatness propagated by the Media that perceived the spirit of Peace emanated by Mr. Martin Luther King Jr.

But my example of morality resonated throughout the Municipality of Arapeí-SP in Brazil, whose report follows below.

"I inherited a piece of land that had no road for vehicles, as shown by the adventure of having slept for 22 days inside a 1991 Toyota Bandeirantes to provide logistical support to the executors of the work.

To build the 200m2 house and other improvements, it would be necessary to bring electricity from an altitude of 510m in Arapeí to 1450m from the site of the Farm headquarters, traveling 15km on a dirt road. While traveling these 15km, we found 40 poor farmers without electricity.

I fought for the 40 and for myself. = LIVING FOR OTHERS.

THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - had a financing plan for the implementation of Electricity - LIGHT FOR ALL. I planned everything and obtained electricity for all 41.

Only one thanked my effort, Jorge Belizário. 

With this type of behavior I built this heritage -  "

Without more for the moment, I wish you,

Health, with respect and Fraternity,

Paulo Augusto Lacaz

Saturday, January 18, 2025


 When Roger Penrose – awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics – invented ingenious mathematical methods to explore Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He showed that the theory leads to the formation of black holes, those monsters in time and space that capture everything that enters them. His paper 'Gravitational collapse and Space-time singularities' was published on 18 January in 1965. Read his paper here: WHERE BY ANOTHER SOURCE that can be expressed - where A is the area of ​​the black hole's event horizon, = h/2p, k is Boltzmann's constant - where Boltzmann's constant is a physical constant that relates temperature and energy of molecules and G which is Newton's gravitational constant; Not even light can escape. At the event horizon, time replaces space and points only forward. The flow of time carries everything towards a more distant singularity inside the black hole, where density is infinite and time ends.

More recently, according to Hawking's theorem, the final horizon area of ​​this new black hole could not be smaller than the horizon area of ​​its two original black holes. In other words, the final area could not have decreased. 

An analysis of the gravitational wave GW150914 would be able to verify this.

"With improved detection systems, we were able to observe the before and after of this collision," explains Isi.

His team developed a technique to capture specific frequencies and reverberations from the merger that they could use to calculate the mass and rotation of the final black hole. The mass and rotation of a black hole are directly related to the area of ​​its event horizon.

They were able to confirm that the area did not decrease after the merger - it increased. And the team reports this result with 95% certainty.

"In the future, as our observers continue to improve, we will detect more and more signals with greater precision. With this, we hope to continue corroborating these laws and, one day, be able to discover something completely new," Isi tells BBC News World.

This subject of the Black Hole applied to the stars reminded me of an article I wrote on 01/26/2016 A COUNTRY PERPLEX WITH ITSELF regarding "our forgotten US Leaders, with reference to Great Positive Domestic Moral Actions carried out through its few political leaders of the Past, with a moral basis, as listed on the main page of the website -  complemented by certain other statesmen, who will emerge in this 21st century; whose hope at this time led us to fight, for an independent candidate, who was accepted by the Democratic Party, for Victory, Senator Mr. Bernie Sanders.

"This 2016 election was aimed at changing the parameters of what is viable for the Social Well-Being of the American People and ending the stranglehold of "big money" in the USA affecting the political system. But in 2016, Bernie Sanders was the candidate most qualified to create the political system we should have because he is leading a political movement for change.” Robert Reich - 

Current Politicians have never studied and never put into practice the Natural Laws of Science Positive Sociology and Positive Moral Sciences or Science of Positive Construction or known by few, as Scientific Psychology.



But this way of thinking that these facts are commonplace is very mistaken, because they have deep roots in the social pathology expressed by one of the legs of the tripod, providing support or imbalance to society – the Moral Treasure. The other two legs of the tripods are the Scientific Intellectual Treasury and the other, the Material Treasury ($).

But since the materialist leaders, that is, the Statesmen of today, are only concerned with the Material Scientific ($) and Intellectual Treasures, with their respective technologies, neglecting to listen to or heed the Advice of "Priestly Governors", in relation to the Moral Capital, on the Conjuncture and Structure of society; they are taking us to very high levels of risk - Civil War - a possible social implosion, if we do not take the necessary appropriate measures in time.  - Not everything suggested here can be implemented now, but it offers new ideas for the future.

Since the Economic System that prevails in the USA is based on promoting individual consumerism and propagating the "I"; instead of the "we", which is based on propagating sociability; the Self, generating a dispute, extreme competition, struggle, conquest, all of that; from the moment the child is born and during the period of formation and consolidation of its character, it suffers influences of reasoning, is subject to highly selfish feelings in order to adapt, as an adult, to avoid being harassed by depression and misalignment with this pathological society; where some children are led under the influence of these massive advertisements of violent heroes, to behave as such in order to be highlighted in the media, without being able to measure the consequences of their actions, because they have not yet had enough time to become aware of the complex human problem, whose solutions have long been suggested by the positivist scientific culture.

