
May you be happy for the rest of your Objective Life; and never be forgotten in Subjective Life, by those who remain alive in the kingdom of Mother Earth.
Dans la recherche visant à élucider les motivations de la migration des quatre Européens qui ont contribué à la formation de ma Famille, il y avait des éléments réconfortants dans l'historiographie de l'un de ces personnages qui commençaient à mériter une attention particulière et faisaient naître une aura de respect et admiration.
Dans les livres de baptême de la ville française de Cabrerets, le fils du tisserand Charles Rouffies et de Jeanne Delport est inscrit le 23 juin 1778 sous le nom d'Antoine Rouffies.
Dans tous les documents recherchés dans les archives de la Mairie de Cahors, son nom était écrit Antoine Rouffies dit Lacaze. On observe également ce fait dans les archives de son grand-père, Antoine Rouffies, né à Saint Cirq Lapopie en 1708.
Concernant les différences de noms et d'orthographe, le Généalogiste de Cahors M. Jacques Marquês explique d'abord qu'il faut savoir que l'orthographe des noms propres n'a été fixée qu'à la fin du XIXème siècle et que la plupart des gens ne savaient ni lire ni écrire. écrire. C'est pourquoi le nom de famille a été écrit de différentes manières. Dans certaines paroisses du Lot, on avait l'habitude d'ajouter un surnom au nom de famille. Cela peut venir d’une tradition locale, mais c’était parfois une nécessité. Dans le cas de familles très nombreuses et pour distinguer une famille d'une autre, on utilisait un nom de famille et, au fil du temps, des variantes pouvaient être trouvées : le nom de famille devenait un nom de famille ou était peut-être utilisé alternativement.
Menuisier de profession, Antoine Rouffies Lacaze épousa une jeune Cahorsoise, Jacquette Gélis, avec qui il eut cinq enfants : Marie Catherine, Antoine et trois garçons baptisés du prénom Jean décédés en bas âge. Tous ses enfants ont été baptisés sous le nom de LACAZE.
La France du temps de nos ancêtres vivait dans une atmosphère centrée sur les décisions et les conquêtes de l'empereur Napoléon Bonaparte (1804 à 1815).
Suite à une séquence de batailles victorieuses contre les grandes puissances européennes et à la formation de larges alliances, la France a construit une position dominante en Europe continentale. Ainsi, lorsque les conquêtes de Napoléon agrandirent le territoire de l'Empire, il devint nécessaire de placer les forces de l'Armée en harmonie avec la population et la sécurité du territoire national. A la demande de Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale, le Sénat décrète le 12 janvier 1812 la création de vingt-deux nouveaux régiments d'infanterie qui recevront les numéros 135e à 156e.
La remarquable machine de recrutement militaire de Napoléon, basée sur des méthodes révolutionnaires, perfectionnées au fil des années d'adaptations et d'ajustements et imposées par des méthodes coercitives efficaces, a fonctionné avec une efficacité maximale entre 1811 et 1813.
L'appel aux jeunes Français s'est fait par milliers et a touché des centaines de familles. De nombreux jeunes ont célébré le recrutement, d'autres ont déploré leur "chance" et il y avait encore des enthousiastes bonapartistes qui ressentaient un sentiment de frustration de ne pas remplir le profil de conscrit, qui tenait compte, entre autres aspects, de l'âge, de l'état civil et du nombre d'enfants.
En avril 1812 dans la ville de Limoges, en présence du Notaire Royal, notre arrière-grand-père apparut pour officialiser le transfert de titre au conscrit Pierre Jean Mabou. De ce fait, ledit Pierre Jean Mabou a été contraint de verser à son remplaçant une somme qui a permis à Antoine Lacaze d'acquérir une maison pour loger sa famille.
A 34 ans, à ses risques et périls, le patriote et bonapartiste Antoine Rouffies Lacaze quitte femme et enfants à Cahors pour s'engager dans l'armée française.
Il se présente à Paris pour répondre à l'appel lancé par une proclamation officielle et est élevé au grade de "Fourrier de Voitigeurs" (sous-officier) et intègre le 141e Régiment d'infanterie de ligne appartenant au IIIe Corps des Français. Armée sous le commandement du légendaire maréchal Ney.
Selon le colonel Lanrezac dans son livre « La Manœuvre de Lützen », publié en 1904, ces convocations faisaient partie des préparatifs préliminaires commencés en 1810 en vue d'une future invasion de la Russie, prévue pour le printemps 1812.
En poste à Paris, notre ancêtre a suivi les préparatifs des troupes françaises destinées à la campagne de Russie. Ce serait l’un des chapitres les plus importants et les plus sanglants des guerres napoléoniennes !
Le prétexte pour envahir la Russie était de forcer l'empereur Alexandre Ier à rester dans le blocus continental, la détermination de Bonaparte selon laquelle aucun pays ne devrait entretenir de relations commerciales avec l'Angleterre. Cependant, le véritable objectif de Napoléon était l’armée russe, qu’il espérait détruire lors d’une bataille importante à l’intérieur de la Russie. Aucun de ses projets ne visait une avancée profonde dans ce pays.
