Monday, January 10, 2022

How to foil another coup attempt: (petition) - MoveOn - Welcome to MoveOn, Paulo! Welcome to MoveOn, Paulo!



MoveOn via Progress America <>

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9 de jan. de 2022 16:20


How to foil another coup attempt: (petition)


Dear Paulo,

Sign the petition now telling Congress to protect our democracy from future coups by reforming the vague Electoral Count Act, which Trump aimed to exploit in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

On Jan. 6, 2021, Trump was likely days away from convincing a few state legislatures to take his side and try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Exploiting the vague Electoral Count Act to pull off this fraudulent move was crucial to the strategy by Trump and his allies.

The evidence uncovered by the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection strongly supports this. It has obtained a 38-page plan—circulated inside the Trump White House on Jan. 5, 2021—for Trump to declare a "National Security Emergency," invalidate electronic voting in all states, and seize ballots in an effort to install himself for a second, illegal term.1

Thanks to safeguards in our electoral process, Trump's coup failed. But Trump and his allies are aggressively dismantling the safeguards that blocked his previous coup—so their next attempt may not fail.

Add your name to the petition urging Congress to reform the Electoral Count Act of 1887 to prevent future attempts to overturn fair, democratic elections.

Sign Now

Trump’s plan to enable him to steal the next presidential election is already underway, warns an important investigation in The Atlantic by respected journalist Barton Gellman: “The next attempt to overthrow a national election may not qualify as a coup.” Rather, the loser of the next presidential contest could be certified as the president-elect using the fraudulent maneuver possible under the current Electoral Count Act.2

To save our democracy, we should step up pressure on Congress to adopt badly-needed Electoral Count Act reforms to clarify the process to certify the winner of elections and make it harder to overthrow the voters’ will.

We can’t stand by as Trump and his allies plan to enable the overthrow of future democratic elections.

Sign the petition now telling Congress to prevent exploitation of the Electoral Count Act by reforming it and keep our democracy safe. Then, share this petition to your family and friends.  

Thanks for all you do,

— MoveOn

P.S. This petition was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition to push for progressive change here.


1. "Trump campaign lawyer authored 2 memos claiming Pence could halt Biden’s victory," Politico, December 10, 2021
2. “Trump’s next coup has already begun,” 
The Atlantic, December 06, 2021



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          de: MoveOn Membership Team <> 

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para: Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>

data: 9 de jan. de 2022 18:03

assunto: Welcome to MoveOn, Paulo! Welcome to MoveOn, Paulo!

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MoveOn Membership Team <> Cancelar inscrição

18:03 (há 0 minuto)

para mim


Dear Paulo,

Welcome to MoveOn!


By taking action as a new MoveOn member, you've just joined a community of millions of people across the country—from big cities to rural towns—working to make our country more equitable, just, and a place where everyone can live with dignity.

Meanwhile, the GOP continue to attack the institutions of our democracy, spreading bigotry, racism, xenophobia, and misogyny—and spurring white supremacist violence across the country. That's why it's up to all of us to stand together and fight harder than ever before for our shared progressive values and the future we want to see for generations to come.

MoveOn members like you, Paulo, have been the people-powered engine that ended Republican control of the U.S. House last November, won the Affordable Care Act and defended it, and played a critical role in defeating Trump and his GOP enablers like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell—through digital actions, on-the-ground work, financial support, and more.

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We are facing unprecedented challenges as a nation. The only way forward is to come together to fight to build a country where everyone can thrive.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nick, Manny, Gabby, and the rest of the team

Want to support MoveOn's work? Together, our diverse and vibrant coalition elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We have an opportunity to make progress, but only if we give it our all to call for bold progressive legislation to expand health care, solve the climate crisis, address systemic racism, and more. Will you chip in now to power our work?

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Paulo Lacaz on January 9, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here.

1 comment:

    "" ,,



    Subject :
    Attention: Nick, Manny, Gabby, and the rest of the team

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    Good Morning!

    The solution presented to avoid another coup attempt is highly palliative, but it is valid at this point.

    What the American Society must be aware of is that the Conjuncture and Structure of the Political Regime that reigns in the American Nation is already obsolete, as it belongs to the Metaphysical Period of Humanity Evolution.

    Here are my two lectures on NEW IDEAS of a Political Regime, Policing Capitalist, with Freedom of Democratic Expression, aiming at the Moral and Social Welfare of the American People.

    I sincerely wish you
    Health, with respect and fraternity,
    Paulo Augusto Lacaz
