Sunday, October 1, 2017

Accelerating World Progress - BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION - News Edition (2022)


Dear  Ms. Melinda  and Mr. Bill Gates,

Good Night 

    As the U.S. economic and military power camouflages the diagnosis of its own internal social and moral problems - A Country Perplex With Self - -  and external ; more and more complex, and even so, has been transmitting to the World the illusion of the Political Regime adopted by us - Democracy - , but that must continue keeping and supporting with the Capitalist System Police and Free Media, but have to undergo a Change in its Structural and Conjuctural form.

 For this, I propose the Societocratic Republican Regime, to be analyzed, by a working group, by CSO - SCCBESME HUMANITY and you.

But for Accelerating World Progress to be possible, for it to be unavoidable, there is a need for the Bill Gates Foundation to seek New Ideas, to apply their Donations - Philanthropy , along with political leaders from around the world, listening to them for information, other than empirically but rather by systematized scientific basis of the Laws of Sociology and Positive Morals, to actually create projects that can Accelerate Progress towards the Global Objectives for long periods.

This way of doing Philanthropy without changing the key points of the Social Environment and Positive Morals of Societies will be very difficult to give a solid result, for long periods.

But there is no doubt that what you plan will minimize the suffering of many people.

   But as the four plagues that attack the World of Today are: Corruption, Misery, Diseases, and Wars we need overlapping actions to reduce them.

  As corruption is favored in most governments by the kinds of Political and Judicial Regime existing today, we have to suggest to the Political Statesmen, not necessarily rich, that they are supported by a Keynesian Free-Media System with Policed Capitalism.

Then you will collaborate with philanthropic donations, as long as they modify their political regimes *, maintaining their population, with freedom of religious choice; but separating the State from the Churches, accompanied by Child Education Plans, with standards to raise the Responsibility of Religions in the Kingdom of Mother Earth. -

For this reason, The Misery, The Diseases, and The Wars will be drastically reduced.

For this to occur, we will cautiously request the Conservator's License, showing the advantages of this change; to maintain the climatic conditions of Planet Earth.

What Conservatives should we elucidate our goals to minimize the 4 pests that inhabit Planet Earth?
First, we invoke the powerful US Empire with the empiricism of global government, aggravated by the metaphysical democratic regime; and overlapping action when entering the New-New World Order to achieve our goals.

Hoping to have contributed to your Strategy, we are not here to make just friends, we are here to find out the facts and make a difference.

The difference causes the Union to occur and then comes the Unity and finally the Continuity.
With your help, we can stir things up even more.

Call us!

I wish you,
Health with respect and fraternity,
Alfonsa Ana e Paulo Augusto Lacaz
.PS: As you received the visit from Mr. Barack Obama, I hope to be able to meet you, on October 5, 2017, in São Paulo - Brazil, to show superficially my projects in search of resources for the progress of my work -

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