Près de trois mois après le début de l’invasion du territoire russe, la victoire française était considérée comme acquise. Après avoir attendu un mois la reddition qui n'a jamais eu lieu, Napoléon, confronté à l'arrivée d'un hiver intense, est contraint d'ordonner à son armée épuisée de se retirer quitter Moscou.
Les Russes menèrent une politique de la terre brûlée contre les troupes impériales, reculant et brûlant tout au moindre signe d'approche de l'ennemi, battant la France par la faim et le froid, qui atteignit 30 degrés sous zéro, responsable de la mort de 500 000 soldats impériaux.
Plus de 85 % des soldats ont péri sur le chemin de Moscou ou lors de sa catastrophe
retraite de l'hiver en direction de l'ouest. Durant sa retraite, l'armée de Napoléon subit un harcèlement continu de la part d'une armée russe agressive et impitoyable, victime de la faim et des attaques meurtrières de la cavalerie légère cosaque.
Malgré tout, Napoléon se remet presque complètement des terribles désastres de la campagne de Russie, avant même d’avoir atteint sa base en Pologne. Il a oublié le carnage, a retrouvé son optimisme et s'est préparé psychologiquement pour le prochain chapitre. A son arrivée aux Tuileries, il avait déjà prévu un nouveau retour au combat contre les alliés en Allemagne pour défendre son Grand Empire. Rassurant ses subordonnés agités dans la capitale, il a exhorté son corps de préfets de province à collecter davantage d'impôts et à recruter davantage de recrues militaires. Comme il l’imaginait lors de la retraite de Russie, il retrouva rapidement les forces de son armée décimée.
Le printemps 1813 débute avec le mouvement des troupes françaises, composées cette fois de recrues jeunes et inexpérimentées, vers le centre de l'Allemagne.
Le 2 mai 1813, l'heure est venue pour Antoine Rouffies Lacaze de recevoir son baptême du feu.
La Grande Armée affronterait l'armée prussienne-russe de Wittgenstein et Blücher, sous le commandement de l'empereur Napoléon Bonaparte Ier en atteignant la plaine proche des villages allemands de Rahna, Kaja, Großgörschen et Kleingörschen, à 14 km de Lützen. Napoléon avait besoin, à court terme, d'une victoire décisive qui lui rendrait tout le prestige d'un général invincible.
Le IIIe corps de l'armée française, sous le commandement du maréchal Ney, est surpris par l'avancée de l'armée alliée et subit de lourds dégâts au début du combat. Napoléon s'empressa d'envoyer toutes les unités disponibles pour aider Ney, y compris le VIe Corps de Marmont et le V Corps de Lauriston de Leipzig.
En pleine bataille, le général Drouot rassemble une importante batterie de 80 canons et les dirige vers l'attaque du centre des alliés. Les régiments d'infanterie alliés furent entièrement détruits par l'artillerie française massive et les alliés vaincus se retirèrent du champ de bataille.
La bataille de Lutzen, dans la plaine du Großgörschen, coûte la vie à 18 000 soldats français !
A propos de cet exploit, Napoléon Bonaparte aurait dit à ceux qu'il commandait : « Soldats, vous m'avez rendu heureux ! Vous avez répondu à mes attentes ! Avec votre bonne volonté et votre courage, vous avez tout surpassé. Vous avez ajouté un nouvel éclat au gloire de mes aigles ; ils ont montré tout ce que le sang français. La bataille de Lützen sera placée au-dessus des batailles d'Austerlitz, d'Iéna, de Friedland et de la Moskova."
Blessé au combat par l'ennemi, Antoine Rouffies Lacaze reste hospitalisé trois mois à l'hôpital militaire de la ville allemande de Landau. Les conséquences laissées par ses blessures de guerre l'ont amené à se retirer de la vie militaire. Toujours, il a quitté la vie militaire en Héros de la nation française !
L'histoire enregistre deux autres batailles majeures en Allemagne : Bautzen et Leipzig. Dans ce dernier cas, Napoléon fut vaincu par les forces ennemies, arrêté et emmené en exil sur l'île italienne d'Elbe.
Quant à Antoine Rouffies Lacaze, il revient à Cahors en tant que militaire à la retraite pour passer du temps avec sa Famille et retourner à la Menuiserie.
Avec la fin de la période napoléonienne (1815), l’Europe, et notamment la France, sombre dans une profonde crise économique. Une agriculture faible et une inflation élevée créent un moment favorable pour la migration vers les Amériques.
La présence de la famille royale portugaise à Rio de Janeiro, dépourvue de services fournis par une main d'œuvre spécialisée, a attiré l'attention de milliers de professionnels français.
Ainsi, dans une atmosphère qui n'est plus belliqueuse, le Français né à Cabrerets et résidant à Cahors, Antoine Rouffies Lacaze, arrive au Brésil en 1819 pour y travailler comme menuisier.
