Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mr. Donald J. Trump in GAZA


Mr. Donald J. Trump

PRESIDENT of the United States of America

The White House

1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

Washington, DC 20.500

 Dear President,

SUBJECT:  Mr. Donald J. Trump in GAZA

Dear President Donald J. Trump.

Good Good afternoon

 Is it what they are saying is true -  ?

 Hitler wanted to eliminate an ethnic group, so that Germany could more easily dominate the financial world; and the Prime Minister of Israel wants to eliminate the Palestinian people and also the people Lebanon, to ensure that there is not attempt to create two states in the Gaza strip and expand their territories. This makes it easier for the State of Israel to expand its territorial area. One has already committed genocide, the other is committing it now.

See the article I wrote with a Jewish son of a Rabbi here in Brazil about the Responsibilities of Religions and the Education of Children's Feelings, which contains a Commentary on the Jewish People, the State of Israel and the Government of Israel.    

From another perspective “The Medicine of the World was the same as it is now; it was Religion; it was spiritual authority without any material power; it was the alliance of charity, faith, hope, without feelings of hatred, without thoughts of doubt and without acts of destruction” –

 The undisputed Apostle Saint Paul – Jew Saul of Tarsus, in his last Epistle said to the beloved disciple Timothy, shortly before the sacrifice of his life in Rome.

" I beg you and entreat you to be diligent in announcing to the world its remedy, without paying attention to what importunate calls you. Preachthe faith in public and in secret, where you have hopes of bearing fruit and where you expect none." -

This Genocide War is of religious origin, it will not be resolved by military weapons. I suggest a general-looking solution in this blog that consists of my article prepared by Judeu Alfred Lemle, the son of a Rabbi, which can be used by Powerful Politicians with materialistic selfish sentiments, to alleviate the land dispute conflict.

Hoping to collaborate with you, I wish you,

Health, with respect and brotherhood,

 Paulo Augusto Lacaz 

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