Sunday, July 23, 2023

Dear Colleagues or future Brother

Introduction to my notions of Freemasonry:

 Freedom of expression through thought of Scientific, Metaphysical, Theological, and Fetishist Intelligence with Social (non-socialist) and Moral responsibility; and the freedom of each one can have their Religion or Dogma or Philosophical Theories, respecting others, to create a Fraternity Climate.

 Therefore, I think and as it is said: "You will be here the only director of your conscience*" - "There in the Temple it is said that no one will question you for my belief nor would he insult me for it".

 As Freemasonry is a Loving Mother in the midst of fratricides struggles and a mediator of Private and State interests and clashing personal passions; therefore being the only force capable of appeasing hatred, subordinating selfishness under human altruism.

 As far as I know, Freemasonry is the only Association that gathers under it Umbrella, the supporters of all Cults, Dogmas and Political Regimes to Glorify, in common, the GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, which is GOD.

GOD IS Omnipresent, Omniscient, Merciful, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Eternal and Absolute.

 As in the Kingdom of Earth everything is RELATIVE and nothing is ABSOLUTE, GOD created in the Brain of the Philosopher August Comte the idea of the Goddess of Humanity**, to better explain the phenomena of Natural Laws, Mathematical Sciences, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology Positive and the Moral or Science of Construction. And finally the 15 Laws of Supreme Fatality in the Kingdom of Mother Earth; explain the behavior of the Human Being in Society and the individual Behavior of the Human Being, with regard to the Psyche or Soul or Mind; which is all Relative. (**) Humanity is the conjoint of BEINGS (Everything that enters our brain, through the 8 Senses) Convergent, from the Past, the Future and the Present; who competed, who will compete and compete for the Social and Moral Well-Being of the HUMAN BEING in the Kingdom of Mother Earth. It is represented by a 30-year-old woman, with a child in her arms, who represents the future.

GOD is very sad because according to the Theologists, only the Souls are entering Hell.

That's why we have to make a Revolutionary Evolution of an idea that encloses: in the Physical order, the expression of the Universal Equilibrium; in the Sentimental order, in the Intellectual order, the supreme Intelligence that reacts and foresees everything; and in the Moral order the Imminent Justice.

For a Revolutionary Evolution to occur in the Field of the Political Regime, to minimize conflicts, where it comes first to improve the Responsibilities of Religions and the Education of Children's Feelings - and for the support of weapons or the International Financial System of the West. That is why I would like your Masonic Lodge to approach these new ideas from the Rothschild Group, so that we can outline the Strategy and Tactics for the future implementation of the Societocratic Republican Capitalist Regime.

I sincerely wish you, 

Health, with Respect and Fraternity

Paulo Augusto Lacaz




1 comment:

  1. UKRAINE X USA July 2013