Son premier atelier était à Largo da Carioca. En 1823, il installe son deuxième atelier à Rua do Ouvidor, 60.
Il existe des archives selon lesquelles il a effectué deux voyages au Brésil. Dans le premier, il arrive à Rio de Janeiro en 1819 et en repart en 1825. Dans le second, nous avons une trace de son arrivée en 1828.
Nous n'avons pas la date de son départ définitif, mais il a lieu avant 1831, année du mariage de son fils Antoine Lacaze avec la Suissesse Agatha Jeker.
Son désir de retrouver sa patrie le ramène en France !
Par procuration, il était le parrain de son petit-fils né dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro. L'enfant, fils de son premier-né Antoine Lacaze, a été baptisé dans l'église de São José de Rio de Janeiro en 1831, sous le nom d'Antonio Lacaze.
Décédé en Californie époque, à la Maison Du Tot, rue du Portail au Vent 40, le 22 novembre 1837.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=f2d366d41b&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r-6673701459747848346&th=18c0c6302bb63d7c&view=att&disp=inline&realattid=18c0c62a5c2222844aa1 Luiz Henrique Antunes Lacaz
Œuvre réalisée par Luiz Henrique Antunes Lacaz – 2012)
C'était une distinction de l'Armée de Napoléon Bonaparte au grand-père de mon grand-père - Antoine Rouffies Lacaze en 1814
https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20231122-moderniser-war-monger-despot-napol%C3%A9on-s-complicated-legacy?fbclid=IwAR29vLn5tNhs_Uaw9fSgi8a7E2q3ku5qrH_cyJ83x0cjupjox9IoIubtBrI - (Écrit par Joanna YORK)
Lorsque Bonaparte entre au Conseil des Cinq-Cents le 18 Brumaire, il est expulsé par les députés aux cris de : « A bas le dictateur ».L'exclamation de tous les hommes dignes d'être des hommes, face aux figures sinistres des Mussolini, des Hitler, des Staline, aurait dû être identique et pleinement justifiée : « A bas les tyrans ou les despotes!
- Ce sont tous des dictateurs, mais tous des dictateurs despotiques, des dictateurs anti-républicains.
Le fait que ces despotes aient accompli quelques bonnes actions, certains actes républicains, ne suffit pas à les exclure de la liste des coupables, de la liste des réprouvés, comme le fait que Caracalla, le monstrueux empereur romain, pour avoir décrété l'acte mémorable Bien qu'elle s'étende à tout l'Empire romain, la citoyenneté romaine ne le libère pas pour autant de l'éternelle condamnation sociale.
Quoi qu’il en soit, la vérité historique, la vérité positive, c’est que les dictatures sont indépendantes des prédicats qui les qualifient. Ils peuvent être libéraux et progressistes comme ceux de Cézar et de Danton, ou despotiques et rétrogrades comme ceux de Silas et de Robespierre ; ils peuvent être exercés par de grands élus de l’humanité, comme Sipio et Trajan, ou par des criminels comme Néron et Hitler.
Appréciant le sens philosophique et historique des mots dictature et dictateur, ci-dessous afin de clarifier pour les hommes de bonne foi, ce qui suit :
Dictature et Dictateur sont des noms du verbe dicter, utilisé au sens figuré de prescrire, ordonner, imposer : le sens propre est l'acte d'annoncer des mots qui sont écrits par quelqu'un d'autre. Ainsi, un dictateur est celui qui prescrit, ordonne, impose quelque chose ; et la Dictature est l'ensemble des actes du Dictateur. Ainsi, lorsqu'ils sont appliqués en politique, les deux termes signifient : Dictateur – toute entité juridique, individuelle ou collective, qui exerce un gouvernement, car le gouvernement est toujours responsable de dicter, prescrire, imposer des ordres ; et La dictature est le gouvernement exercé par le dictateur.
Ainsi, en général, c’est un gouvernement dictatorial, une dictature, qu’il s’agisse du gouvernement démocratique du parlement français ou anglais, comme l’était le gouvernement antidémocratique du fascisme italien, du nazisme allemand et du bolchevisme russe.
Il y avait des dictatures, à la fois individuelles de Camille ou de César dans la Rome antique, ainsi que collectives du Conseil des Dix dans la Venise médiévale et de la Convention nationale française pendant la Révolution française.
Fondamentalement, tous les gouvernements d’hier et d’aujourd’hui sont des dictatures.
Peu importe que les lois et les décrets émanent d'organes différents, ou qu'ils soient émis par le même organe, pour classer le gouvernement comme dictatorial ou non. Ce qui définit réellement la dictature, c'est l'exercice de la force matérielle en direction de la société.
Eh bien, toute la question réside en réalité dans le choix de la forme de dictature à adopter, en fonction du moment et du lieu.
