Friday, February 23, 2024

Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question Joe Biden - Putin


Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США

🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

❓: Dear Ambassador Antonov, how could the Russian Embassy in Washington DC comment on Biden's insulting attack on Vladimir Putin?

💬 Anatoly Antonov: As soon as the State Department started its work this morning, we sent a strong note of protest about the outrageous nature and inadmissibility of insults from the American leadership to the Russian President.

❌ It is unlikely that the current situation will be resolved with a simple apology, and it does not look like the US authorities will go for it. Strictly speaking, we do not expect an adequate reaction. As we approach the November elections in America, such escapades are becoming routine.

👉 Let me add: The United States is rich in a galaxy of talented and wise politicians who have done a lot to transform this country into a powerful and once respected power. However, in today's Washington, they have practically forgotten the precepts of their ancestors. It is enough to mention John F.Kennedy, who spoke at the height of the Cold War about the importance of treating Russia with respect, avoiding derogatory statements. On the contrary, tabloid-type fights and obscene language, which were sinned against in the Wild West, have become commonplace here.

☝️The Administration continues to destroy the remnants of the positive legacy of Russia-U.S. relations. Everything is being done to provoke us to take emotional retaliatory steps. It is obvious that rudeness, swearing, obscene statements do not serve to strengthen strategic security, which is in high demand in current historical conditions.

📌 We are convinced that the impermissible rhetoric of the U.S. authorities only testifies to the powerlessness and lack of common sense in the current policy towards Russia. 

Paulo Augusto Lacaz
Уважаемый Посол Анатолий Иванович, Вы дали первый дипломатический ответ высокого уровня, имеющий морально-этическую основу, который вызвал неприятие американского народа отказом голосовать за переизбрание.
Г-н Джо Байден, обеспечивающий победу
кандидат Дональд Трамп

1 comment:

  1. Reporte entrevista o Presidente Vladimir Putin