The problem has its origin in the Education of Human Feelings, targeting the great gaps in the Low Natural Positive Morals, almost empirically forgotten. But which could have been systematized a long time ago for the good of humanity's evolution. Problems that occur in the activities of Material Capital plus Scientific Intellectual Capital have their origins in the Social Amoralities of society.

The worst part is that the solutions found by American human laws for these pathological cases of juvenile aggression are penalizing young people, with the death penalty; life imprisonment, etc.

It is sad, but those who should be penalized are today's educators, these false pedagogical faculties that bourgeois society is interested in propagating so that children survive, forcing only scientific instruction, so that these masses of children enter the market struggle as quickly as possible, becoming future executives of this great country - technology and business; aiming at the generation of Material Capital and Intellectual Capital, forgetting that in order to live in a more peaceful society, it is necessary to strengthen Positive Moral Capital.

First, before instructing scientifically, that is, teaching literacy and natural laws, let us educate them, that is, touching their feelings, before improving their intelligence through mathematics.

· As for Altruistic feelings, let us expand them so that tenderness can be liberated.

· As for Egoistic feelings, let us compress them so that purity can be liberated.

We do not want angels or saints. What we want is to minimize human evil; that is, to minimize barbarians.

It would be possible, therefore, to create the conditions for Personality to be subordinated to Sociability.

Today, there are practically no longer Educators, there are only instructors or School Administrators, who know almost nothing about the education of feelings, but a lot about Scientific instruction. They have profound knowledge of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences and almost no knowledge of Positive Sociological Science and no knowledge of Positive Moral Science. They know a lot about Sociology-Metaphysics and very little about Moral Theology.

Regarding the purchase of weapons, where children in the USA already buy them subjectively, since they are conceived in the mother's womb, who watch the movie "cowboy" - Heroes of the Material Forces, and other wars, the US State has become involved, they begin to have selfish training.

From an early age, children are led to think about fights and disputes, which are the greatest in the universe, which cannot be fought, because the answer is violence.

At the height of educational disobedience, causing behavioral disorders, they are taken to psychologists, who are the heads of the Self - more selfishness, and thus the system proceeds more violently; even within the HOME, where the woman is not the MOTHER. The mother and the father hardly exist; the famous family disorder caused by mental disharmony arises.

Children no longer love or respect their parents. Daycare aunts do not give MOTHERLY LOVE. DAYCARE IS A BUSINESS. ($) – MATERIAL CAPITAL.

American statistics show violence due to the rush caused by turbulent everyday capitalism. Americans cannot afford to understand the origin of these pathological causes, which are so damaging to their society.

Normally, they want to solve the problem by combating the effect that generates more violence, and they have done nothing to correct or eliminate the cause; and they live with the growing and impossible control of these pathological effects of their society, slowly moving towards self-destruction.

This war is not chemical, nor atomic, nor economic-financial; it is Negative Morality - AMORAL; it is slow, gradual, it is growing, it is deadly.

If it is not treated in time, with an antigen, that is, with positive moral actions, which are also slow and gradual, but they are efficient; and they maintain a more peaceful society.

We can figuratively say that: "the Moral Entropy of American Society" if it reaches "Zero" It "will implode", creating a large "black hole" swallowing us all, by the globalizing world. It recently signaled "zero", warning us that we are heading towards the implosion of its society, even with all its great scientific discoveries and technologies, the most advanced in the modern world; and large commercial and financial transactions. Look at the 2008 crisis, it was a warning. Also look at the European Union, where the same thing is happening, on a smaller scale.

The futurism above and expressions are nothing more than the result of the extension of scientific intellectual reasoning into the fields of natural laws of Positive Sociological Science and Positive Moral Science, perceived and organized by Auguste Comte (1798-1857), the Master of Masters and already proven many times unknown to most intellectuals. Currently, we can mention a great scientist, Mr. Stephen Hawking, who calls himself a positivist. { Stephen Hawking is a recent high-profile advocate of positivism, at least in the physical sciences. In The Universe in a Nutshell (p. 31) he writes Any sound scientific theory, whether of time or any other concept, must, in my opinion, be based on the most viable philosophy of science: the positivist approach proposed by Karl Popper and others. According to this way of thinking, a scientific theory is a mathematical model that describes and encodes the observations we make. A good theory will describe a wide variety of phenomena on the basis of a few simple postulates and will make definitive predictions that can be tested. ... If one takes the positivist position, as I do, one cannot say what time really is. All one can do is describe what has been discovered as a very good mathematical model for time and say what predictions it makes. } Positivist research is occurring in natural phenomena and

In this question, about Sociology and Morality, think that dialogue and debate in an "ignorant, that is, non-expert" way will not be able to find a solution to the problems of educating feelings. This is completely wrong.