Ce n'est qu'avec Augusto Comte que le problème a été résolu empiriquement, mais il a trouvé la solution systématique, combinant la dictature avec la république, condensant la première en un seul corps principal, purement monocratique et définissant la seconde comme le régime sociocratique, de liberté spirituelle maximale, caractérisé par l'incorporation du prolétariat à la société, établissant finalement la dictature républicaine. (Prononciation républicaine)
Il convient également de rappeler qu'à une époque où la confusion des pouvoirs temporels et spirituels était explicable et justifiable, comme dans l'Antiquité romaine, et il me semble que cette mode persiste encore au Brésil, presque tous les magistrats qu'on appelait d'abord « dictateurs », ont toujours digne leur rôle. Ils étaient de véritables sauveurs du peuple.
Pierre Larousse écrit :
"Le dictateur était un magistrat extraordinaire, créé dans des moments critiques pour gouverner pendant six mois. On l'appelait en latin "dictateur", parce que tout le monde obéissait à ses ordres.
"Dictateur appellatur, quod ejus dicto omnes audientes essent"
Il fut nommé par les Consuls en vertu d'une Ordonnance du Sénat.
Bossuet disait : « La dictature était une magistrature extraordinaire, qui s'établissait selon la demande, à tous les temps de la République et non une forme particulière de gouvernement »
Pour les raisons expliquées ci-dessus, nous voyons que dans la société romaine antique, la dictature n'était pas exactement un gouvernement, mais une délégation de gouvernement, une magistrature provisoire, établie par les organes gouvernementaux romains de l'époque.
Depuis cette époque, la nécessité de concentrer le pouvoir pour mieux l’exercer a déjà été démontrée.
De sorte que les dictatures ultérieures qui ont émergé, plus ou moins modifiées, ont montré une tendance, de plus en plus prononcée, vers cette concentration. L'histoire nous a montré que le côté répréhensible des dictatures, basé sur la construction sociologique d'Augusto Comte, seuls les dirigeants et les dirigés ne se rendaient pas compte, qu'à côté de la concentration, l'évolution sociale montrait aussi la bipartition du pouvoir ; la séparation du pouvoir temporel et spirituel, réduisant la dictature à n'exercer que le premier de ces pouvoirs.
Ainsi, tant que le principe de séparation des pouvoirs est strictement respecté, les dictatures passent de rétrogrades à progressistes, de despotiques à libérales, devenant ainsi de véritables dictatures républicaines. P. A. Lacaz
Après cette exposition sur le despotisme de Napoléon Bonaparte, je tiens à rappeler que le grand-père de mon grand-père était un soldat de Napoléon Bonaparte. Ci-dessous, mon histoire familiale.
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President Xi Jinping arrived on Tuesday in San Francisco for a summit with US President Joe Biden and to attend the meeting of the APEC economic leaders.Xi diplomacy
The next lectures from Xi with Biden are the first meeting between the two heads of state since their participation in Vis-A-Vis in Bali, Indonesia, a year ago. Faced with complex international landscapes and at a time when #china #eua relationships are in a critical crossroads, Xi's trip to the US drew world attention.
Here is a panoramic improvement of China's political history, so that President Xi Jinping is not involved in the illusion of profit, forgetting the past that gave China the social greatness that is today.
The seventh modifier and definitive element of Chinese civilization, which may serve as an example for the rest of the world; It is the suggestion that follows below, of a reform of political economics based on Positivist Doctrine and Eastern fetishism, to avoid mass unemployment of the Chinese population, if it will not opt for the chaotic predominant regime in the West. Ideas that should be emanated from China, for the rest of the world, in choosing a republican Societocratic regime, for the present day and, for the future of its people, and other countries, supporters of this peaceful evolution of humanity.
See American capitalism with 40 million people living inside a vehicle for not having money to buy a home. Note that the situation of mental disharmony of 70 million from Americans entering the state of madness and drunkenness in seeking to forget their economic misfortunes.
