Monday, June 26, 2017

The future of our healthcare

de:The Sanders por 
para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:26 de junho de 2017 15:18
assunto:The future of our healthcare

Our Revolution

Paulo Augusto,

We all understand that healthcare in the United States is complicated.

Why is it that every other industrialized country has a universal healthcare system while the US has yet to find a solution that works for the many?

Why is it that we spend far more per capita on healthcare but still leave millions without any coverage?

This past week, the Senate began debating the American Health Care Act (AHCA) with a vote on that bill expected to take place later this week. 

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 14 million more people would be uninsured in 2018 under the new plan than under current law; and by 2026 the number of uninsured would reach 51 million Americans. 

While the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has made strides to cover more Americans, it is estimated that 28 million would still not have health insurance in 2026. 

Either way, we have a long way to go.

Many believe that it is time to explore other options when it comes to how we provide healthcare in the United States.

In a joint effort, National Nurses United and The Sanders Institute have published a paper that speaks to the current state of healthcare in the US and explores the option of a Medicare-for-all single payer system.

Thank you for staying engaged,

The Sanders Institute


The Sanders Institute is a pending 501(c)(3) organization.

Friday, June 23, 2017

I am going back on the road

para:Paulo Augusto Lacaz <>
data:23 de junho de 2017 18:29
assunto:I am going back on the road

Friends of Bernie Sanders

Paulo Augusto -

   This is literally insane.

Senate Republicans are talking about passing a bill that impacts one-sixth of the American economy, that touches every single American family, and it is going through a process where perhaps a dozen Republicans are the only people in America who know what’s in this bill. 

They’ve kept it secret, kept it hidden, and now at the last possible second are going to rush it before the U.S. 

Senate to get a vote.

It’s a disgrace.

They call it a health care bill, but how can it be a health care bill when it throws 23 million people off of insurance, slashes Medicaid, and defunds Planned Parenthood? 

God knows what the implication of this legislation will be on our children, the elderly, and those with chronic illness.

Sometimes you have a hard time understanding what kind of world these guys are living in.

Time is running out. It is up to all of us to act in an unprecedented way. We have to think big and do everything humanly possible to make sure this horrendous piece of legislation does not become law.

So this week, I am going back on the road to visit states where there are Republican Senators who can and should vote to stop this moral abomination. I will be in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia on Saturday and Sunday. I will be talking about how unspeakable it would be to throw millions of people off of health insurance and in the same bill give tax breaks to the rich and multinational corporations. We will share the stories of people who will be impacted by this bill.

But I will also be asking why is it that the United States is the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all of its people as a right. I will be asking why we pay far more per capita than any other nation for health care with worse outcomes and the highest prices for prescription drugs.

And I will be discussing the Medicare-for-all, single-payer legislation that I will soon be introducing in the United States Senate.

But I cannot do it alone. I need your help.

People who cannot afford health care do not deserve to die, but that is what will happen if this bill passes. If there are rallies in your area, please attend them. Please work with me to revitalize American democracy and advance our political revolution.
Thank you for your continued support.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

                                                     Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402
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Saturday, June 17, 2017

II - First Answer in English - Welcome to The Sanders Institute

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2017-06-16 8:14 GMT-03:00
Subject: Re: Reply - Welcome to The Sanders Institute

            Our Revolution
      Subject:  Welcome to The Sanders Institute
               Att:  Mrs. Dr. Jane O´Meara Sanders

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

                I am very happy to have been reminded, as a member of SCCBESME HUMANITY, to join a major Non-Profit Organization, which will bring people together to learn from each other and decide how to make the USA and other countries their allies, Brazil, to get Progress  (Proletarian) solutions, less Anarchic, orchestrated by an Order (Employer) less Retrograde; Focusing on solutions to the Human Feeling Education questions, Scientific / Technological Education; from Justice regarding the Right Laws Subordinate under DUTIES Laws of: Individual, Domestic, Civic or Patriotic; Western, Eastern and Planetary; In the Capital Material ($), with respect to Economic Activity - Corruption; With regard to the Environment - Pollution and the Social and Moral Conflicts of our Societies.

Because I know that you are propagating that we have to learn a lot from each other, I am carrying a New Idea of Political Regime – SOCIETOCRATIC REPUBLICAN, which is not Communist, is not Nazi and is not Fascist. It communes with Policed Capitalism System.

I am sure that we will make The Sanders Institute a REALITY of high World respect; Because we will be United and we will have a supply from a Scientific Doctrine Unity,  to make us resistant, to maintain the necessaries Continuities of our Implanted Suggestions, from our social and moral works.

 As the Sanders Institute Foundation is comprised of leaders dedicated to transforming American Democracy, through Research, Feelings Education, Scientific Instruction, the dissemination and advancement of New Ideas and bold and developmental values, similar to Feelings, Thoughts and To the modes of action, still of the Unknown Brazilian Leaders, who operate in SCCBESME HUMANITY, for the Social and Moral Welfare of the Peaceful Humanity Evolution.

                                        Let's Fight!

I am sure that we will make The Sanders Institute a REALITY of high world respect; because we will be united and we will have a Scientific Doctrinal Base Unit, to make us resistant, to maintain the necessary Continuity, of our Implanted Suggestions, due to our work.

But we will have to take into account in our analysis, about individual American problems, listed below under the influences created by the New World Order, NWO, and now, after 1990 when NNWO was created and in 2017 the situation of NNWO is thus
I enjoy reviewing the opinion of a great American citizen(*): Dr. Steve Pieczenik - By the exposed in  and "Thank you: to all those who are now standing against this corruption, standing for what is right, for the American Nation and I use to say to Humanity itself. Thank youGerald Hartman” (*) He is an American science fiction writer, former United States Department of State official, psychiatrist, and publisher.
Due to this World situation in which we live today, it would be worth trying to request changes in a peaceful way, in recalling a work elaborated by the Positivist Philosopher August Comte -Appeal to Conservatives -      

For us to draw a Strategy, some Tactics and Logistics, Scientifically, within this Educational panorama of Mind or Human Psyche; The Scientific and Technological Instruction, the Art of Judiciary, Medical Art, Political Art and Economic Technology, to apply what we can.