"Have you ever wondered why things like this, where children kill each other, do not happen in India and China?"

- Look at the difference -

Economists and marketing experts, consciously or unconsciously, are largely to blame for the amoral propaganda of the media, based on selfish feelings that generate reasoning in their minds, contaminating society to generate anarchic progress and retrograde order, complemented by new ideas of metaphysical psychology with scientific teachers and the absence of educator of feelings, as responsible for the formation of younger "brains" in the current generations, that is, without Positive Scientific Education; These younger, "semi-formatted" brains, imbued with authority by a mediocre Ph.D. title, which cannot be contradicted, with a high degree of pride, vanity, spirit of destruction and other selfish feelings, which contaminate society, causing social disharmony.

We cannot consult the population to develop a project, even if it is for their own well-being. Most people get it right by chance - democratic vision. We, the intellectuals, with life outside the Universities and altruists, over 65 years of age, have to create a national plan and show the community to help us with practical suggestions to make the appropriate adjustments.

How can a person who knows nothing about Sociology and Positive Natural Scientific Moral Laws give an opinion on these issues? As well, we were advised by the wisdom of the older culture and if possible, not millionaires and not magistrates, who are most often influenced by political influences where the latter are bought with lobbyists' money.

How can a person obtain their rights without knowing their social and moral duties in the society in which they live?

“What is Morally Wrong Cannot Be Politically Correct” Abraham Lincoln - Published in the US Capitol.

The crisis of “affection - love - caring”, as it is said in the media, would be better considered as a crisis of Altruism (Veneration, Attachment and Kindness); which consequently gives rise to spontaneous indiscipline in children (0-3 years old), causing disrespect for their parents and consequently the apparent loss of the same authority within the Home.

The methods of correcting discipline and punishment through punishment for “light pranks” are not acts of tyranny, but rather blocks creativity, or development or physical injury; that is, managing to maintain order and progress, in a brain still unprepared to understand punishment; only understands mime, and does not yet know how to assimilate the expression of verbal and written languages.

It is not the "conscience" (metaphysical expression) of each individual that will maintain democratic freedom; it will propagate liberality, which today is taking a monstrous and stupid path to command decisions in the world.

Our American brothers, with the extension of this highly applicable "brainstorming" technique in specific and highly scientific fields of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology, in meetings of scientists, technologists and experts in Good Arts and Good Art, is extremely valid.

It would also be valid for moral and social problems if we were already trained scientists with a deep knowledge of Sociology and Positive Moral Sciences, where we find the Natural Laws of DUTIES - Individual, Domestic, Patriotic, Western, Eastern and Planetary; similarly, the seven sciences and two types of arts, listed above.

But this attitude of using "brainstorming" techniques with the aim of finding non-scientific solutions, that is, empirical ones with fetishistic, theological and metaphysical bases by consulting public opinion, which is mostly educated by its feelings, even more altruistic than selfish, which is nevertheless highly manipulated by selfish political leaders, in this conjectural democratic system that has never achieved the well-being of a more productive middle class.

Since most intellectuals ignore the truths of sociability, which are the Sociology of Sciences and the Moral Science of Positive Natural Laws, perceived by August Comte, consulting a socially ignorant mass will only bring antisocial results. It may perhaps alleviate the situation, but it does not solve the problem.

The majority of the current population is not educated for sociability, but rather, by subordinating Sociability to Personality and economically accepting Unpoliced ​​Capitalism, which prevails on Wall Street and the Fed.

 will not be through opinion polls that we will find the solution to the problems of youth behavior, through the Sociology of Positive Science and Positive Moral Science, which is unknown to most intellectuals and statesmen in today's Globalized World.

When these two sciences are truly known, there will be no need for philosophical, fetishistic, theological and metaphysical approaches in many universities, whose established resources would be much better used to improve the well-being of many malnourished and hungry humans.

"Affection" or possession is the solution. Affection is a delicate way of transmitting something to humans. It is transmitted correctly with social and moral content, right or wrong. It is useless to learn if it is socially and morally wrong. There is no point in learning if it is socially and morally wrong. Because we have to use pedagogical techniques "to expand" altruistic feelings.