The sixth modifier element of Chinese civilization - bourgeois liberalism crisis - structural reforms - migrations from the countryside to cities the enrichment of the city's proletarians and the impoverishment of the field proletarians. - Globalization - privatization and unemployment; The beginning of democratic capitalist chaos in the early 1970s, Prime Minister Chu en lai began conversations with the USA, while Deng Xiaoping, Liu Shaoqi's trusted man, returned to power. In 1971, the Government of China obtained the necessary support to replace Taiwan as a China representative in the United Nations (UN). The USA failed to seal the decision as they have dazzled the advantages of improving their relationships with China. For there was a great potential consumer of their productive leftovers, or of industrial expansion; For which the consumerism of the superfluous, and lust could become one of the support of capitalism, in its needs of expansion and consumerism; Joint venture in China and export to China. No capitalist wants to see the good of the other. The USA want the potential market of China, not the good of the Chinese people. And not even your own people. As soon as the capitalists know, who with this attitude causes competition in their own domestic market, with products and services imported from anywhere in the world, at such low prices, that they will create high crises of unemployment; Increasing use and the class of bourgeois - stock market players, making the western ones vulnerable to social conflicts, civil wars, and misfortune. Capitalism is cyclical, not only in pleasure but in misfortune. But the Chinese people, due to their astrolastic fetishist religious formation, have good intentions, since the foreigner has not wanted to change his basic substance; Even to other countries, if they do not undergo radical changes in their way of feeling, thinking and acting; It is more altruistic, so let us see what the Chinese Constitution says, as to international relations, in the preamble of its constitution: ... “China's successes in revolution and construction would be impossible without the support of the peoples of the world. China's future is closely linked to the rest of the world. China adopts an independent foreign policy; 50 proclaims the five principles of mutual respect, sovereignty and territorial integrity, non -mutual aggression, non -internal affairs, equality and reciprocity of advantages, and peaceful coexistence, as a principle of diplomatic relations, and exchanges economic and cultural, with other countries; They are firmly opposed to imperialism, hegemonism and colonialism; Battle with a view to the effort of unity, with the peoples of other countries; It gives all the support to the oppressed nations and the developing countries, in the fair struggle, to achieve and preserve, national independence and develop their economies; And strive to safeguard world peace and promote the cause of human progress ”... 4/12/1982 by exploding the conflict to the north, on the border with the union of Soviet socialist republics (USSR), in the War of Vietnam China was threatened to face the United States and the USSR, the two world superpowers, on two combat fronts. Would also suffer the isolation international and the consequences of inner chaos. In 1975/1976, Successively Chu (Zhou) died, Zhu de - Revolutionary Veteran and MAO - an internal dispute between rival factions emerged. Pragmatic and reformists prevailed, who took advantage of their support from civil servants. The Chinese Communist Party and the Army began the restoration of the Order and the Revolutionary Heyday began its decline. The death of Mao allowed the incarceration in 1976 of the counter-revolutionary dressing room of the so-called group of the four, among which was Mao's last wife, Jiang Qing; and Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, Wanga Hongwen - and indicated as responsible for the failure of the cultural revolution. In 1981 they submitted to public trial; being condemned and killed to serve as an example of amoral, antipatriotic and non -republican acts; For the population, it is known to the penalties for conduct of this order. In the international level, China opposed all the allies of the USSR; Thus supported the movement The National Union for Total Independence of Angola and the African Pan Congress in South Africa; And he began to have worse relations with Vietnam, after this country defeated the USA in 1975. In December 1978, at the third plenary of the eleventh party committee, Mr. Deng Xiaoping was fully rehabilitated and changes were announced changes radicals in the economy. With Deng Xiaoping, China began a new chapter in its history because it was rehabilitated by the new direction of the party and had its authority recognized. This gentleman had previously been secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. On its direction, this new leadership in 1979 announced an ambitious reform policy 51 Economic Development Program, which provided for significant advances in agriculture, industry, defense, science and technology. With the reforms of economic and political structures, it gradually developed the path of development, for socialist modernization, with Chinese peculiarities. With the application of this policy, China has experienced profound changes in its face, the economy has advanced at great speed; And the living conditions of the people have improved enormously. This has so far been the most developmental period since the Foundation of the Popular Republic of China; But this can be illusory because it is tending to democratic capitalism. In 1979 China invades Vietnam to give him a lesson for invading Cambodia, and overthrowing the Red Khmer regime; And at the same time internally from 1978 to 1979, a greater freedom of expression and criticism was accepted, for the certainty of them would be directed against the cultural revolution and their responsible; The Seijing Spring Movement, which was centered on the “wall of democracy”, mostly without responsibility; where citizens could display posters, expressing their opinions. The wall also served so that dissidents could distribute clandestine magazines. It is evident that when the criticism turned against the regime, without proper propositions the changes, which came to add to the good of the Chinese Public Rés; The wall of democracy was closed. In the field, the popular communes were dissolved, and the land was redistributed in family units and leased to the state. Taxes were introduced to replace production quotas; And the peasants were allowed to exchange their surpluses