We will have to first among the many Conservatives to contact     Rothschild Group to initiate our suggestions for change.

Following is the listing of the American Problems indicated by The Sanders Institute, in the link:
From now on the comments and suggestions regarding the above-mentioned items will be sent as attachments.

         I reinforce this link, an email sent to OURREVOLUTION, where I show the intentions of SCCBESME HUMANITY and my current problems.
If you want a translation from Portuguese to English, more perfect than the one realized by Google Translate, it is possible to be realized here in Brazil, next to me, to clarify the doubts, with the expert Mr. Eduardo Lobo. He would estimate a budget - Number of man-hours, the value of man-hour (US $ / Hour) and you would pay directly to him. The form of payment you would combine.

Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with Respect and Fraternity,

Paulo Augusto Lacaz

Thursday, June 15, 2017

First Answer - Welcome to The Sanders Institute

            Our Revolution
                                   Subject:  Welcome to The Sanders Institute                       
                                              Att:  Mrs. Dr. Jane O´Meara Sanders

Caros Senhoras e Senhores,

           Estou muito contente de ter sido lembrado, como membro da SCCBESME HUMANIDADE, para participar de uma importante Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos, que reunirá as pessoas, para aprender uns com os outros e decidir como fazer os USA e os outros países seus aliados, como o Brasil, a obter soluções Progressistas (Proletários), menos Anárquicas, orquestradas por uma Ordem (Patronal) menos Retrógrada; enfocando soluções para as questões de  Educação dos Sentimentos Humanos, de Instrução Científica/Tecnológica; de Justiça no Campo da Subordinação  das Leis do Direito às Leis dos DEVERES: Individuais, Domésticos, Cívico ou Patriótico; Ocidentais, Orientais e Planetários; no Campo do Capital Material ($), no que diz respeito a atividade Econômica - Corrupção; no que se refere ao Meio Ambiente – Poluição e aos Conflitos Sociais e Morais de nossas Sociedades.

          Por saber que os Senhores propagam que temos que muito aprender uns com os outros, estou levando uma Nova Ideia de  Regime Político, que não é  Comunista, não é Nazista e não é Fascista. Ele comunga com o Capitalismo Policiado.

         Como a Fundação do Instituto Sanders é composta por líderes dedicados à transformar a Democracia Americana, através da Pesquisa, da Educação dos Sentimentos, da Instrução Científica, da  divulgação e avanço de Novas Idéias e valores arrojados e desenvolvimentistas, semelhantes aos Sentimentos, aos Pensamentos e aos modos de Agir, ainda dos Desconhecidos Líderes Brasileiros, que operam na SCCBESME HUMANIDADE, para o Bem Estar Social e Moral da Evolução Pacífica da Humanidade;
                          Vamos a Luta!   
         Tenho certeza que nós tornaremos o The Sanders Institute uma REALIDADE de elevado respeito Mundial; pois seremos Unidos e teremos uma Unidade de base Doutrinária Científica, para nos tornar resistentes, em mantermos a necessária Continuidade, das nossas Sugestões Implantadas, devido aos nossos trabalhos.

        Mas, teremos que levar em consideração em nossas analises, referente aos problemas individuais Americanos, listados abaixo, sob as influências criadas pela Nova Ordem Mundial -  New World Order or NWO – e agora, após 1990 quando surgiu a NNWO e em 2017 a situação da NNWO está assim:

      Aproveito repasso a opinião de um grande pensador Americano: Dr. Steve Pieczenik - , pelo exposto em e “Obrigado: a todos aqueles que agora estão de pé contra esta corrupção, de pé para o que é certo, para  a Nação Americana e eu uso dizer para a própria Humanidade. Obrigado. Gerald Hartman

       Em função desta situação Mundial em que vivemos hoje, seria válido atentar para solicitar mudanças de forma pacífica, em recordarmos um trabalho elaborado pelo Filósofo Positivista Augusto Comte – Apelo aos Conservadores Liberais –  -    para traçarmos uma Estratégia, algumas Táticas e Logísticas, de forma Científica, dentro  deste panorama Educacional da Mente ou Psique Humana; da Instrução Científica/Tecnológica, da Arte do Judiciário, da Arte Médica, da Arte Política e da Tecnologia  Econômia, para aplicarmos no que for possível.

       Teremos que primeiramente entre os muitos Conservadores,  contactar a Casa Rothschild, para iniciar nossas sugestões de mudança.

       Segue a listagem dos Problemas Americanos indicados pelo The Sanders Institute, no link:  para colaboração:

         A partir de agora os comentários e sugestões referentes aos Itens acima citados vão ser enviados como anexos.

         Reforço com este link, um e-mail enviado para a OURREVOLUTION, onde mostro as intenções da SCCBESME HUMANIDADE e meus pleitos.

Caso vocês desejem uma tradução do idioma português para o Inglês, mais perfeito que o realizado pelo Google Translate é possível ser realizado aqui no Brasil, ao meu lado, para esclarecer  as dúvidas, com o especialista Mr. Eduardo Lobo. Ele estimaria um orçamento – Número de homens-hora, o valor do homem-hora (US$/Hora) e vocês pagariam diretamente à ele. A forma de pagamento vocês combinariam.

Sinceramente, desejo-lhes,

Saúde, com Respeito e Fraternidade,
Paulo Augusto Lacaz