It is unfortunate that we do not know what August Comte realized, with the help of other scientists of his time, especially Dr. Joseph Gall (1758-1828), that the "Soul" is composed of 18 human brain functions or brain organs - 10 of which are feelings; 5 of Intelligence and 3 of character. Alerting them that feelings govern intelligence. July 1851.

This habit of asking for the opinion of ignorant people, in the wrong place to look for the right one, never yields scientific results; because we know that only science, with Love, will unite man.

Also in the text of the newspaper article, under analysis, we see that it spent a lot of money on research, just as the Mayo Clinic in Rochester -

 had to, through mathematical tools, such as statistics, conclude that the family is important in sociability. In other words, young Americans in the 1960s lost 10 to 12 hours of contact with their parents because both were working outside the home.

It is not possible that the Mayo Clinic Ph.D. has to resort to statistical methods to conclude that the Family is something important for sociability - Family, Homeland and Evolution of Humanity - especially in the Education of Children and Youth Feelings, when their need is for the Woman-Mother to be by their side. It is worth remembering Aristotle, the Prince of Philosophers, who said: "Division of duties and joint efforts".

Let us recently seek the opinion of a "political scientist" and historian, Mr. Edward Nicolae Luttwak {   ; }, who on June 14, 1995, in his interview in Veja/Brazil magazine said:

"Competitions between companies and between people are self-destructive; they destroy people, companies and ultimately destroy the country itself - the USA. This unbridled competition is taking away the serenity of life, the tranquility of family life and concentrating income like never before without bloodshed in the recent history of Humanity."

Our American brothers, with the extension of this highly applicable "brainstorming" technique in specific and highly scientific fields of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology, in meetings of scientists, technologists and experts in Fine Arts and Good Art, is extremely valid.

It would also be valid for moral and social problems if we were already trained scientists with a deep knowledge of Sociology and Positive Moral Sciences, where we find the Natural Laws of DUTIES - Individual, Domestic, Patriotic, Western, Eastern and Planetary; similarly, the seven sciences and two types of arts, listed above.

But this attitude of using "brainstorming" techniques with the aim of finding non-scientific solutions, that is, empirical ones with fetishistic, theological and metaphysical bases by consulting public opinion, which is mostly educated by its feelings, even more Altruistic than selfish, which is nevertheless highly manipulated by selfish political leaders, in this conjectural democratic system that has never achieved the well-being of a more productive middle class.

Since most intellectuals ignore the truths of sociability, which are the Sociology of Sciences and the Moral Science of Positive Natural Laws, perceived by August Comte, consulting a socially ignorant mass will only bring antisocial results. It may alleviate the problem, but it does not solve it.

The majority of the current population is not educated for sociability, but, because they subordinate Sociability to Personality and economically accept Unpoliced ​​Capitalism, which prevails on Wall Street and the FED.

Through these techniques, we will not find solutions to social problems, in the current public visions, totally uneducated morally and socially.

t will not be through from opinion polls, to find a solution to the behavioral problems of youth through the Sociology of Positive Science and Positive Moral Science, which is unknown to most intellectuals and statesmen in today's Globalized World.

When these two sciences are truly known, there will be no need for philosophical, fetishistic, theological and metaphysical approaches in many universities, whose established resources would be much better used to improve the well-being of many malnourished and hungry humans.

"Affection" or possession is the solution. Affection is a delicate way of transmitting something to humans. It is transmitted correctly with social and moral content, right or wrong. It is useless to learn if it is socially and morally wrong. There is no point in learning if it is socially and morally wrong. Because we have to use pedagogical techniques "to expand" altruistic feelings.

It is unfortunate that we do not know what Auguste Comte realized, with the help of other scientists of his time, especially Dr. Joseph Gall (1758-1828), that the "Soul" is composed of 18 human brain functions or brain organs - 10 of which are feelings; 5 of Intelligence and 3 of Character. Alerting them that feelings govern intelligence. July 1851.

This habit of asking for the opinion of ignorant people, in the wrong place to look for the right one, never gives a favorable result for those who need peace of mind the most.

No more for now, I wish,

Health. With Respect fraternity

Paulo Augusto Lacaz 

PS: “When I started talking about Oligarchy, many people didn't understand what I meant. Well, that's changed. When the 3 wealthiest men in America sit behind Trump at his inauguration, everyone understands that the billionaire class now controls our government.We must fight back.” Bernie Sander

“I expect that anybody who watched the President deliver his inaugural address surrounded by the three wealthiest people in the country reached the same conclusion:We are moving rapidly to an oligarchic form of society. And we have got to fight back”.- Bernie Sander