for money in the towns and cities. China also announced that it would open its doors to trade, investments and loans from abroad. With a view to attracting companies from abroad; Special free or economic zones were created., such as Hong Kong and Macao, which offered incentives such as exemption from tax, labor and cheap land; similar to frank zones from other countries. Many decision making were passed from ministries to manufacturing managers; that have started to plan production and distribution, and to choose the supplier sources of raw materials. Young workers were offered an employment system by contract, instead of named them in a lifetime way, for a unit of production. The creation of small businesses was allowed, copying something wrong with the selfish system of capitalism, which is an illusion, of “small businesses” a false illusion - because they are actually “small businesses, with big problems”. There are few small businesses, that survive to produce mostly superfluous products. They compete with each other, to maximize the boss's gain and minimize the gain of the proletarian. Concentrate income, and not distribute income. 52 Produce not for the good of the mass (people); but to explore the people, for the good of many few: the capitalists. It is at this moment that the societocratic regime appears, instead of individual capitalist democracy and the capitalist communism of state; wave And the conflict between the employer and the proletariat is not preached. For a better understanding of this utopia, which is not chimera, capital will be managed, not by the state; but by the employer, which will not own the capital, in the societocratic industrial system (where there is a company); but capital manager. However, the individual property, or each one, whether employer or proletarian; It is not collective, yes social at the level of family or individual, where applicable. The manager of capital - socialist boss, has a gain, that is, an income, higher than that of the proletarian, who should only worry about the work, internal of the industrial system, to which it belongs; because the responsibility of the capital manager - the employer, is greater than that of the proletarian - especially with regard to marketing contracts, to keep the manufacturing unit in constant operation. The merit (capacity, competence, altruism and the situation) of the socialist boss is measured by the proletarian and the result of the social profitability of the industrial unit. An employer socialist may lose its function to a proletarian who has more merit; becoming a proletarian, for the managerial incompetence; for having more merit in the function of proletarian. And vice versa. The profit has its application, in the reinvestment of expansion or modernization plans, in the dividends and bonuses of the employer and the proletarians. Taxes are calculated on profits to collaborate on government plans. Taking into account maintenance and productivity wages. The maintenance salary is independent of work - controlled by the government - see detail in another exhibition. And productivity, depending on industrial cost, aiming, not competition, but at the lowest price, to meet, the public cause - public, of all social needs, planned. The passage of the position will be of a form of societocratic election. (Head of the sector, indicates the future boss, to replace him, according to the agreement of his superior, and puts the name of the new boss, to be endorsed by his subaltern, until the second level-if there are more than 85 % of agreement, the candidate, appointed assumes the function of the new boss). The ideal would be large companies, with small problems; but not to compete, but to make the happiness of the people; That is, to eliminate the miserable, from the class of the poor and the millionaires of the rich class with lust. The Deng Xiaoping government has begun programs for the progressive withdrawal of consumer goods prices, to allow the market to determine the prices of some basic products, such as those related to food and clothing, to stimulate growth 53 Promoting consumption, {this was not a correct attitude, from the socialist point of view, because the technological applications of the market economy of the capitalist system is metaphysical, not based on natural sciences, such as sociology and positive moral Egoistic and metaphysical error, as their phenomena are not based on the 7 simultaneous attributes - real, certain, useful, accurate, organic, relative and social, to represent scientific laws, so they carry chaos in the procession of society because we cannot control their actions, for they do not follow any natural law - how these phenomena occur, aiming at love among men; This is peace among men.} .. Diversification in products has risen and for several years wages have increased. Restrictions inside and outside China were gradually reduced; as well as the diversity of artistic expression began to be tolerated. But it should be noted that these changes that caused some jobs caused inflation generation, especially in food and clothing prices, and in the late 1980s, purchasing power, decreased. In rural areas, the peasants who had easy access to urban centers were benefited, with the possibility of supplying large markets, but those who lived in distant areas were coming back. The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers increased, which initially increased production; But the productive level began to fall, forcing producers to use a large amount of chemicals; This use forced to use hazardous levels, while pesticide prices continued to increase. Workers' social security has deteriorated and new employment systems began to generate insecurity; although it was given to managers, the power to hire and dismiss workers; And to set production goals, the unions were not given a freedom of action according to the changes. At this time, there was already a debate on the rhythm and reach of economic changes; and about a clearer separation between the party and the state. In 1986, there was a student manifestation in Shanghai, claiming freedom of the press and political changes. The party secretary general, hu yaoband, reLactively young man was forced to renounce his position; And the conservative line began a campaign against bourgeois liberalism, to eradicate, which they called western ideals, fundamentally political pluralism - although communism and corruption were also mentioned. Many considered that it was an attack on economic policies created, or rather renovated by Deng Xiaoping, because Hu Yaoband was one of his co -religionists. In 1989, Jiang Zemin took the position of central secretary of the Communist Party Committee of China, and at this time the trend for chaos was striding, and it was this year that the government had to restrict freedom, to reduce to the reduction to Order that was retrograde, with an anarchic progress. There were important changes, and Li Peng, assumed the position of Prime Minister. As only the so -called human rights laws are worth to others, which are not in the group of 8; Because these who command this group can commit 54 barbarities in the name of their regime, and nothing happens; The international reaction to repression, postponed China's intentions, to come, to achieve greater economic exchange with the outside. In 1991, Grand - Brittany, signed in Beijing (Beijing) an agreement to build a new airport in Hong Kong, as part of the negotiations, for the British colony to return China's sovereignty in 1997. That same year 1991 , one third of the companies were in deficit, and a more unbalanced state budget, caused the need for inevitable structural reforms. The Communist Party then referred to resume the process of economic release, nominated by Deng Xiaoping; which has allowed to maintain stability in the political situation, incessant development in the economy, and increasingly active diplomacy. The Paris Agreement over Cambodia and the dissolution of the USSR accelerated the approach of China with Vietnam. At this same time the use broke the diplomatic ice, which had been a long time since 1989; causing Beijing to respect the international agreement that limited the export of missiles. A high Beijing employee visited Seoul, South Korea, to participate in the III Annual Conference on Asia's Economic Cooperation and Pacific (APEC) - the political prisoners were released. In 1992, China joined the non -nuclear non -proliferation treaty. The Bush - Father - gave priority to their trade relations with China. Great political changes have occurred, as well as in the high commands of the popular army. At the annual session of the National People's Congress, the party's secretary general Jiang Zemin was appointed President of the Republic, becoming the first person, since the death of Mao, to accumulate the functions of head of state, and the party and the party and of commander of the Armed Forces; And being the Prime Minister Li Peng, was confirmed in office. Tibet independence was relentlessly repressed. In the economic sphere, a plane of austerity began in the state apparatus, and the peasants' taxes were elevated; And due to protest, the government retreated, and withdrew new taxes on the peasantry - 800,000,000 people. Gross domestic product grew 12.5%in 1992, however this growth had its first undesirable effects in 1993, when this same year, Mr. Jiang Zemin, accumulates the position of President of the Popular Republic of China, when inflation From the first half reached 20 %, although the growth was 13.5 %; But Li Peng proposed to limit economic expansion to 9%to reduce inflation, despite the protests of the coastal provinces such as Guandong, one of the main beneficiaries of Chinese economic boom. 55 social inequalities, brought by capitalism, in the large cities of cities, among the new capitalist rich (industrial capitalist employers) and most industrial proletarians, plus peasant proletarians; They continued to grow, and with these inequalities, the migration of millions of people from the country to the city arises in parallel; creating more social and moral crisis. This led the government to demonstrate prudence in closing and / or privatization of state -owned companies, considered by the capitalist system, as non -profitable; For a strong increase in unemployment would make it even more tense, the already precarious social situation. Enter the page https://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/artigos.htm
- in various articles - in agriculture - and analyze the article of my own - “The Homeland and the Agrarian Reform”; as a starting point for a societocratic land reform. Another project that aimed to limit the social effects of economic reforms was postponed. The project introduced compensation for the unemployment of companies, to fail or close their doors; However, due to the absence of a state social security system, including unemployment insurance, it led the government to retrocation, so as not to throw itself into too bold renovations. In 1995, Jiang Zemin further consolidated his power, which made him underprivileged to continue in the country's lead after the Deng Xiaoping era. Authorities remained concerned with the social problems of reforms, And so they kept the important subsidies to state -owned companies. Inflation was limited to 13 % and the five-year plan for 1996-2000, provided for an economic growth of “only” - 8 - 9 %. But in 1996, there was a Western chain that hoped to occur a separatist trend due to a social explosion. A disciplinary way caused the Chinese to take action to drown out a religious movement, which was causing anarchy in the Chinese state, when propagating in the Tibet region, with the public exhibition of the portrait of Dalai Lama; the Buddhist movement, the disciplines outlined by the state, disallowed in public places and interfering with priestly decisions in Chinese temporal government policies; caused public disorder. The growth of Gross Domestic Product PBI, was around 10%, while inflation fell to 6%. Industrial efficiency and foreign investments considered the engine of economic growth rather than economic development, grew by 20%. It occurred that foreign companies that settled in China were favored to be allowed to convert local currency into dollars or Yenes. Like every government, it has difficulty knowing the actual price of the product to be exported, often, the unit price is set at a very low 56, often below cost, to pay little export tax; And when it reaches the destination, you will also pay, little import tax in the USA (uses - have greater control) - but the subsidiary or partner of the Chinese Importing company, in the USA, passes on to the actual price of internal sales, in the USA, In the very high domestic market values; And all the profit, stay there. And nothing is for the social good, of this great profit, concentrated in the hands of the few, outside; Nothing or almost nothing is transferred to the origin; Often it is officially transferred to the source, in order to remedy the financial difficulties of the Exporting Industrial Park, so that it remains in operation, demonstrating losses, not to pay IR, origin. Then the fight occurs within China, among the exporters and the Chinese communist socialist government, the corruption emerging; And especially unemployment, because the efficiency of competition, to cheapen it, causes mechanization to replace man. It is an illusion this export from the point of view of capitalist globalization; mainly for a country of the magnitude of social problems - the population - of China. For American importers or Chinese from abroad, it is magnificent. But morally for the Chinese people, it is unfortunate; for if for some it is profitable; For most, nothing brings benefit; For neither the government receives anything representative, to invest in infrastructure works, from taxes, of these international business transactions; In the hand of this fickle capital, from entering and out of the stock exchanges. Deng Xiaoping's death in February 1997, after a long pathology, generated concerns between diplomats and investors, however, high government authorities, guaranteed at the time, that the direction of economic reforms were not at stake the XV Congress of the Party Political, in October 1997, confirmed Jiang Zemin, in the first place of the government, consolidated the reform policy, in particular its application to state -owned companies, and rectified its traditional political system. In March 1998, the National Congress of the People, ratified the changes defined by the CCP the previous year, including the reelection of Jiang Zemin as head of state and the Armed Forces, with 98% of the votes. And Hu Jintao mentioned as a possible successor to Zemin was appointed vice president, while Li Peng assumed the presidency of Congress or Parliament. Zhu Rongji, former minister-prime minister, was elected prime minister; with a new integrated office, mostly by economics specialists, aiming to adapt 370,000 state -owned companies to free trade rules; This process has already taken more than 30 million unemployed. 57 giving the economic reforms undertaken in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping, Zhu Rongj's plans were still returned to the restructuring of the financial capitalist system. In June 1998, President Bill Clinton made a 9 -day trip to China. In April 1999, it was the turn of China's Prime Minister Zhu Rongji to visit the USA. The subject in question was always China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Occurred in nov. 1999 The first manned space navigation. In 2000, during the X five -year plan, (2001 to 2005) the Chinese space sector will be intensified in 2001 - in December 2001 China officially became a member of the World Trade Organization in, October 2002, Jiang Zemin interviewed G.W. Bush in the USA; and in November 2002, at the First Plenary Section of the XVI Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Hu Jintao was elected general secretary of the CC of the CCP. And in March 2003, in the first section of the National Popular Assembly, the new President of the Popular Republic of China was elected Mr. Hu Jintao, who interviewed the President of Russia, Putin, China. And many other foreign policy contacts; This year 2003 were held. It is the suggestion that follows below, of a reform of political economic economic, based on positivist doctrine and eastern fetishism, to avoid mass unemployment of the Chinese population, if it will not opt for the chaotic predominant regime in the West. Ideas that should be emanated from China, for the rest of the world, in choosing a republican societocratic regime, for the future of its people, and other countries, sympathizers of this evolution, for the good of the peaceful evolution of Humanity, here in the kingdom of planet Earth.
Dear Freemasons, I know what Freemasonry is all about. For this, here is an article of my own making. https://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com/2023/07/dear-colleagues-or-future-brother.html
My Capitals are maximized in MORAL
($). But for there to be a social and personal balance, all three must be
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Hoping to be able to participate in
this great group of material businesses ($), I await news, wishing you,
Health, with respect and fraternity.
Paulo Augusto Lacaz
Proclamação da República Sociocrática
A Proclamação da República foi com base na República Sociocrática, por orientação
científica do Positivista Major Benjamin Constant em 1889, que veio falecer em
1891, quando Rui Barbosa por um Golpe escreveu a Constituição Democrática,
redundando nesta desgraça de hoje em dia (2018)
Os Societocratas espontâneos ou sistemáticos, que realmente, comungam hoje em
dia com Augusto Comte , M.Vieillard ;José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, Tiradentes,
Miguel Lemos, Teixeira Mendes , Benjamim Constant , Júlio Prates de Castilho,
Borges de Medeiros, Rondon, Almirante Alfredo de Moraes Filho e que possuem
caráter, de altivez Altruísta; e de lastro de Moral elevada , não se
poderão contentar , jamais com tudo quanto acabamos de
descrever; mas ao mesmo tempo reconhecemos que não basta apontar as incorreções e que é preciso sugerir saídas pacíficas,
compatíveis com a estrutura atual do mundo em que vivemos fazendo-o evoluir cada vez mais para uma evolução pacífica da Humanidade .As reformas sociais são
indubitavelmente necessárias, a própria sobrevivência da espécie
humana queiram ou não queiram os deuses e/ou os reis; os Capitalistas e/ou Os
‘‘Proletários Sem Entusiasmo”, Sem Amor , Sem Inteligência .
- a formação dos Magistrados era de elevado nível MORAL .
Sr Getúlio Vargas (1930 -1945)
l , tinha como general o Pedro Aurélio
de Góes Monteiro , que juntamente com o Arcebispo Sebastião
Leme , queriam destruir o Positivismo e ao mesmo tempo , fazer que
os Militares , ficassem sem cultura;, saber só atirar , esta é
uma das razões de retirar a Escola Militar
da Vila Militar para bem longe , e desta forma evitar
que eles se aculturassem com a população Civil e lá era mais
fácil sofrerem lavagem cerebral, para ficarem brutos , agressivos e
desinteressados para ‘só manusear as armas ; sem terem noção do global . imbuídos
de autoridade , sem diálogo.
Voltemos um pouco no tempo e na devassa.
Mas esta tendência foi violentamente esquecida pela AMAN e ECEME que são um
exemplo de má conduta Social, Moral e Intelectual do Ensino do EB,
promovendo a péssima noção de patriotismo e nacionalismo - Neste momento
se deram uma parte do Marankão Amazônia a uma base Militar dos USA..(2017/18) - se esquecendo que somos um país rico em minérios, petróleo, extensões de terra para
plantio, água e etc. Somos pobres em armamento nuclear, em tecnologias e principalmente
em cérebros com amor a Pátria, se esquecendo de Amar a Nação.